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The knocking upon my mind was 'gentle' but persistent so like forming a gated or fenced-in area around my mind that was like a house. I basically cracked open the door the my mental house as and let the tinest portion of the mental will of whoever was out there.

And the foreign mind hit my own and Rose's like a giant gently pushing open the door but as I rallied and prepared to push whoever the hell this was out. Their mental voice reached into my mind. "I mean you no harm." The distinctly female voice spoke slowly and calmly and then the voice returned with a hint of something being repressed in the voice. "May I speak with you?"

I froze for a moment before nodding to myself but then a loud crackle of power rang out and I realized that having thought of agreement even if I didn't vocalize said thought was an 'Admission of Guilt' basically for agreement.

Rose leapt up from my arms ready to throw down but then froze in place comically as she raised her hands up to form a spirit bomb. [Mystic Fire] As from the cracking power came two forms. One was a tornado. No a literal walking and living divine storm of psychic power contained in too small of a body that was a fucking Alakazam, and the second one was someone I quickly recognized.

One of the reasons I actually wanted to literally leave this city of Saffron City. She was wearing a sinfully tight leather or rubber top that barred everything under her large breasts along covering her arms and up to her gloved hands with her neck even being covered. Along with an ultra short skirt that just covered her bottom and didn't even go halfway down her thigh. But despite how lewd such an outfit should have been.

The woman that I knew was Sabrina, this cities Pokemon Gym leader. And 'The' Psychic human of this world, exposed parts of her body was completely covered in a body-hugging black body glove.

Leaving aside her body my eyes were drawn to her long straight purple hair and gently burning maroon eyes that were staring at my own form as I carefully moved my blanket out of the way so I could pull the terrified Rose behind me.

"Sabrina... To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked slowly.

I didn't have the stream on right now, as I was getting ready to sleep and I didn't want people watching me sleep... And now I didn't want people to watch me get splattered across a wall should this meeting go poorly.

But instead of asking for my name or anything in trying to start a conversation more... Normally, she got into the meat of things as she first asked me. "Jake Barisss. I looked up your trainer record after a child reported a psychic abusing their gifts to actually lift a child up and shake them around. Do you know why I am here?"

'Uh oh...'

But instead of waiting for an answer Sabrina actually gave a small knowing smile as she said. "He thinks that he can use my gym as his personal training ground due to his father having a large stake in several businesses in Saffron and having their own Pokemon feed company... I ignored that complaint as he deserved it at this point."

I took a breath and then said. "Alright, Sabrina. Did you just come to give me a warning or something?" I asked simply.

In turn the powerful psychic tilted her head to the side and stated bluntly. "Zero, point zero, zero, zero one percent... That's the number of people in this world that have the ability to simply touch upon the psychic domain Jake Bariss. You are one of the, one out of literally millions of people in this world who can bend the world their very minds and perform psychic feats beyond shakily levitating a spoon before collapsing in exhaustion or worse."

I raised an eyebrow as I think I was getting from this was going so I shrugged and said. "Is this a problem or something?"

And Sabrina gave me a long look before she tilted her head and the side and said coldly. "Jake... Where do you think the human DNA in Mewtwo came from? It was harvested by team Rocket who raided the crypts, tombs, and lost areas to use fossil-reviving technology to restore the DNA of the strongest Pyschics in history which is why Mewtwo is so powerful and capable of psychic powers beyond simple Pokemon moves."

My lips twitched as Sabrina reached under her top and then pulled out her cell phone from between her breasts and as she turned it on and displayed it too me. I froze at the sight upon it.

[Jake Bariss. Adult, 0 Gym Badges, 1 known Pokemon -Ralts] [Wanted strictly alive and to be delivered to a collection site. Warning, the target is acknowledged to be an awakened psychic in Saffron city, any connection with Gym Leader Sabrina is unknown.] [Advice, use Dark/Ghost Type Pokemon to suppress the target into an unconscious state.] [Reward. 5 million Pokedollars]

My mind was racing but as though to taunt me and have me have fucking even MORE QUESTIONS! Sabrina said damn near sarcastically. "Now... Normally I would just give you a warning if it was just randomly done, and then help you use your psychic energy to cloak yourself, but no. Not only is this not Team Rocket putting the bounty on you."

"No somehow you literally became a political nightmare! In fact, Team Rocket members already tonight have been spotted at the northern border of Kanto and Sinnoh fighting off the people who put the bounty on you in Team Galactic of the Sinnoh region!"

And I asked the fucking obvious question as I was just soooo confused. "Why the hell would Team Galatic put a bounty on me?" I asked wondering what... Wait.

Oh fuck.

'Team Galactic... The craziest out of the psycho criminal groups with a leader who wanted to enslave the divine Lahma and make said god rid the world of all emotions and desires because he was an utter sociopath who couldn't connect to people and hated feeling 'alone'

But Sabrina feeling my horror took it as me understanding I was in trouble as she sighed and said. "Alright Jake, so... I do want to help you as this is obviously beyond anything you are ready to deal with so I am offering to-"

She stopped and her eyes went cold as her Alakazam shifted and then the very world seemed to turn purple as the Alakasm held up a hand and then a screech rang out as a minature Ghastly formed inside its hand with Sabrina saying coldly. "Having a toxic Ghastly invading someone's room in front of me... Kill it Alakazam." She said and then her eyes glowed as she looked outwards towards another part of the hotel before snorting as the ghastly screamed before popping like a purple candle going bright in flame before dispersing into purple smoke that drifted out of a window that opened at the Alakasm throwing a glance at it.

Sabrina then looked back to me as Rose had now got her bravery back and was standing in front of me with a small bit of Mystic Fire in her hands ready if there was another ghost or something. And she said with annoyance. "Alright... Come with me, I am bringing you to my gym where it is safe. I don't want Lance and Cynthia calling me at midnight again asking why someone in my town is literally part of why a gang war is bringing up tension between Sinnoh and Kanto!"

'Well, there is no better person to learn how to actually use my powers form.' I thought blankly as with a crackle of energy. Sabrina teleported us away from my hotel room.



Well he is going to have some explaining to do seeing as he is probably starting the stream now. Considering the situation he might want to ask Lulu for advice on the best options, the dude did Out maneuver an Empire with little knowledge. Huh is Lulu one of the few that would be allowed to Crossover for a bit of time Considering how low level he should be at this point in his timeline.


If Lelouch was willing to pay a price yes he could. Though remember, C,C is also considering moving there as well.


I am so confused as to why galactic put a hot on him? How did the story escalate to this point?