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"Very good... Besides the canceled escort mission, you have proven yourself as a lower-leveled adventurer so you will be moved from a Wood tier adventurer to Bronze tier, and is now officially acknowledged as an adventurer."

I nodded in understanding as the guild receptionist tiredly explained how I was now an official member of the guild and was now able to take advantage of their many connections with the many organizations in the world. With my adventurer ID acting as a universal form of citizenship as well in other nations.

"Thanks," I said simply as I exchanged my wooden tag for a bronze tag that I then hung around my neck before I walked away from the busy line towards the mission board where Drakia and Rose were hanging around and reading some missions.

After I re-joined with my two party members we continued to look at the missions. And I quickly realized that the missions here in Lundhaven were far more combat-oriented rather than New Atha's. Which were often gathering precious resources and even doing scouting missions.

[Kill 5 Hobgoblin Lords and their tribes] [Kill 10 Skeleton Lords that escaped from Extrix Dungeon.][Capture escaped Ecesh lizardmen slaves.]

I made a noise of thought and then as I read some more information I raised a finger as I pointed at a whole section of the quest board that was assigned just to dungeon quests. "It would be for the best if we do a bunch of quests in a single dungeon," I spoke with the girls agreeing.

With Drakia saying with a nod. "Culling dungeon monsters will also help in the case of... Events coming to pass." She said leadingly as we were in a public area and I silently agreed as I looked through the list of dungeon missions before I raised an eyebrow at one series of missions.

[Cull, Mystic Turtle population] [Mystic Turtle Shell Collection] [Elsyiem Dungeon Clear] All three missions were in that Elsyiem dungeon which had was actually an interesting dungeon as it was an older dungeon that was only two floors deep but the main top floor was utterly massive and took the form of a massive beach with water and sea monsters coming up onto the beach to eat the plants and the people who invaded the dungeon.

"Hmm, and there is even this one too Jake." Rose said and I looked down a row and saw that out of place of the other three missions for that dungeon was another but still in that same dungeon oddly enough. [Kill Elsyiem Dungeon Boss, do not destroy dungeon core.]

I shrugged and also took that one while turning the mission over and reading the details which told me that the dungeon boss was a Dragon-headed Turtle which was a level thirty boss that had a stupidly strong shell and the ability to shoot out high-pressure water jets from its mouth.

"Alright, this should be enough... And killing the boss and the rest, will hopefully get me to level twenty." I said with some hope.

But either way I looked at the girls and said. "So these missions will do?" I asked and they nodded with Rose clapping her hands and asking excitedly.

"Once we kill the boss and the monster's could we go swimming in the dungeon's rendition of the ocean?"

I gave the nun a circumspect look before shrugging with a small smile as I said easily. "Yeah, that should be fine. Alright so let's get some rest for tonight before we head off in the morning."

And so while the girls went to go get a bath ready to get cleaned up after the travel here to Lundhaven, and to clear up any residue nasty from killing the demons I went over and accepted the mission before I also went to the hotel room we rented for the next couple of days.


I awoke to the sounds of Rose's cute little snores as she was curled up in one of my arms. "Rose has always a deep sleeper... Which also plays into her fetish of free use." Drakia spoke almost lovingly but then her voice became dry and disappointed as per usual when it came to talking about the Light Goddess and her degenerate proclivities she inevitably gave her nuns.

Rose shifted in her sleep at Drakia's words and I gave a wry smile as the nude nun looked at Drakia on my other side with a pout as she whispered. "The holy light goddesses's desires are perfectly natural Drakia. Don't be rude!"

And in return, Drakia rolled over to lay her head over my chest as she retorted dryly. "Getting bent over and railed by a large man who grabs you by the throat and whispers how he is going to blackmail you if say anything... Isn't a traditional idea of romance Rose."

Rose's face flushed and she hotly cut back. "I would never! I have no interest in being blackmailed Drakia!"

My lips twitched as I realized she never denied the desire to be manhandled but... This world was made out of lewd energy and I was getting used to that knowledge. The first man I got closer to and thought was cool with his own smaller elf waifu who looked so demure in public, was, in reality, a cuck who was into getting his balls stomped on by that petite little elf.

'Gods... I really need to find a bro in this world. A guy friend who isn't a cuck, will try to cuck me, or otherwise just be a fucking weirdo.' I thought and then I interrupted Drakia and Rose's friendly little bickering as I said. "Ok girls, get dressed. We need to head to the dungeon."

Both girls gave a perfunctory reply and got off me so they could get dressed while I did my morning business and likewise got dressed. Then after collecting some food, and directions to the Elsyiem dungeon from the guild we set off for it.

It was actually a fairly quick and uneventful ride, as the Elsyiem dungeon was one of the more public dungeons in Lundhaven, even if it was open to only the military and adventurers with confirmed identities like myself. So with both adventures and the literal army of Lundhaven's portion of New Atha's army running around the area going to and from the dungeon, there wasn't anything that attacked us on the road.

Not even a single goblin which was something new, as the damned blighters seemed to be everywhere.

The dungeon itself was built into a large wall on the side of an enormous hill and coming closer to it. I raised an eyebrow as I could literally feel the magical energy spilling from it. "Suprised there are no guards or anything, honestly?" I spoke looking around as I saw a small but empty cabin on the side of the dungeon's entrance.

I raised an eyebrow at the sight and actually went to the cabin and froze as I was inspecting its internal area. As on the dark-stained wood chair, there was a blade-like hole that was driven through its back from the upper side of the chair. And if someone was sitting in this chair, when that hole was put through it... That meant that whoever was the guard.

