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Blood flowed as easily as a river's brook as my hardened slime sword slashed through through another necromancer, carving them apart with their robes and innards offering zero protection to my sharp blade and superhuman strength.

'The atronachs are stronger than expected... But these necromancers don't have anything to actually make them any stronger than a simple civilian.' I thought as my slime sword shivered and violently flickered to throw off the dirty blood off its blade before the slime reintergrated into my outfit.

"Darling! I killed more necromancers than the others!" Victoria happily announced as bounced over with Zeta and Serana rolling their eyes at the broken nun's attempt at gaining my favor and attention.

And unlike other people I patted her on her head saying gently. "Good job Victoria... Now next time you kill people. Don't be so messy please." I said with a wry smile as Serana went around and began using necromancy to quick re-animate the bodies to get them to a pile so we could burn all the bodies and skeletons.

'Hmm I can feel a great deal of evil in here.' I heard Baldur say in my soul making me raise an eyebrow as it made sense as alot of people died here to say nothing of the necromancers tainting the area further. But either way I told Eta. "Alright Eta, the area should be clear. Go ahead and begin working on the stable portal so our forces can move upon Nirn in force."

I however scratched my chin as I wondered on what would be the best first move for me to undertake while I was over here in Solitude... And then it hit me.

'Time to make good old Pelenil Whitestrake proud of me.' I thought as I realized that dealing with Thalmor was going to be far. Far easier if I just humble them a little bit.

Ok I hated racist elves and I wanted to kill all the fucking racist elves that made playing any race in Skyrim a chore with how rude they were. Plus... I had the right to do it! As they wanted to bring about the apocalypse basically to make themselves gods so it was totally justified to commit genocide agaisnt those gold-skinned weirdos.

"Zeta." I spoke up getting the golden-haired cat beastkin to twitch in her lethargic state as she watched Eta and Serana working. "Go to the west near the coast and find a large consulate and military base that has elves manning it that have primarily golden-tinged skin tone while wearing golden-colored armor."

Zeta raised an eyebrow and then simply asked. "Just recon?" She asked for clarification.

And after a long moment, I shook my head as I said more coldly. "No... Never mind, kill them all. Their race is a threat to this world and after I deal with the apocalypse's I need to go break their people and nation of the Summer Set Isle's anyway."

I was well aware that I was going to get my hands, and by extension Shadow Garden's hands very fucking bloody, as nothing in this world could be fixed without spilling blood to make people get on the right track.

No literally... Every single great quest and saving the world is going to require me to kill a metric boat load of people so I wasn't going to bother getting emotional for people that want to destroy the world, enslave all the sentient in the world to their will, or treat all of the sentients of the world as just cattle.

Zeta slowly nodded before standing up and then she looked at Victoria and said to me. "You going to send her to do a similar chore?" She asked blandly and after a moment of thought, I shook my head.

As there was no one so close that I wanted immediately dead besides Harkon who was at his castle. But I didn't dare send only Victoria to fight Harkon with how the Deadric Gods had grown so much in power with the worlds merging.

Instead, I said more relaxedly. "No, I will be going with her to Solitude to gain the latest news. Learn what has happened and get the information for what needs to be done in the next steps."

I wanted to deal with the dragons first obviously as Alduin was in reality the biggest threat as the Aedra were by themselves going to be resisting the Oblivion crisis so I wanted to get Alduin's shit handled as he actually had the Aedra's if not favor, then at least their acceptance in devouring the world to birth a new one.

Zeta satisfied with my words gave me a quick kiss to the cheek making Victoria choke in shock as Zeta chuckled and bounded off towards the exit of the massive castle that was hidden in the cave system so that she could handle her own mission.

Seeing Victoria giving me a pout I couldn't help but tease her slightly. "Oh come on, Victoria, you will have me alone for the rest of the day at least while we are in Solitude." And that made her face brighten up so I looked to Eta and asked. "Eta, how long till the portal is active?"

She made a noise of thought before she said rather tiredly. "Hmm... Probably two days at most. The portal itself is already complete and ready on the other end, and all these parts are modular so I just need to put them together and then synch up to the portal ring back home."

But as I was about to leave Serana stopped me. "Wait Jake." She said with some hesitation and I raised an eyebrow as she took a breath and said more 'naturally'. "Could I have some blood before you leave? I can't get any blood from Eta as she will be working obviously, and you can heal quickly." She said in more of a rush towards the end as she tried to make up an excuse.

As due to my divine blessings... My blood was quite literally divine to Serana's vampiric senses no pun intended and to put bluntly.

She was all but addicted to my blood with her face looking like she decided to drink a shot of paint thinner quality moonshine mixed with cream cheese whenever she drank anyone else's blood that wasn't a member of Shadow Garden which all had at least one if not several divine blessings.

I raised an eyebrow and said with a shrug. "Alright." And as I went to offer up my wrist she stilled and then said with something in her voice. "No... I meant a more thorough feeding as I need the strength to set up wards... Could we go into one of these rooms and you let me feed directly?"

Victoria however snapped out. "You! You want to do lascivious things to my master while you suck his blood, don't you!?"

When Serana flushed but couldn't deny Victoria's words as my blood did give her a bit of a high that allowed her to temporarily drown out the memory of her becoming a Coldharbor Vampire... I took a breath and then stoically said. "I understand Serana... Victoria, you continue cleaning up. I have a man's duty to complete."


The Kriegan

Time to lewd Serana then

Rauko the varment

Oh yaaasss! Some good ol' sexy time never gets old.