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I was awoken by the sounds of a shower and the first thing I did when waking up was move my arms looking for the soft form I had previously been possesively cuddling through the night period.

'Oh... There's sunlight?' I thought blankly as through the curtain-covered window of this prefab house was a healthy golden glow of light coming in and I rolled over with a grunt as I got out of bed and threw open the curtain to look out of the house.

And outside it was basically 'daytime' with several large powerful lights on the roof lit up making it as bright as daytime would be.

I looked at my bracelet and then shrugged activating it as I was pretty sure more than twenty four hours had passed since I had it.

And I was right as the Devil Fruit Gatcha had been replaced! With something even more weird. [Sword Gatcha! 500$ a pull!] [From Ea the sword of Rapture, to ascended swords that cleaved galaxies... Or just a wooden stick a Jake stole from a kid in Skyrim, the possibilities are endless!]

'Fuck you!' I cursed as this Gatcha was even worse than the devil fruit one as at least those didn't come with the devil curse of the sea and such. Having an OP-as-hell sword wouldn't help at all especially it would kill me to swing it.

Not to mention the sword would almost certainly require me to get up and personal with monsters... I was very much more comfortable staying as fucking far away from monsters as possible, thank you very much!

But as I continued to looked through the daily changes I saw the discounted section and I froze as I could actually afford something very good. [Gramarye Core 520$] [The magic of the Inheritance Cycle/Eragon. One of the most dangerous forms of magic to the user there is. But also one of the most versatile and potent should the user have the knowledge, cunning, and most importantly the life force stored away.]

A long moment of silence was there as I looked at the Gramarye Core and after a moment of checking its discount timer which had a two day timer on it. I then went into the proper shop to look for information download on the Ancient Language to get the information on the Ancient Language and such so I would be far less likely to kill myself.

And seeing the price I grimaced at its clearly undiscounted state. [Gramarye Lexicon] [10,000]

Granted the reason for it being so expensive did make sense... As the words within the Lexicon would allow you to literally become a nuke and blow yourself up. And have the word for magic which would allow you to control all magical phenomena like a god. So it made sense.

'Thankfully I do remember some words so Gramarye could still be an option, but I will think on it more as I gather more funds.' I thought as I let the curtains fall back as I heard the shower cut off meaning that Mizuhara was done in the shower.

But in the meantime, I walked over to the bathroom and called out. "I am going to get some breakfast started and check out the basement to see if there is anything interesting."

A faint "Alright" Rang out through the door before I heard a hair dryer start up making me mentally snort at the thought of creating so much noise while she was almost certainly still naked and vulnerable in there.

But either way I was confident I killed everything dangerous in the area unless this place reset every night... And as interesting as such a thing would be and be an easy way to farm up credits, I still wanted to find more people and have safety in numbers.

I walked downstairs and after taking some eggs and throwing them in some water to boil for some boiled eggs along with some sausage being thrown in to cook in a toaster oven I then went to the basement...

Pushing the metal-sided door open I heard a long creaking noise as the hinges cried out in refusal as I opened the door making my lips twitch as I clicked a switch on the stairs wall to turn on the lights leading downstairs.

'Huh, so this is supposed to be some kind of entertainment center?' I thought as I came downstairs and after turning on a couple more lights I saw that the large room had a leather couch in the center of the room with a large tv in front of it and in the back was a large bar stuffed with alcohol and some packaged snack foods.

But mounted over the bar... There was something very interesting as mounted atop the bar was a baseball bat that pinged off my bracelet and after going over to it I raised an eyebrow with a smile crossing my face. As it was worth 200 credits!

So after swiftly selling the baseball bat as I certainly wasn't going to use it I packaged away some snacks as I returned back upstairs as I knew the TV's although having power didn't have signal from the previous TV's we tried in this house and the previous one we stayed in.

I went back upstairs and as I came upstairs I heard Mizuhara humming under her breath in the kitchen. And there she was, working in front of the stove cooking up some more food beyond the simple fair I threw in to cook while I was downstairs.

"I am making some pre-made miso soup, and some fish as well if that's ok?" She spoke with her back to me.

And I shrugged even though she couldn't see it and answered easily. "That's cool, never had fish for breakfast though I did have Miso a couple of times when I went to some Ramen restaurants."

Mizuhara threw me a smile over her shoulder obviously happy that I wasn't going to say anything like 'Why did you mess with the food I was already making?'

But as I relaxed my hand on my face I froze as I heard something in the distance outside... Like some kind of humming?

My thoughts were cut off as Mizuhara went stiff as a voice from outside spoke up. "Alright! Start going through the houses, this place is reading super low on the EM scaling so there shouldn't be too much of a supernatural presence. Just be careful of zombies or something!"

I swiftly got up and walked over to the back door and saw through the small window to the side was a group of four people though I couldn't make out their details besides noticing that they were women and one of them had some kind of glowing effect going on around their head as the glass was super foggy.

'Fuck... I don't wanna just shoot and kill them without saying anything so it's better for me to announce myself so we don't have an accident!' So I pulled open the door slightly and yelled out. "Yo! This house is occupied!"



I have to agree eragon magic is versatile but until you have enough life force to actually use it for big things it mostly seems to be a good way to almost kill yourself

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter. He should get martial arts and ki first from Kenichi or Ranma.