'Had a spear or knife shoved through their heart from behind themselves as the chair is facing the front of the room... Unless the guard was sleeping, they should have reacted and the blade hole wouldn't exist.' I thought and then I shared my thoughts with Drakia and Rose.

And Drakia traced her finger across the slit-like blade hole in the chair and spoke. "Yes... This was almost certainly a spear, from how thin the actual slit is, as swords are typically a good deal thicker."

Rose then had another good point. "So if the guard here is... Gone, then where is his body?"

Unbidden, a thought hit me as I thought it was not like the body could have just walked away.

"Necromancer..." I said with disdain as there wasn't even a bloodstain from the death of the guard. This meant the necromancer destroyed the guard's heart, killing him and then before the body could leak and lose its valuable fluids to make a stronger undead, he was revived as an undead with the wound sealing up.

I stepped out of the guard's cabin and gave the dungeon a long look before groaning and saying. "Alright, let's go. We have to at least see what's going on."

With the necromancers running around, you would think that the dungeons would be under lock and key honestly. A structure that spits out damn near endless fodder and elites for a necromancer's army? That should be something Queen Iyana should have on lockdown if it was something I could put together so quickly.

The three of us quickly made our way into the dungeon and as per the information, I had gathered previously. We entered the spatially expanded interior of the dungeon with a false sunny sky above our heads as our feet sunk into the soft loamy ground of the jungle-like surroundings.

"Alright, so if there are any necromancers, they need space for a fuck load of bodies, room for the ritual to revive the monsters so they should likely be by the beach as that has the monsters, and the free space they need." I announced as I followed the map I got from the guild towards the beach.

As we made our way out of the jungle that was filled with sounds of large bird monsters crying out to one another along with other wildlife, we laid eyes on the massive beach that acted as the dividing sector for the dungeon's jungle, and ocean-based sections. And Rose put a hand on my shoulder as she pointed at an obvious sign of our suspicions.

Laid out across the beachfront was what looked to be a long line of the sea turtle monsters we were supposed to kill, and working on one of them was a figure clad in a dark cloak with his outstretched hand glowing with an eerie green light as he poured the necrotic energies he housed into reviving the turtle monster.

"Alright, same strategy as before, I will try to kill the Necromancer, Drakia, you peel off any undead he raises, and Rose you smite him with your holy light." I ordered as my golden wings popped out of my back as I prepared to do what I did best.

Gank the shit out of people by dropping on them and doing teleporting shenanigans.

I flew up into the air from the jungle as Drakia went and got closer into position to charge into battle and as I hovered over the necromancer far below me I withdrew my wings with a grin as I fell through the air relying on my enchanted boots to protect myself from the any damage from the fall.

And I quickly reached high speeds as I took my great sword Siren out of my inventory as I fell with my sword held pointed down below. But as I built up speed and approached the hooded figure, his glowing purple eyes snapped up to as though sensing my arrival but it was too late, I was falling at such great speed adding to the momentum.

Even as the hooded figure skipped away at superhuman speeds, my great sword still caught him on the edge of the blade that arced with the lightning within my bloodline as I slammed into the ground having missed just landing on him with my feet as I wanted to.

"A dog of Lund- No, you aren't one of that bitches wretches!" The man closer now in view was utterly repugnant to look upon, as his flesh was clearly rotting with large pustules seeping a disgusting slop from his exposed flesh on his face and the shoulder where I cut him.

But even as his flesh leaked disgusting filth from where I cut him, I saw in quick succession as more boils formed around the deep cut sealing it with bubbling boils. I didn't say anything, I just blinked forward with a teleport with my sword mid-swing downwards.

A loud clanging noise rang out as my sword slammed home into a corrupted staff he summoned and then as evil green cursed energy formed on the edge of the staff, I exploded with lightning disrupting his spell. But even as his greater strength pushed my sword away, I let go of my sword with one hand and then I snapped a gauntlet-covered thumb straight into his eye making him scream and pull back.

I was going to try to cut him down as he instinctively covered his blinded eye but as I stepped forward my mind blanked as my legs were wrenched out from beneath me and as I fell forward and my wings snapped out to try to lift me into the air. I mentally cursed seeing a dozen bone-like limbs wrapped around my leg and attempting to pull me into the ground.

But as I was about to waste a bunch of my mana igniting into a giant lightning bolt to get rid of the necrotic monsters climbing out of the ground, my form glowed with holy light as Rose's prayer incantation activated.

"Xraka, goddess reborn of the undead bless me with your malignant power!" The necromancer roared and I cursed as his form glowed powerfully with nascent green energy as he called upon the Ork Necromancer queen's power to augment his own.

And as though in retaliation the light goddess's essence in the area swelled in power as the necromancer's body swelled turning rounder as his thin and emaciated form became bloated by the necromancer queen's power.

Even worse was how with his body being stretched so greatly, each of the massive pustules on his body audibly popped with his hunched-over back being a massive cancerious tumor splitting open his flesh and dropping a mess of disgusting fluids and rancid flesh onto the ground beneath his robes.

I stepped forward and my form flickered as I teleported behind the man and I used the momentum to spin at high speeds to slam my sword into his staff again but as my sword met the staff I cursed. 'Whelp shit.' And then I was slammed backwards with my feet going over my head as the bastard just yeeted me backwards with his enchanced strength that made me roll across the sandy ground.



Chapter title is wrong, there is no chapter 18