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[Tags: Pred POV, oral vore, mass vore, same size, digestion, fatal, female pred, female prey, willing prey, voreception]

Premise: You are at an job interview for a important position at a large company. The interviewer has eaten the previous applicants and you prove yourself to be the exception.

Applicant: Another applicant for the position you are being interviewed for, she is tired in the beginning but is upbeat and excited.

Interviewer: The CEO of a large company interviewing people for an important position. She is professional and serious, but can be teasing at times.

(You enter an office waiting room, the door closing behind you. A clock ticks in the background as a small group of people talk about something, they pause as you enter and they continue talking as you take seat.)

Interviewer over intercom: "Would applicant 3, please, enter my office."

*A door opens and closes as someone leaves the room. The group of people continue to talk, the clock ticking in the background, when a women suddenly enters the room out of breath and panting*

Applicant: "Excuse me? Is this the place for the interview?" (pause) "Phew, Just in time!"

*She catches her breath and takes a seat next to you*

A: (friendly) "Wow, there's more people her than I thought there would be. The qualifications were so specific! I thought there would be a lot less people here, what with who is doing the interviews."

A: (excited) "I know! If it's the CEO herself doing the interviews, the position must be super important! She's only expecting the very best to show up and hopefully that's me!"

A: (surprised, intimidated) "Oh, wow! I almost didn't recognize you at first. You're pretty infamous here, must be why everyone is avoiding you.... I hope that didn't come off bad, I mean, you have to know what people say about you. You're, like, one of the scariest supervisors here. I'm sure you're not so bad, you just gotta do what you gotta do, especially at this place."

Intercom: "Would applicant 4, please, enter my office."

A: (excited) "I think that's me! Well, wish me luck! May the best applicant win! Bye!"

*The door open and closes as the woman leaves the room. The group of people and ticking clock gradually fade into silence as the time passes. The sound comes back with only the ticking of the clock being the only sound."

Intercom: "Would applicant 13, please, enter my office."

*As you enter the office you immediately hear loud gurgling as the door closes behind you."

Interviewer: (friendly) "Hello, welcome."

*Her gigantic belly sloshes as she stands to greet you. You can hear the muffled panic and shouting from inside her stomach*

I: "It's very nice to meet you as well. Please, take a seat."

*She lets out a burp.*

I: (professionally) "You must excuse me, I've had a lot to eat today."

*She pats her expansive belly which lets out a loud gurgle as she sits.*

I: "Also, please forgive my state of undress, it seems several "applicants" have already digested and have been going straight to my hips and breasts."

I: (teasing) "I do hope that it is not too distracting.~"

*She lets out a large burp.*

I: (friendly) "How about we start by having you tell me about yourself."

*You hear faint sound of fabric stretching before loudly ripping.*

I: (surprised, then politely) "Oh my! Please, continue, don't mind me."

*Some papers shuffle around as she looks through them.*

I: (friendly) "Yes I did see that in your résumé. I must say, you are quite qualified for this position, but what would you consider some of your shortcomings?"

*She burps.*

I: (amused) "Well, I would hardly call that a flaw! In fact, I would say that would be a great strength to have here.~"

I: (professionally) "I think I would like to hear more about your accomplishments now."

*She chuckles.*

I: (joyfully) "You almost remind me of myself, when I first started here. Ah.~ So many good memories. So many interns..... But I digress, please, tell me more."

*The gurgling inside her stomach is calm for a moment before becoming violent and much louder causing her to let out a small burp."

I: (patiently, calmly) "Mhmm, yes."

*There is loud gurgling and sloshing from her belly. The muffled shouting and grunting becoming louder before she lets out a massive, long belch with several pieces of clothing landing with several splats onto the desk in front of you, the panic inside her stomach dying off.*

I: (apologetic) "Oh, Excuse me! I'm terribly sorry. Could you please throw those into the trash for me? I can't quite reach that far."

*There are squelching sounds as you pick up the partially digested garments and throw them in a trash bin.*

I: (grateful) "Thank you for that. Here, clean your hands on my handkerchief. Oh! You already have one. Very prepared, I see.~"

*The only sounds are the gurgles of her stomach and her occasional burping, before her belly sloshes loudly as she laughs.*

I: (amazed) "Really that was you? Ha! I always wondered what happened to her!"

I: (reassuring) "Oh, you don't need to worry if she was your superior. Clearly, she didn't belong here if she couldn't fend you off."

*She opens a drawer and places some papers on her desk*

I: (contemplative) "Hmm, well, I think that I've heard enough."

*Her sloshing belly becomes louder as she gets up and stands in front of you.*

I: (congratulatory) "I think that you'll make a wonderful CEO."

*She laughs causing more sloshing from her stomach.*

I: "Yes, the position these interviews were for was mine. You see, I've been at this company for many years now and have seen it prosper and grow under my leadership. And now, I think it's time I let the next generation take the reigns."

I: "But there is one more thing to go over. A final test, if you will."

I: (serious) "I need you to devour me, right this moment, with all this meat still within me."

*She slaps her stomach causing loud sloshing.*

I: "Oh, I'm quite serious. I would rather starve than have this company be taken by some fledging that could barely choke down a chicken. My successor must be someone with tenacity, ambition and most importantly: an appetite greater than mine ever was."

*Her stomach gurgles loudly with the end of her speech and she burps as the last word leaves her mouth.*

I: "I do so hope that I have chosen wisely and that you won't disappoint me. Of course, I won't go easy on you. Even if I'm multiple times bigger than your average meal, I need to make sure you are the greatest predator I've ever met."

*You start swallowing her when the last word leaves her mouth. There is a lot of swallowing as you choke her down. Her belly sloshing at almost every swallow and your stomach groans as it takes in her even more massive stomach.*

I: (excited, happily, muffled) "Yes! That is exactly what I want to see! I can feel you making good progress but you still have a ways to go!"

*You keep swallowing more and more of her. Her stomach gurgling and sloshing as you choke it down. And your stomach groans as it stretches to contain all of her. After much swallowing , you slurp up the last of her. Your stomach sloshing loudly.*

I: (excited, happily) "I must say, I am very impressed! It feels as though you have trained your entire life for this very moment!"

*She burps from within as you let out a long monstrous belch.*

I: (serious) "Now, of course, this isn't the end. I do need to see if you really can contain me. I've dealt with many predators that have thought that they had managed to overcome me, but I have proven them wrong on many occasions."

*Your stomach sloshes as she struggles and grunts from within you. You burp several times, often after she lets out her own belches.*

I: (amazed) "I really do think your gut may be the most impressive I've ever experienced. Can you even feel my struggling? I really am doing my best here."

*You burp.*

I: (resigned, out of breath) "Well, I think I've done all I can. You really are as astonishing as I thought you were."

I: "You'll find everything you need to start on my desk and don't worry about the chair. I had it made to handle a lot more.~ But for now, just relax and let your body work on me."

*Her sigh is drowned out by loud gurgling. You burp occasionally."

I: (slowly becoming more tired) "I can feel it, my time is coming to a close. I think now, my only regret is not being able to watch you......"

*Your stomach sloshes loudly and you belch as her voices fades away.*

-Submitted by Ignorantapostle


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