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 Update to the Patreon Board Game Night this weekend: We're getting close to the event and I'd like a rough roll call/RSVP for everyone who's planning to make it. I already got a good set of people from Discord but this will be the last Patreon post before the event so if you plan to attend either reach out in the discord or otherwise contact me so we can get you all set up.Anyone who's an active patron is eligible, so as long as you subscribe before the stream and join the discord, we can get you in, just let me know. Remember that if you don't have a reward selected on my Patron page, it won't add your role on the discord.


We'll be playing Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival, and no one has to own the game or anything but voice chat; TapTap will be playing and streaming the game locally, and whenever a team's character needs to make a choice, the team will decide what to do and say it over voice chat.If you don't know how to play, it's a simple board game. Most everything is a dice roll, and the goal is to have the most Happiness points. To do so you want to buy Turnips for a low price and sell them for a high one, and reach all 4 corners of the map for bonus stamps.


I'm not sure how many rounds we'll do, rounds last about an hour. each. Feel free to join in both days we're streaming! Saturday's stream is normal time, Sunday's stream is earlier to be easier on EU area patrons.

Stream links, including countdown timers & reminders:

Saturday @ 6 PM CST

Sunday  @ 1 PM CST


Here's who's planning to come:

SirTapTap: Both days (If you couldn't guess) 

DocSigma: Both days 

Capitalist111: Both 

Hazey: Both CremexButter: Both 

Musiquenonstop: Both 

Zepherelli: Saturday

Maybes: Rowan Kerosene


The game supports 4 players, so we'll split everyone into teams (of 2-3, based on current numbers). Doesn't matter too much to me but if you have someone you prefer to team up with, ask them and we'll sort everyone into teams just before the stream either way. 


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