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One thing I noticed as we hit the Calm Belt was that Belfast's nature as a shipgirl also helped in keeping the notorious Sea-Kings from trying to attack our ship. But beyond that great convenience in our days of travel I was in the midst of slowly and methodically downloading and storing away Angron's memories.

As Angron had lived for more than a millennia from the time of the Great Crusade to the times of the Horus Heresy... And seeing as he died in that timeline as a loyalist he had a lot of mental baggage I needed to absorb.

But absorbing and accepting his memories into my subconscious and making sure it wouldn't change who I was. Besides making me slightly wiser with the Primarchs great amount of life experience. Was my leap in combat experience, as beyond everything else I wholeheartedly absorbed the Red Angel of Nuceria's combat instincts.

Opening my eyes I flexed my hands that were clad in Titanstone knuckles as I sat up and popped my neck as I felt Belfast coming towards the Captain's Quarters through my developing Empathy powers... Or it could be Observation Haki. I honestly wasn't sure what difference there was in just sensing people from a distance.

"Jake, we are a couple of hours out from Amazon Lily. Lotarra and I worked to get some of the foodstuffs and other materials we stole from Saobody into the holding area so we could have a visible method of trade." Belfast told me as she kept her hands in front of her stomach respectfully as she looked up at me demurely.

'Crap... We don't really look like a merchant crew at all.' I thought before my lips twitched at an odd thought. 'What if I bought Naruko from the catalog to use their clones?'  But that thought was shut off as Belfast continued and made me sigh in relief almost. "I was able to get my deeper systems working better so we can use my crew familiars as supposed crewmen should any Amazons have questions as to the rest of the crew."

This made sense as for Carrier Ships like Enterprise, they had tiny familiars and such that would fly the fighter planes and bombers they would launch from their weapons.

Either way, I followed Belfast up to the bridge where Lotara was standing silently looking out into the distance towards where Amazon Lily come over the horizon in the distance. "So let's get our stories straight," I spoke as I took the captain's seat and looked between Lotara and Belfast. "We are merchants from Saobody which is the correct heading for the direction we came from. Along with us having Eternal Log Poses for both islands acting as proof. We will be there in hopes of creating a deal in selling metal and foodstuffs."

After I explained our cover story, I summoned my small Company Stamp and with its ridged handle I fiddled with it as I fitted it between my hand's fingers with its form being hidden in my large hand. Then I offered my hand to Lotara. "Lotara shake my hand please." I ordered kindly and she slowly shook my hands that were covered in my Titanstone Knuckles.

And after we shook hands I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well? Did you really notice the stamp?"

She stiffened and then honestly answered. "No Sir. Although I could feel it's somewhat different texture from the stone-like gauntlets, if I didn't know better I would have thought that it was just a more polished or worn down part of the gauntlet."

Lotara then continued with her face looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Also my lord... Although you can use this trick to shake Hankcocks hand to stamp her. You won't be able to do it multiple times with the other members of her retinue without coming off as weird."

I nodded slowly. As in all reality, I really didn't want to get into a fight with Hancock and her people, to say nothing of the simple reason of how I didn't want to get turned to stone if my defenses didn't work on her Devil Fruit. But I was well aware that Hancock was very much superhuman and would happily kick me through a mountain if I earned her ire.

A man doesn't want to get kicked through a mountain... It was just common sense honestly.

So the name of the game was to be circumspect and not make a scene... Even if the worst happens and we literally get thrown in prison after stamping her. I was more than confident that should I stamp her, I could literally grab my waifus and then hide out in my 'Sweet Home' so nothing could harm me for the three days for Hancock to be fully stamped and then sold to the Company.

Belfast then pitched in. "It would be best if we work our way up the hierarchy in meeting people but we will do what we can. But besides Hancock herself, I and you will be fine should combat erupt." I nodded and the told Lotara that she would be sticking in the ship.

And she with almost some sass in her voice said dryly. "Of course... I was the ship master for your legions capital ship."

Well, there wasn't anything I could say about that. But as we relaxed into some more relaxed topics Belfast twitched and she looked into the distance through the window and I matched her with my Primarch eyes seeing farther than any human could.

As in the distance, was a foggy shadow taking shape and I grunted in agreement as I said almost jokingly. "Land ahoy. I will head to the Deck to be ready for the Kuja Pirates and whatever guards that will come to inspect us."

By the time I got to the deck Belfast's engines had brought us a good deal closer and already our metal ship was getting attention as we neared the large docks of Kuja Island I could see a trio of wooden ships leaving the docks slowly to cut us off. 'Hmm, the island has scouts.' I noted but that was fine.

It's not like they would fire on us immediately as we weren't flying a Jolly Roger or anything after all.


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