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It was an odd feeling. To have a vampire all but addicted to your blood and basically putty within your hands as her body and mind melted in a haze of pleasure and ardor as the divine blessings in my blood just was too much for Serana.

Serana had a terrible past honestly... The process to become a Coldharbor vampire was something I woudn't wish upon the worst of my enemies, and even though she went through such a traumatic event. I could see as my blood entered her mouth, how she leaned into me. How she didn't avoid or shy away from my touch.

And I certainly enjoyed the touching Serana's cooler smooth vampiric flesh. As her pale skin shone in the mage light lit room we commandeered for her feeding with Serana's breathing being a breathy continous panting agaisnt me.

My hands sunk into her plush heart shaped ass as I pulled her tighter agaisnt me with her legs wrapped around my back tightening as I myself kissed and nibbled on her neck and ear as she drank the blood from my neck and shoulder.

As Serana was a mess drinker when it came to my blood. She tried so hard and got so into the passion of the feeding that she would bite new holes on my neck to feed from different spots as she licked the previous wounds clean and healing them.

The hands massaging Serana's ass went up and then I sunk one of them them into her tight pants with the hand palming her soft ass directly with her whining into my mouth as I ground myself agaisnt her front as well.

A pop rang out as her mouth discconnected from my neck and her glowing yellow eyes met mine with her speaking hurriedly. "Do it, I am no blushing maiden!" And her slime outfit that all Shadow Garden members wore dissapeared allowing her nude form to meet my own nude form as I mentally made my outfit drop down.

Our hips came together and seeing a table that wasn't desecrated in filth or anything I set her on the table with her naturally raising her legs as she leaned back with an arm going over her eyes even though I could see those predatory glowing irises staring at me as I lifted her legs with my arms.

And with Serana's legs lifted up in my arms I sunk my length into her suprisingly hot depths with Serana's glowing eyes closing as she whined as I my body enhanced by the divines... Did not lack in length or girth as I felt her womanhood stretch just right around my length and as I hilted myself I could feel the end of her love tunnel was just out of reach of this current postion.

But there were better positons if I wanted to slam fuck this vampire into a mewling mess. No, now with my manhood sunken into her depths I gently folded up her legs so my hands could be free to take her own. And her suprised eyes reopened as I held her hands oh so lewdly as I made eye contact with her as I began to pump in and out of her.

This wasn't me just pouring out my lust into her, or taking or even conquering this powerful vampire. This was me showing that sex wasn't something that needed her to be high off my blood to need to be enjoyed or even to seek me out just for my blood. As I was a proud manwhore who kept my gaslit orphans of young women sane after their bodies had been twisted for years by the demonic curse.

Serana in my mind was just another... Zeta or Victoria in the making with how she had turned out after being the Molag Bal's hands and turned into a true blooded vampire. So I made this all about her.

I gently pulled her arms away from covering her face so with the table giving her more height I could properly kiss Serana with her eyes closing naturally as our lips met and... Besides the slight tangy taste of my own blood, I realized that Serana tasted almost like chocalate somehow so I very much enjoyed kissing her more as the sordid sounds of coupling rang out in the room repeatedly.

The sounds of her thick thighs and pubic region hitting my waist and upper thighs with a wet slapping noise that sounded all the lewder due to how wet Serana was, meaning I slid so cleanly in and out of her that if it wasn't for our cores connecting, the table woudn't shake at all as she was so well lubrecated down there.

But as she whined loudly into my mouth with her large breasts pushing into my chest with her nipples standing proud and erect could be felt so easily. I felt her core tighten in orgasm making me inwardly smile as I let go of one of her hands and then that hand sunk into her abundant breast for me to play with as I increased the speed of our joining.

And the loud plap and slapping noises increaded in volume with Serana's breathless moans and whimpers of joy and pleasure rang out with our mouths no longer connected.

"Finish dammit. I-" I silenced Serana's needy demand with her eyes going wide and dulling as her legs stiffened and I heard her toes pop as I rammed into her depths with my divine seed spilling into her womb with one last trick... I had bitten my lips deliberatly to make them bleed so as we kissed my blood would once again flood her with the same ardor.

When a woman's toes pop and her ankle makes a loud crack from how hard she tenses and you feel your dick being strangled by her womanhood, thats how you know for damn sure you hit it out of the park. And as I as I slowly opened my eyes I wryly smiled seeing Serana's glowing eyes dully staring at me with zero thought behind those eyes as she fainted with her eyes open at the overwhelming sensation.

I did my manly duty... I had waifued Serana and I could die a happy man.


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