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We're over $10! Might not sound like much, but TBH at this point there's a real possibility my Patreon funding will outpace Youtube ad earnings month-by-month which was my initial goal. Couple new Patreons the last couple days and I'm honestly not sure how to contact them outside of this so--thanks, you two!

Speaking of goals, I really want to find some proper rewards and goals to have for Patreon, but I'm honestly a bit stumped--since everything I make is free and I pretty much want to keep it that way (unless I were to produce entirely different content like novels, games). If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear 'em.

The most obvious goal is "remove ads on Youtube", which I do kind of want to do, but that's complicated. Basically ad earnings aren't static, and if I were to suddenly increase in popularity on youtube but not Patreon my goal would be out of whack. I've decided a number I think is comfortably above what I expect to make from Youtube, but I'm not going to put up a goal until I see how this Youtube Red thing shakes out...I'm not actually sure how I earn money from it honestly. If it turns out to increase monetization (but still require I run ads) I might have to rethink my goals. So I'll hold off on that a bit. TBH I'm not expecting a huge difference but I'd love to be surprised.

I was also considering offering more frequent streams as a goal, but streams are currently pretty high-stress for me (something breaks every time) so I'm just going to try and make one a week work and not go above until that feels natural.

Once again, thanks! My explicit expenses this year have been new capture software, a new capture card, and hosting/domain for the website, Patreon funds should actually pay back a reasonable chunk of that at this rate!


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