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This is an idea I've been mulling for a while and started to talk about during last night's call-in stream with some patrons. So I figured it's about time I finally try something out and I've decided we're going to try it out next weekend with Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival! 

To clarify you don't need the game to join the stream!

People who join the VC will play along (no game or wii u needed) and we'll all voice a private VC and chill. The video itself would be live, just only patrons could talk (if we want to, we can do totally private streams where no one can hear in the future too).


If all goes well I'm thinking saturday/sunday August 4th/5th. If the usual 6PM Central time slot is an issue (I know there's lots of EU region patrons), we could schedule one at Noon Central and one at 6 or whatever works. Leave a comment saying what time(s) work for you and what amiibo you want (we'll likely have to split up "teams" per amiibo). Also feel free to suggest ideas for games/other things to do. I'm planning to make patron voice streams a somewhat regular occurance; probably not quite every week though due to limited time. 

Why Amiibo Festival?

The thing about Amiibo Festival is that it's so simple and luck based, each player has basically no input but a couple decisions a turn; this means I can just play the game for everyone and have them say in voice chat what their move is when it's their turn. It's like online co-op but no one else has to own the game but me.

ACAF also works really well since it's so calm and "boring", it'll allow much more chatter and much less taptap yelling at the screen, which happened a bit in the Mothergunship stream. For call-in streams it'll probably be best to stick to calmer things for that reason.

We can also split players into "teams" per amiibo (max of 4 players ingame) since it's likely we'll end up with more than 4 people calling in counting myself. I have all AC amiibo so teams can vote on which they want.


To participate you'll need to be part of my discord and connect Patreon with your discord (also, you have to claim a reward tier, any of them) to get your Patreon role in Discord to access the voice chat. All Patreon tiers are eligible and it'll likely stay that way unless things become completely unmanageable.

You'll also want to set up Push to Talk in Discord if you haven't already (it makes things much smoother for large voice calls) and maybe pop in to the VC and say hi in either the Patron Only or General VC channels to get used to how discord VC works, meet others, or whatever. 

You don't need AC Amiibo Festival nor do you even really need to know how to explain. I'll explain it when the call starts, but basically it's a simple board game with no minigames and the dice rolls determine almost everything. 


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