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I shifted slightly as my sponsor made a noise of thought as he read over my files and he said. "Well well... Finally someone on the more average spectrum of things. Although you needed the normal soul tune-up so your soul didn't dissipate in the void but other than that, your soul is more than strong enough to host a cheat."

I smiled hearing that but my sponsor's oddly green eyes snapped to mine as he said bluntly. "But on the other end, you also are... Kinda one-minded about things so something like the Gamer would be wasted on you, when all you are good for is having a one-track mind."

My lips twitched at his blunt way of saying I was obsessive over one thing at a time and would just shut out everything else that was happening around me. But I didn't take it too heart as I knew it was in reality a strength as that obsession had led to me becoming a pretty decent artist and otherwise become skilled in the things I obsessed over before moving onto something else.

He then rapped his fingers on his wooden desk before his eyes glowed as he made an "Aha!" Noise and then he snapped his fingers with one hand as he spoke briskly. "Actually I have a thought about your cheat then... With how obsessive you are, and how you put your everything into what you are interested in. I will give you something that will allow you to take advantage of that while also giving you a minder and maybe more."

And then a pinhole of swirling light formed and from the light portal which quickly opened I blinked and my arms opened up as a scream rang out before a form was shot out of the portal and I groaned as the form was shot into my chest with my chair being knocked over and then as the form tried to catch herself even as we fell.

My patron... The absolute mad lad that he was, had somehow projective shot the woman into me at such an angle and position that our lips met and my blue eyes met wide green before my head hit the ground with the chair collapsing with my sponsor laughed out loudly.

The woman with bright green eyes and light blue hair hurriedly got off of me and a bow formed in her hands while a corona of power formed around her as she snarled out. "What is the... Wait this isn't Tenkai?" She spoke looking around but there was no denying the power within the woman that simply wasn't human in any shape or form.

My patron gave the woman a dark look and I felt the look more than anything as my chair was levitated back upwards before I was sat down in my seat properly as my Patron spoke coldly. "Artemis, your soul was mangled and destroyed with Antares eating your mortal form and soul back in Tenkai using your mortal form as a conduit to directly devour your divine self back in Tenkai... All of Gekai was destroyed with the rest of the gods returning to Tenkai where several gods tore apart your temples and scattered your essence to never reform for destroying Gekai and ruining their fun."

'Holy shit that is the Artemis of Danmachi!' I thought with some wonder at who I considered to be the best goddess in Danmachi. But then my sponsor snapped his fingers and Artemis and I both flinched as from another portal came a massive spear that had it's point stuck in a crystal rock like the Sword in the Stone.

"This is your arrow, your divinity and core. As the very goddess of the Hunt as you well know Artemis... I will offer you this opportunity, if my agent here pulls out your arrow with no interference from my end I want you to give him your Falna and then go along with him on his journey along with putting your own Falna on your back so you can grow in power beyond your shattered self." My patron spoke with me looking between Artemis and the arrow that I now recognized as the 'arrow/spear' that was plucked up by Bell in the movie.

There was a moment of hesitation on Artemis's face before she said slowly. "And how do I know you haven't twisted or enchanted my arrow to allow him to pull it out... As you rightly said, I am but mortal and that prior display was nothing but an illusion."

My patron was silent before he leaned in and said firmly. "I am an Emperor of countless worlds... If I wanted you to be his love slave I would have rebuilt your shattered soul around his existence. You are to be his minder and confidant but if he can be more than all the better. But I will let you know now that I did nothing to your symbol of power besides transport it here."

Artemis after a moment walked over and her hands encircled the arrow with magical glyphs forming on the arrow with her closed her eyes as she seemingly inspected her symbol of power for herself and then as the magical glyphs disappeared she looked at me with an imperceptible look before she nodded and while making eye contact with me she said. "Fine. I agree."

She then looked at my patron with a wry smile as she said rhetorically. "It's not like I have too much of a choice with how you have pulled my soul shards back together and resurrected me."

I stood up while she spoke and then I gently grabbed the oversized arrow of Artemis that was the size of a good-sized spear made out of gleaming silver metal along with some light blue gems inlaid upon it.

And then as my hands encircled it completely I felt my vision darken as a warmth surrounded my body.

Then I could hear a voice in my head... No, my very soul. "Orion?" And then the oversized arrow glowed again with the magical glyphs returning as the crystal block on the bottom shattered and turned to dust allowing me to heft the almost weightless arrow in my hands and twirl it around so the point of the arrow pointed upwards.

"Hmm, well Artemis?" My patron started but as I looked over at Artemis I saw a glint of something in her eyes as she smiled.

With the goddess of the hunt saying out loud. "I know. I will be going with him, so send us off then."

My patron raised an eyebrow before looking at the arrow in my hand and then snapped his fingers again with his eyes glowing powerfully and the arrow burned in my hand but I couldn't let go as even Artemis hissed as her form glowed slightly. "There. I made your symbol of power more malleable so Jake, you can change its form to any form you desire. Now go on a great adventure and I hope to see you among the ranks of the powerful Jake's."

"See you then!" I hurriedly shouted trying to be appreciative for my reincarnation as my impatient patron waved a hand and Artemis and I were sucked into a portal behind us and were sent back into the void.


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