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"Find your center Jake." Sabrina said slowly as she levitated in front of me with her sitting a cushion that she was levitating. And likewise, she had me sitting on a large Snorlax-themed beanbag that my whole body fit on. So that when I inevitably fucked up, I would only hit the ground under the pillow.

I hummed in agreement as I used my pyschic energy to form a blanket around the massive bean bag to hold it up. But I convulsed as a foam dart slammed home into my forehead making me drop down to the ground with a grunt of the air getting knocked out of me. "If you want to keep your life, you need to learn how to keep a pyschic barrier around yourself at all time... especially during a pokemon battle, as debris like rocks, trees and many other things will get blasted at high speeds when Pokemon moves explode."

My lips twitched as I snapped out. "And how do the trainers who aren't psychic deal with that?"

Sabrina snorted and said blandly. "Granted such high-intensity battles won't be as much of an issue until you reach the fifth or sixth badge. But getting into the habit of protecting yourself will only help you in the future... Anyway, most if not all trainers have a Pokemon that has learned the move Protect that will run the move at low power to defend themselves."

I floated back into the air and as I reclosed my eyes I took a breath and stretched my pyschic energy around my body to form a barrier but I couldn't actually wrap my psychic energy around my body so smoothy as psychic energy for me was either like a gas that could do some blunt stuff, or a solid that could do more powerful thinks like making a constant barrier.

[Worst Teacher- Thicken your psychic energy, stretch it around your body, and make points of it into solid sections like putting on a belt or the buttons in clothes.]

I paused reading Gojo's words and then I tried following his advice as I multitasked in creating buttons of more solid psychic energy on my chest, shoulders and back that could then emanate the Psychic energy around my body.

A loud thwack noise rang out and another foam dart was shot at me but this time it smacked against a purple barrier that came to life as soon as the dart came into the area. "Huh... That's an interesting way to do it, I do a segregated shredding barrier that is both defensive and offensive." Sabrina said and using my psychic energy I looked at Sabrina and she demonstrated her defense system.

It was like a rotating half sphere around her body, but the sphere was made out of countless blades with the sphere spinning around her at insane speeds that made my lips twitch as I tossed the foam dart at her with my psychic energy. Only for that dart to be sliced into dust with Sabrina saying dully. "I run this offensive barrier and a similar active defense to yourself for after my outer barrier shreds any bullets or Pokemon attacks 'accidentally' hit me. So you should also consider an outer offensive barrier as well." She added on.

I nodded in understanding and I realized that the psychic construct on my body didn't require constant mental fortitude and instead required a good deal of psychic energy and then I could mentally look away from it and work on something else so I didn't need to mentally juggle controlling a dozen constructs at once.

Sabrina began tossing little rocks, baseballs, and other stuff at me while I worked to emulate her barrier slightly before I settled on a psychic cube construct as that was a lot less moving parts for me to worry about.

[Congratulations to 'Princess of Ruination' for donating fifty-three valid books teaching divination, mana-based telekinesis, mind partition techniques, and pyrokinesis. Converted to streamer Psychic Mental Enhancement Skill]

My mind seemingly had a veil lifted from it and a pop rang out as I gagged as I felt blood welling up in my mouth as a jet of dark blood splurted out my nose and then my light purple almost pink psychic energy darkened greatly and became much more solid with Sabrina crying out. "You awoke again!?"

I coughed out some dirty blood as I felt Sabrina's psychic energy cover my body and began inspecting the source of my own psychic energy in my mind as a series of messages rang out.

[Worst Teacher- This is utter bullshit! System you fucking simp, why did you accept those damned books when even when I came up with books on Cursed Energy, you refused them!?]
[AdminKriegan- Because your books on Cursed Energy are written by hacks who barely even made it to a second-grade sorcerer with no idea of what Cursed Energy really is. Also once again, I literally told you to quit trying to donate curses... Ok get struck by lightning Gojo Satoru.]

Seeing the lack of Gojo reacting or anything I wondered what happened but either way I heard Sabrina saying with some confusion as she handed me a towel to clean the dirty blood that came out of my brain literally clearing out unnecessary bits and becoming more efficient and powerful. "I don't know how me throwing baseballs at you lead to some kind of enlightenment... But I won't question it, and with how dense your psychic energy is, you don't need to worry about most lower caliber bullets anymore."

Wryly as I had no way of saying 'Yeah, sorry for worrying you, someone in a different dimension used their influence to throw a fuck load of expensive magical books into my brain.' But either way I smiled and said. "Thank you... Well, please show me the psychic shroud technique you mentioned so I can hide from divination and other things."

As Sabrina began explaining that technique I was also keeping an eye on the chat.

[[Congratulations to 'Idol of the Stars' for donating a hit song that will touch the hearts of billions in the multiverse. Converted to streamer in - Talent in singing and user gains knowledge of the Pokemon move 'Sing']

My lips twitched seeing that as I only had one thought. 'How does one, actually donate their own songs?'

I heard Rose crying out happily as one of Sabrinas Kadabra's was teaching her how to use her Mystic Fire for greater effect making me smile but then a dinging noise rang out in my head as the system sent a notification.

[User, 'Idol of the Stars' has paid to request teleportation to your world. She can either be teleported beside you, or she will be teleported to a different region.]

My smile dimmed and after a mental thought, I sent a message through the system. [I shouldn't be here for more than a couple of days with how Sabrina is clearly trying to rush me out of here. Can she wait for a couple of days?]

After a minute I saw in the chat Ai agree happily.

[Idol of the Stars- Yup, I can wait a couple of days! But you better not scam me or I will be mad! ;P]


The Kriegan

I done told that no good Worst Teacher not to do it