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I woke up the next day groggily as I obviously couldn't sleep that well with all those revelations. I felt Rose poking my cheek as I groaned and with my Ralts in hand I got up and got my day started.

The psychic gym had three main sections to it, the first part was the large reinforced battlefields that hosted Sabrina Gym challenges along with her gym trainers she trained other psychic specialists and other types. The second was a smaller section of still reinforced area for Sabrina's Pyschic Pokemon to roam mostly free and able to do some of their own training. And lastly were a few apartments that Sabrina allowed some out-of-town Gym trainers to stay within for a night if they trained late into the light.

Those minature apartments were painfully and clearly meant for people to only stay a single night as the beds were just mats of thick foam on a wooden bed and the room itself wasn't that well-ventilated... It was seemingly purposefully designed not to be comfortable in the slightest so people didn't overstay their welcome.

Either way, as I came out of the apartment I froze as I was met with the face of a Xatu standing in front of the door and as I took in the large psychic and fortune-telling bird, my lips twitched as I was reading a written sign card that read that the Xatu was holding up psychically. [Lady Sabrina is in the cafeteria, she is waiting for you now.] And then the card flipped over and read. [Slowpoke is sleeping at the corner of the first hallway, be careful not to trip over it.]

And after seeing me fully read the sign card the Xatu teleported away with a crackle of power leaving me dumbfounded as I realized the Xatu had seen the future, saw me probably trip over or kick the Slowpoke, and decided to warn me.

With Rose in my arms, I walked through the long hallways of the Psychic gym heading to the Cafeteria and the Xatu was right as a Slowpoke was sleeping right around the corner of a staircase where I wouldn't have seen it, so I carefully walked over the sleeping Pokemon and then fully entered the cafeteria where I saw a Clefairy and a Chancy plating up some breakfast in human food.

"Come sit down," Sabrina spoke from a table that had the beautiful gym leader sitting on a raised office seat for obviously for her own comfort that was a bit out of the way. I looked around as I walked over to her, and I noticed there wasn't anyone here at all besides myself and Sabrina. "Curious as to where everyone is?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded as I pulled out my seat and laid Rose on the edge of the table with her holding my hand around for comfort. "It's because I don't bother keeping Gym trainers here except for on weekends where I actually do gym challenges. Psychic Pokemon don't need as intensive oversight as other Pokemon types due to how they are on average the most intelligent Pokemon there are.'

I raised an eyebrow at that and said. "Well, that's something... But do those psychic specialists not being any form of an accomplished psychic also play into, you not caring for them to being around all that often?"

Sabrina actually chuckled aloud with her saying frankly. "Indeed Jake. Having unguarded open minds around me is more of an annoyance even if they have the training to restrain their minds. As I can only hear people's perverted thoughts or inner secrets so much before I outright am disgusted by them."

'Ugh... Just imagine hearing someone's thoughts on scratching their ass only to then smell their fingers.' Yeah, I am glad I hadn't picked up one person's thoughts even though I could feel a sort of empathetic sensory skill growing in my psychic skillset.

"Anyway!" Sabrina said clapping her hands happily as Chancy and Clefairy brought us some food. "So here is what I have planned for you Jake, and depending on what you think we can make some different plans." I nodded respectfully and said quickly.

"Any help in all this nonsense going on will be heavily appreciated Sabrina, thank you," I said seriously with her smile growing a bit.

And for a bit we were in silence as we all ate including Rose as the nice Chansey brought her some berries and some compressed nutrient bars that Pokemon typically ate with trainers. But as we were eating I had a thought that struck me and I asked Sabrina. "Do you have any advice for training the Ralts line?"

At my question Sabrina's face twitched up into a mischievous smile of amusement as she looked at me, and then she said bluntly. "I don't have any members of the Ralts line... As they are known to being very defensive and possessive of their trainers especially with other psychics."

Her eyes dimmed as she was in thought and she continued with her voice becoming a cold monologue. "Out of all the Pokemon used in the wars between nations including the horrific Kanto and Johto unification wars... Only Gardevoir was actually banned from being used in war along with their trainers being restrained from war, as should the trainer die during the fighting... Well, Gardevoirs are naturally known for even killing and crippling legendaries who dared to hurt their trainers."

Gardevoir, the Pokemon that when seeing their trainer getting hurt will go into a rage even a dragon would be terrified of. And all the power, potential, and lifeforce of the Gardevoir will be squeezed out to create a literal black hole that the Gardevoir will throw like a universal last 'fuck you and everyone in a dozen miles' bomb.

'So Jake... No, I don't have any advice for raising the Ralt's line besides general Psychic Pokemon training that is fairly universal, as they are a line that is entirely too emotional for me to handle to be honest." Sabrina finished and I nodded in understanding and then after she took a drink she into the meat of things.

She glowed purple and with a flicker of pyschic power she teleported a folder onto the table and then she pushed the folder over to me and taking it I gave her an odd look at it's contents as she flushed. "Yes... Anyway, I will be teaching you two major disciplines as a psychic before I can comfortably send you on your way. First is, psychic shielding which will shield you from other psychic forces scouting for you. And secondly, to defend yourself, I will be teaching you how to properly use telekinesis as it's the simplistic form of psychic combat."

But reading the file I said with confusion. "And what is this bit about you pretending to be my girlfriend who is teaching me about the psychic arts?"

Sabrina looked at me flatly even with that flush in her cheeks it was clear she was embarrassed as she snapped out. "I didn't make your identity folder! It was Agatha playing a damned prank on me for Lance trying to get me to join the Elite Four even if I am not wanting to join his Elite Four to replace Agatha!"

'The old ghost specialist?' I thought before dismissing the thought as I said evenly. "This seems a bit much for a prank though."

The psychic just sighed and brushed her hands down her face as she groaned. "For his safety my foot... Anyway ignore that bit, it's the paperwork marking you as a legitimate psychic and labeling you as a person of note who will be watched during Pokemon battles to make sure you aren't abusing your abilities during a registered official match like Gym battles."

She waved her hands and our eaten food was teleported away as she stood up and then said. "Alright, this is all confusing enough for me so I let's get your training underway and then I will teleport you to another city in Kanto so you can get a clean getaway from any Poachers or people trying to capture you."

And as I heard the words training I mentally turned back on the stream with a mental looping noise ringing out and then as we were teleported away to the gym side to begin training I saw a chat message hurriedly typed out.

[Thorn Princess- Hurk! Eating my own cooking and seeing teleportation is too much!]
[Worst Teacher- Try drunk teleporting through a barrier... Now that wasn't a fun time honestly]


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