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Later in the day, after Moka who was healed of her prior wounds from my fight with her silver-haired version, she was happily sitting with us for dinner in the cafeteria as I was carefully reading the dragon scroll with the girls around me in the corner of the room so we were a good bit out of the way.

"Soooo the dragons were like loaded weren't they?" Kurumu asked excitedly as she looked at the reflective gold leaf that made up the scroll's unfolding reading surface and I nodded before answering wryly.

"Yeah... Though, at least for the coastal dragon kings they seemingly passed their wealth down to the various mermaid clans that had faithfully served them for millennia. Not sure about other dragons though especially my own which hails from Eastern Europe." I spoke as I was reading the Azure Dragon kings, Youki training manual which they except for Mai couldn't read at all.

Maybe it was because humans had little to no supernatural presence that my blood being given and forming a foundation within her body as some sort of dragon mage or priest made her more dragon than human, but neither Moka or Kurumu could read the dragon scroll at all.

"Well, crap... There went an easy life if the mermaids had everything." Kurumu groaned making me roll my eyes but I looked to Moka as she spoke.

"Actually Jake... The Tepes family is famous for ransacking several dragon hordes in Eastern Europe maybe they will have some of your lines belongings?" Moka spoke and my face twitched.

'Fucking Dracula/Alucard may have my lines shit... But there is no way in hell I can beat that chimera Kaiju who is like five times bigger than I am in our true forms.' I thought with annoyance before I sighed and said. "Well. We will see, we still have plenty of time in school to worry about other stuff."

Kurumu however groaned as she muttered pitifully. "Jakeee! Don't remind me that we still have more than three more years of school left!"

I just rolled my eyes as Mai rightfully verbally stabbed the succubus in the heart. "Maybe if you spent more time actually paying attention in class instead of writing lewd things in your notebook than you could do your homework more easily."

I covered my face as Kurumu raised her head from where she had laid her head on my shoulder as she wept for her years wasted in school hell and she looked directly at Mai with utter seriousness as she stated factually. "Mai, I am a succubus. I am made of lewd energy and I must direct it to wisely lest I explode!"

Going back to reading my dragon scroll as Mai, and Moka argued with Kurumu on the merits on not being horny at all times. I began mentally outlining the three aspects of training in the dragon version of Youki.

First was infusing your breath with Youki. Almost like a Demon Slayer breathing style, you had to find a way of breathing that invigorated your Youki and enhanced your body's strength and fire with each breath while also allowing you to recover in battle quickly. Only when the breathing style did all three things would it be perfect?

The second part of the training was to polish my scales with youki until the youki was infused into the scales and would harden them from physical blows along with reflecting magic and curses from my form.

And lastly... The final method of training dragon youki specifically, was to take on a hoard, and the bigger and more valuable my hoard was. The more dense and wide my pool of Youki would become.

'Ok, so I have a bit of a foundation in my hoard in the treasures that Tamao gave me. But that... Isn't enough, I need more.' I thought as I considered on how I could get more gems, precious metals, and artifacts that would sit very nicely in a pile for me to sleep upon.

But with no easy answer in sight beyond literally robbing a jewelry store or a gem mine I just rejoined the conversation this time on Kurumu's side. "Ahhh don't bully the succubus so much, she is just more open with how she enjoys having fun."

Mai and Moka both stuck their tongues out at me making me chuckle but my easy-going smile died as the cafeteria went eerily silent. A series of loud clunking noises of wood on a hard surface rang out making me look to the side and my eyes tightened as I saw that smaller girl who wielded the staff along with another woman with long dark hair and nicer curves was also walking besides another person.

A person I recognized all but fucking instantly... As how many other assholes would there be with Geisha eyebrow dots, and looking up with his nose up high as though he was trying to avoid breathing in the stink of those he considered lesser than himself.

As fucking Kuyo and his two followers came to my table I started things off. "How is your sister?"

Kuyo and his two followers froze with whatever bullshit that was going to escape Kuyo's mouth before I broke it, was a questioning. "Huh?"

So seeing the stupid Youko/kitsune I said with a cold smile. "I am asking... Whether or not if your sister will be able to continue your bloodline after I kill you."

The kitsune's eyes became dark as he stared at me hatefully and then one of his followers said under her breath. "Uhmm Lord Kuyo does have a sister? How does he know about her?"

My face twitched as I actually didn't know that and I realized I should have gone for your mom's stab while making a point at his eyebrows and asking if her mother Geisha's eyebrows were so thickly painted on that it was passed down to him. But rather than just launching an attack, Kuyo instead slid a sealed and embossed letter that was covered in gold leaf and the wax seal had a kitsune upon it with two small rubies for eyes in front of me across the table.

"Jake Barris, as a fellow S-ranked monster this is rightful my letter of challenge to you showing what respect I do have for you. I however despise you for the crime of existing within my territory and not submitting to me, I will kill you for that crime and then I will kill your harem members as well to remove your stink from my territory." He said bluntly and I stilled as I looked into his cold eyes before snorting and I took the letter and nodded.

"Good, I accept your challenge and in turn, I will destroy your legacy as I destroy your Public Safety Commission for wanting to get my friends involved." I stated bluntly and he paused for a moment before nodding.

"Very well. The details for the challenge is in the letter and the principal has already accepted this duel is to happen so don't worry about him interfering." Kuyo finished and then without another word he turned on his heels and walked away.



Honestly I respect that kuyo actually gave a letter of challenge makes him more traditional and has some honor


A fox skin rug will look nice in his hoard