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The Victorian manor owned by Wren because all vampires own Victorian manors of course


Wren, a powerful and deadly vampire who runs a laboratory company (which is where she gets her blood bags) with a major soft spot for the listener but an equally major hunger for blood - whether it comes in liquid form or human form.

The listener, a human who is in love with Wren and is her live-in lover.


Wren has returned home from a draining day at work. She wants to cuddle with the listener and just indulge in their warm and comforting presence, but the drain on her today means she needs blood. And the delivery that was supposed to come today hasn’t - the ditz at the office must have misdelivered it. She tries to resist biting the listener, but eventually gives in - and then devours them. Though being full takes her out of her trance, she shows no signs of wanting to reverse course.


(SFX: Door opens, high-heeled footsteps approach)
Wren: (exhausted but relieved, finally home after a long day, collapsing onto the couch and holding the listener’s hand) Mmf… I’m home…
(SFX: the creak of a well-aged couch being sat on heavily, then movement of skin on skin)

Wren: (laughing tiredly) I missed you too. (affectionately) Your hands feel so warm…
Wren: (quiet indulgence) Just hold me for a little while…
(SFX: more rustling of cloth and skin)
Wren: (quiet indulgence, sigh) Hh… you’re the only thing that can soothe the chill in my heart.
Wren: (quiet affection) If there’s a god, I think they might not be so bad, if they gave me you.
(SFX: soft rustling as the lovers settle)
Wren: (back to business mode for a moment) I need a drink. Could you go get me one, babe?

(SFX: soft socked footsteps, the pop of a fridge door being opened)

Wren: (surprised, uneasy) None left? A delivery should have come today - you brought it in, right?
(SFX: fridge closes, socked footsteps return)

Wren: (gradual realization, angry) No… She was supposed to bring a crate of it here. (gradually becoming monstrous and distorted in tone) She must have delivered it to the hospital with the rest. That worthless ditz…

Wren: (calming down to mere anxiety, voice returning to normal with a sigh of relief) Hhh… Oh, hun. I hope so.
Wren: (anxious, afraid of eating the listener) What could we even do?

Wren: (disbelieving, dismissive) Hunt? No. I’m already under so much suspicion right now… if I make a move like that, I’ll be staked for sure.
Wren: (softening the above with affection) But thanks for trying, babe.
Wren: (gentle affection) You’re always here for me when I need you.
Wren: (breathing deeply, interrupted by noticing hunger) You’re always…
Wren: (creeping horror, hunger starting to build) Babe, you should go.

Wren: (mixed affection and concern) That’s sweet, but you really have to.
Wren: (lustfully losing herself to her hunger, voice distorting slightly in places) I don’t know if I can hold back from indulging in you.

(SFX: slowly approaching high heeled footsteps)
Wren: (desperate with rising hunger) Mmh, I need you so badly right now, if you don’t leave soon…
(SFX: wall slam (kabeDON))
Wren: (slipping into sultry hunting mode) I don’t know if I can protect you from… me.
Wren: (trying to fight her instincts) Stop squirming like that, you’re giving me a craving.
Wren: (sultry, hungry) I don’t know if I could stop at biting you, either.
Wren: (teasing, playing with her food) Does the thought of being part of me scare you or excite you?

Wren: (deadly serious, voice distorting) Don’t lie to me… I can taste it.
Wren: (light laugh, teasing, voice now fully distorted) That blend of fear and arousal, dread and desire to be marked by me… to lose yourself to me…
(SFX: wet licks on a soft, vulnerable neck oh no)
Wren: (moaning with anticipation) In me…

(SFX: light kisses, exhaling breath, fangs sinking in, soft gulp)
Wren: (satisfied) What a flavor… Nothing compares to fresh, and you…
Wren: (sultry, exhilarated) You taste exquisite, my darling…
Wren: (rationalizing with herself more than talking to her food) Let’s be honest with ourselves… You were never going to last long, were you? Better it be me than someone else.
Wren: (possessive) I’m never going to let anyone else take you from me.
Wren: (sultry, possessive) I’m just going to make you all mine…
(SFX: the listener being gulped down to that tight vampire tummy)
Wren: (blissed out of her mind) Ohhh, ffffu-
(SFX: Wren’s naughty word being interrupted by a mighty belch)
Wren: (slightly embarrassed but still blissed out) That felt so good. I haven’t done that in so long!
Wren: (relaxing out of her high now, voice distortions starting to fade) I haven’t been this full since… My, I can’t remember when.
(SFX: squish noises as Wren feels around for the listener)
Wren: (voice fully returned to normal, small burp, playful) Urph… Isn’t it comfy in there? I’ve never had any return visitors, but no one’s ever complained, either.

Wren: (genuinely surprised) Let you out?
Wren: (teasing scolding) I did warn you what would happen if you stuck around. It’s a little late for that.
Wren: (affectionate, gentle) This was so sweet of you… You’ll keep me full for a week.

Wren: (surprised again, but dismissive, switching to seduction to try to encourage her prey to settle down) I know, love. But you’re not in control anymore.
Wren: (firm, affectionate) My body is. And it’s going to take full advantage of the generous gift you’ve given me…
Wren: (soothing) So just lay back and relax. Enjoy my embrace. Let your mind and body drift away in me…
Wren: (soothing, indulgent) Just know that you’re the best meal I’ve had in a long… long time.
(SFX: gurgles and burps continue)

Wren: (gently, as if not wanting to wake a drowsy listener) You’re getting quite soft in there, aren’t you?
Wren: (softly delighted, rocking her stomach) Mmf… at long last, you’re all mine… For all eternity.
Wren: (final, lingering affection) Good night, my darling. I love you…
Wren: (contented sigh…)
(SFX: … massive burp)
Wren: (delighted, drowsy) Mm. Now that was a meal.
(SFX: less substantial sloshing)
Wren: (thoughtful, starting to get Awful Ideas) Maybe you were right, my love. Maybe it is time for me to hunt some more.
Wren: (smug, condescending) Maybe I should put the fear of me into these humans again…
Wren: (switching to affection) …but I promise you, none of them will be as satisfying as you were. You’ll be a meal to remember.
Wren: (tired, stuffed, ready for a nap, yawning) Mmmn… But for now… I’m going to sleep you off and hope you go to my chest. My thighs don’t need any more help…
Wren: (wry teasing) Heh. Sweet dreams, babe.

(SFX: curtain being drawn aside)
Wren: (curious, surprised) Oh, wow. I slept through the day to sunset? I haven’t done that since I was freshly turned.
Wren: (playful) You’re making me regress. I feel like a newborn immortal all over again.
(SFX: rustle rustle, Wren trying to put on her bra)
Wren: (pained) Ah! That’s- that’s so tight! And that’s the last hook, too…
Wren: (realizing) … You did give my chest your love, didn’t you, my darling? My, my.
Wren: (chuckling, wryly) Hahaha. I just didn’t think about the consequences. Fifty years without a living meal… now all of a sudden here I am acting surprised when you actually do as I ask.
Wren: (smugly teasing) Such a good little pet. I would reward you for your obedience, but. I don’t know if you appreciate being felt up like this~
Wren: (thinking aloud) I will have to call Elissa to go on a shopping outing with me this weekend. We’re going to need to refresh my wardrobe.
Wren: (noticing, disappointed, pinching her tummy) Oof, and perhaps speak to my personal trainer… that tummy paunch is quite embarrassing. My naughty little pet. You just want to be front and center, don’t you?
(SFX: fabric rustling)
Wren: (content) There. That will do for now. Ready to start our eternity together, darling?

-Submitted by Reya C.


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