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With the Kuja pirates leaving our ship alone now I went to my neglected friends room as I had to keep Kokomi from being seen in case she used any water magic at all... The massive shitstorm should the World Government hear that there was someone who had a 'water/sea' devil fruit would be catastrophic.

"Kokomi, you keeping yourself entertained?" I asked quietly in my deep voice as I came closer to the priestess of Watatsumi Island and her pupilless pools of dark blue blinked as she smiled gently with her shaking her head.

Kokomi with that same smile gave her book a quick little shake as she said easily. "I am not so easily disturbed by a day of peace Jake. Being able to read a nice relaxed war strategy book, humans use against Fishmen of this world has been a most engaging read I tell you."

I shook my head in amusement seeing that Kokomi was fine after she went into hiding deep inside Belfast's ship and after a second I said relaxedly. "Alright then, I just wanted to check up on you and tell you, it should be fine for you to join me for dinner as Lotara and Belfast are getting some extra supplies."

A weak pout was my answer as Kokomi looked between me and her stack of books clearly wanting to stay with her beloved strategy and war craft books... But she nodded and dutifully followed me as we headed towards Belfast's cafeteria to get some food.


Back on the island of the Kuja Pirates, Boa Hancock was staring at the Stamp with a clearly distressed expression as she pondered over its use. "I just don't trust it honestly... And to stamp myself and have another mark on my perfect body?" Boa muttered as her two sisters in Marigold and Sandersonia nodded.

As the golden sun/hoof brand upon their backs that signified their slavery and being property of the World Nobles was their greatest shame.

But after a moment the golden-haired sister in Boa Marigold said bluntly. "And if there is a chance that he wasn't lying? And if this... Devil Fruit-attributed stamp could actually get rid of the Hoof of the Dragon on our backs?"

Boa froze at her sister's words before sighed and with some frustration said with annoyance. "The biggest issue I have, is that Captain Tsuru is still alive so this stamp shouldn't have the Wash Wash fruits abilities... But with artificial devil fruits and the devil fruits that are basically the same just different expressions like a million different bird or animal devil fruits..."

Hancock's words were also true as who knows if Tsuru's Wash Wash fruit was the clothes-washing variant of the Wash Wash fruit. And this one was the dishwashing wash wash fruit that could wipe away imperfections or something. That was their biggest issue.

"Boa, how many people even know of our connection with Silvers Rayleigh anyway?" Her other sister in the large-headed green-haired Sandersonia asked with Boa giving her a look before she shook her head saying firmly.

"No one! If anyone knew our connection, should they have known... The World Government would automatically assume we were escaped slaves!" Boa said confidently as she was well aware that the World Government was well aware of how Rayleigh was constantly freeing slaves heading to Mariejois.

So after a moment of looking at the stamp, Marigold spoke up again. "Fine, if they already know of our connection with Rayleigh and seeing as it isn't a Marine invasion with a Buster Call for our island, I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt."

And she continued as she looked at her sisters. "Go ahead and stamp me on my back and according to the letter in 72 hours, all foreign imperfections will be wiped away... We are the kings of the Lostbelt, should anything happen we can easily chase him down in his metal ship!"

After a long moment Boa Hancock bit her lower lip and then slowly nodded as her sister turned around and moved her hair out of the way so Hancock's hand could take the smaller stamp into her hands and then gently she pushed the stamp into her sister's back.

For a moment a brand appeared on her sister's back over the insolvable brand of the World Government and she felt something rise up in her gut as white-hot anger filled her seeing another brand but then she exhaled in relief seeing the black stamp brand fade away into the World Government brand meaning that the letter was so far being truthful.

And unbidden she felt hope as she couldn't wait for the next seventy-two hours to pass so the stamp would work its magic upon her form. So should her sister still be in a good state, she would then have one of her sisters stamp her as well!

To finally be free of the World Government's binding brand upon her back was worth the discomfort of being stamped by a weird devil fruit-cursed object.


After a day of being docked at the Kuja Pirates Island we weighed anchor and got the hell out of dodge as I got the phone notifications of one of the Boa sisters being marked by my stamp even if the binding hadn't gone through yet. So I knew it was just a matter of time for the stamp to do its work and make Marigold into a better version of herself and then Boa Hancock would obviously stamp herself to get rid of the World Government trademark on her back.

And that would give me more than a hundred points! Bringing up my previous total of 96 points to more than two hundred. Meaning I opened up a lot of options in buying overpowered waifus and of course getting Talents and other things to make myself stronger as well.

Two hundred points opened up high-end waifus like some lower-end goddesses and top waifus from Fate like Gorgon, Kama, Kingprotea, Quetzalcoatl, Scáthach and others like Lancer Artoria. But I did want to get talents so I was considering hoarding my points as we left Kuja Island to head back towards Saobody as I had a plan.

Or just avoiding Fate waifus like my degenerate mind needed to. There was countless other waifus I could get that could help me greatly in being actual combat or magic teachers.

For the next large windfall of points, I was going to largest congregation of waifu catalog points in this world. Whole Cake Island. As Charlotte Linlin was a baby-making machine who in her years of life had made dozens of waifus that the Catalog wanted. Who were all pirates that I didn't have any mental issues selling them off to the Company.



Does he plan to keep any OP waifus or just sell them all?


Charlotte and her children nooooo. But waifus like Yamato, Vivi and some others would be welcomed to stay