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Nahida's change wasn't the only thing happening... As I watched my the Electric Gnosis within my own hands dimming as Dottore made a choked noise as I finally glowed with Dendro energy.

'Oh... This is." I blankly looked at my hands as I realized that I was now taller than Klee by far, and even having a good foot on Fischl as the divine, Dendro energy provided the life force needed for my innate time powers to age me to my optimal form.

"You... How?" Dottore spoke utterly stunned as the Electric Gnosis finally just turned to dust in my hands that fell through my fingers.

And as though in answer. Nahida giggled loudly as she said with her covering her lower face with a hand. "It seems that fate has decided that two gnosis will cease to exist after today Dottore. Now what is your move?"

The ranked second Harbinger's face went through several expressions even the majority of his face was covered in his mask that covered up the top half of his face. But the clear picture of his mouth, and the way he visibly clenched his fist... It was clear that he was agitated.

But finally he went still as he in turn laughed coldly as he bowed slightly with an arm going to his stomach as he said. "Well... In that case, beyond my own illogical feelings of annoyance and frustration, I have no other recourse. The Gnosis of Dendro and Electro have been destroyed, I will be leaving then as there is nothing but further conflict to be had here in Sumeru."

And then in the most anticlimatic manner possible, a stream of water circled his form and then as the water dissapeared his form was gone! He teleported away!

'Where was my anticlimatic battle?' I thought with my hand rising up in denial as though to tell Dottore to give us an exciting battle to make this journey around half of fucking Teyvat worth it!

But then my form sparked with lightning and my thankfully enchanted clothes having stretched and thinned themselves to still fit me fine became looser as I lost a couple of inches from my adult form and I entered a older teenage form with my more musclar arms thinning down as well within my sight. "Ahhh! I hate time shenanagins!" I cried out as I realized that my form was now locked in a teenage form.

"Oh no. He turned hot." I froze and woodenly turned to Fischl who flushed with an atomic red blush as the thought had accidentaly became verbal and thankfully Nahida broke the awkward moment as she coughed out loud to gain our attention.

Nahida's four sided star like eyes were looking at me as she spoke with curiousity. "So you have some form of power over time... And that power is what changed you and myself to our older forms."

Nahida hummed as she took a step towards me and I met her eyes as she seemingly inspected my form as she muttered something under her breath and as she looked over my form I did the same... And what a form she had.

As Nahida in her older form matching her old life of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata was beautiful in every form of the word. She had a sort of fae beauty with her elvish ears and glowing green and gold eyes that would light up when she found something intresting.

And her body matched her growth as her dress was thankfully enchanted as it stretched with her large bosom pushing outwards. 'So... The question is, how legal is Nahida now? I mean she is five hundred plus years old, and does have an adults body now.'

But that thought was cut off as Nahida spoke excitedly. "So your time power pushed my body to it's natural state should I have not have been sealed away, and likewise with my Dendro power acting as the fuel for your own time powers. Your body aged to meet your mental maturity but instead of locking in like mine has, it regressed as your body truly wasn't old enough to support the power you would weild later in life as a kitsune!"

Oz, Fischl's electro raven then cut in. "This is all very enlightening, but Lady Lisa, and Lady Shenhe are still fightning above us! We must end the fightning and have you quell any fightning Lesser Lord Kusanali."

I nodded along with Nahida who snapped her fingers and I shook as below our feet formed a platform of solid dendro energy and Nahida said relaxedly. "Very well, allow me to carry us there then." And her dendro platform holding Klee, myself and Fischl zoomed back the way we came and up through the elevator shaft with a spike of Dendro power slamming through the elevators roof allowing the sound of battle to hit us as we re-entered the Akademiya's main floor.

And as we came to the ground floor, before I jumped into battle I staggered as my mind went blank as Nahida spoke out sternly. "That is enough! I, Lesser Lord Kusanali declare Azar a heretic! He has blasphemed my projects in the Akasha, and is using it to steal the minds of the people!" She yelled and all the Akasha terminals people were wearing on their ears.

Visibly flared with Nahida's dendro energy before shorting out with Cyno falling unconsious instantly with Shenhe kicking him through a book case as she twirled her spear without a single hair out of place as she strode over towards me with... A scary look in her eyes.


Hmm is it time

While this was a satisfying chapter I will forever miss the chance for all the smol characters to join under Kurama's banner as they run across Teyvat unleashing chaos and confusion as why a band of seming children are questing for stuff across the land for what ever crazy plan Kurama can come up with. But again thanks for the chapter.


The change has fischl shook…she even forgot her chunni talk


Nothing is saying he can't do some kitsune illusions to retake his more child like form. But yeah it's time to Kurama to grow up

Goddess of Victory

Really hope fischl either joins his harem or is his sole partner in this one.