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"You are telling me... That on the middle of a wide open plain, that a whole mountain range just, teleported in?" An incredulous blue-skinned female Tau demanded as she looked at the satellite imagery that was watching the mountain range closely.

And already, they had picked up a large series of compound structures that were clearly built by other sentients even if their design style were clearly in Gue'la or humans.

The council room was filled with the various caste members besides the ever illusive Etheral leader of the Tau Cast system. But regardless, within the council room was the leaders and highest-ranked members of the four primary Tau caste classes. The Water cast leader was a woman with a soft face and shiny eyes that seemed to glitter with joy at life.

The Earth Caste leader was a large male Tau who was wearing a set of lesser power armor but would feed him the direct information from the machines he could remotely control. The Air Caste leader was a thin and if not small male who was wearing a flight suit that was heavily decorated from his years as an Admiral of the merchant's that voyaged to and from this world to the other Tau planets.

And lastly, the Fire Cast leader or the Commander of all the Tau warriors of this world was another ultra-large male who was taller than the average human, and also clad in a set of power armor, but this one was clearly for his one combat ability instead of remote machinery control like his Earth Caste brethren.

The Water Caste woman spoke out softly. "Yes, we are unsure as to what caused the mountain to appear. Or whether if it was actually always there and had been under some kind of cloaking technology... As we are all aware the Necron worlds are within this area."

But she gently pointed towards the structure as she said quickly. "But... That is the least Necron-like structure I have ever seen in my life."

Even as she said that however, a flicker of light erupted from the streaming of the new mountain and the Earth Caste leader grunted as the feed of the mountain cut off with him saying. "Signal interference... It's like the area is a void as all signals regardless of type which are all devoured by it."

The fire cast leader tapped his knuckles on the table to get everyone's attention and he said more seriously. "But they have not launched an attack. Our sensors even as they landed did not indicate that they are stealing the energy of the planet or any other nefarious thing... So in accordance with the Tau Empire goals, we will follow standard procedure, in accordance to the Greater Good."

He then looked to the Water Caste Leader and said. "Nel M'Lath, you and I will go and see if there is anyone to make contact with. I will go in my Riptide Battlesuit as a show of force while you will have a standard crisis suit you can use to fly away should any inhabitants prove hostile."

The water caste woman nodded standing up with her robe-covered body slightly bouncing with the motion as her curves moved to follow the Fire Caste leader as the Air and Earth caste wordlessly prepared their own methods should things go terribly wrong.

The Earth Caste would hold the cities and allow the Air Caste to move the millions of civilians of this planet off-world to save their lives. As they had practiced such actions every few months as the Tau were now much more aware of the terrible terrors of this galaxy.

In both the Ork and of course the far more hated Tyrranids who would literally devour a planet down to its very crust, even eating it's own atmosphere before leaving the now barren rock to float dead in space.


A good few hours passed as I relaxed, not meditating, or otherwise cultivating in anyway. Basically just lightly sleeping as Isha gently and lovingly allowed tiny bits of her milk from her bosom to filter into my body as I used her large breasts as a pillow while Ellesmere had her arms wrapped around my chest with her nose buried into the back of my neck.

"Hmm... Some of the disciples who went to explore the surrounding areas are leading some of the Tau to the Sect." Ellesmere muttered softly into my ear as she was clearly using her own talent in divination along with the Sect's wards to pickup what was happening. As I was still was feeling very firmly in the 'Eh' category.

I made a noise with Isha gently letting go of my head so I could move it to speak more quickly. "Well, I suppose it's time we go see the neighbors then. I hope that they will be far more manageable... But Ellesmere, my darling. My love. We have a terrible track record."

Ellesmere huffed but couldn't deny my words as she dryly agreed. "Indeed. First a Hive World infested by both the worst in humans in their inquisition along with Gene Stealers. And then on the Chaos-tainted world we fled to, to get away from everyone trying to attack us, that world was targeted by the Tyrannid Hive Fleet, whose sole purpose is to kill demons... I am worried that you, yourself are a walking calamity attracting all these troubles Jake."

Thankfully Isha came to my rescue as she said gently. "His trouble finding ways where what saved me from eternal damnation, so I am willing to give my darling some leeway... Now my husband, let us get you cleaned up so you can meet the leaders of the world we will be sharing for however long."


I activated some Sect features to make it look more mystical and homely and as I took a seat on a beautiful throne as was fitting for myself being the patriarch of this sect. I looked upon the Fire and Water Caste members of the Tau coming in. And my face twitched as I realized the Water Caste Tau had figured out humanity's greatest weakness...

As with each step the two beautiful Water Caste woman jiggled in all the right ways as their tightly robe-clad body outlined their voluptuous bodies and unbidden the thought struck me. 'How can I refuse the greater good when they send submissive and breedable big titty Tau with eyes just pleading for me to join the Greater Good?'


Big ToFu

He was hoodwinked, bamboozled, entrapped!

Rauko the varment

Breedable and big titty tau? They are dangling something worth claiming, why reject the meal before you?