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The following day bright and early we were all awakened by some maids in skimpy outfits and then shepherd around to getting ready to meet King Aultcray and after a quick breakfast we were led to the king who was back in his seat.

But this time there were a couple dozen more people with weapons and armor who were clearly the adventurers and soldiers who were to going to join us.

"Now, we will not be spoiling you Heros. We will be giving you all 100 silver coins which is the average amount of money a laborer will earn in a couple years. Such an amount of money will allow you to get whatever supplies you desire while still incentivizing you to leave the capital to earn more money taking quests and selling materials you gather." The king spoke deeply as four guards carried a bag of money which they handed to each of us.

Even though the soldier gave Naofumi a dirty look as he gave the money. He still got the money, but I could tell my prior warnings about the king wanting to fuck with us, was sticking in his head as had clearly picked up on the looks of digust aimed in his direction.

Either way the king continued. "Now, these soldiers have discussed through the night on who they were going to join, and they will be your preliminary party members to help you all get acclimated to this world and help you gather strength."

And with those final words the adventurers and soldiers who volunteered along with having a certain amount of strength began filtering into lines behind the four heroes. But with there being twenty volunteers, we should have gotten around five of them...

Naofumi still got a bit fat zero members and I hummed loudly looking at Naofumi who was looking around in embarrassment as the nobles in the back started muttering. "Man... Twenty volunteers, all tasked with guiding a great hero to help save the world. And the one with the strongest defense who is literally the safest one to work with. Has zero helpers?" I spoke out blandly and I saw a number of people stiffen as I looked over at Aultcray with zero humor.

I was done playing games, if I could help it. I was going to shut down the dumbass racist before Naofumi could have some upjumped charges slammed into him. To say nothing of how I already had Malty in my party. And I clearly remembered my challenge in coming to this world... I was going to break in the pyscho bitch and 'fix' her.

"Your Highness I have a question," I spoke with the king glaring down at me but I didn't flinch at all knowing he was a weak old man who lost the allegiance of the Cane/Staff Vassal Weapon with how off the rails he went. "Why is everyone glaring at Naofumi? He has done absolutely nothing to deserve such hate... Unless its something to do with him being the Shield Hero? Or... Is it a religious issue as I have already seen the icons for the Three Hero's Church?" I finished rhetorically with Aultcray's hands visibly tensing on the arms rests as he remained silent for a long moment.

And finally he spat out. "The Shield Hero will receive an additional fifty silver to further strengthen himself... And you Welt and Rojeel, you move to the Shield Hero's party."

Two larger men with great sized weapons were moved to Naofumi's party and I noted that Rojeel was already giving Naofumi a head nod in confirmation of him joining the part. But my focus was retaken as Aultcray spoke out again more naturally with him clearly ignoring my previous questions as he finished this whole meeting rather brusquely. "You are all dismissed!"

I turned on my heels with my back to him and taking in my party members my lips twitched as I seemingly inherited the original Spear Hero's all-female party including Malty Melromarc the first princess who was a bundle of sexy neurotic issues that needed a good dicking to fix.

"Well girls. Please follow me so we can go grab some supplies and we can introduce each other!" I spoke up as I took in their forms and thankfully they were clearly ready to go on adventures as each was wearing some leather and chainmail armor.


After leaving the palace Malty who still hadn't introduced herself led us to a nice park just outside the palace and as the six of us took our seats we started introducing each other.

"Alright, my name is Jake Barriss, I was actually from a different nation then the other three heroes called America rather than Japan. I do have some magical knowledge from my previous world giving me a bit of a headstart in managing this very possessive Spear that won't let me even use my prior world's magic." I spoke making my right eye twitch slightly in faked anger to express how annoyed I was. But regardless I continued on as I looked straight at Malty.

"So, should I call you princess? Or is there some unseen drama in the palace?" I asked hinting at her being an illegitimate child and her face went bright red in... Fucking pure anger.

And I realized that hinting at her being a bastard when as the first born she was actually passed over as the future queen for her much younger sister. Hit that arrogance right in the most painful spot.

She sat there for a long moment and I couldn't help but note that even pissed beyond belief with her face coming close to matching her own crimson hair in color that she was still hot with those emerald green eyes and her ample curves being clad in her tight leather outfit.

Finally with obvious strain she demanded. "How could you tell?"

I folded my hands together as I spoke logically. "I saw hints of Lord Aultcray in your face and eyes... And the way the other girls are so deferential to you as well made me realize that even if you were a noble they wouldn't be so submissive but they truly deferred to you out of some kind of social pressure rather than some kind of fear." I finished my analyses while still covering up my foreknowledge.

And with a huff Malty drew out. "Hmph! I am the first princess of Melromarc, not some illegitimate spawn... But yes my name is Malty S Melromarc and I specialize in using a sword and magic." She finished with some clear anger still aimed at me.

I nodded in understanding and said more gently. "Then I apologize for any offense. Now the rest of you, could you introduce yourself."

From Malty's side was a blond noble woman with long blond hair and blue eyes who was wearing a midriff exposing dress that had some armor on her shoulders and arms while leaving a small cut to expose her ample cleavage into the air. With her speaking after I told the rest to introduce themselves. "My name is Lesty Bouragord, I may not currently have any combat abilities but I know Melromarc very well along with having many connections as my Father is the head of kingdom treasury!"

Ah yes... Lesty, the other psycho bitch who was little more than a speed bump later on in the series for Naofumi. One who helped Malty shatter the minds of Itsuki and Ren with their antics after they got tired of leading the original Spear Hero around.

Once again. A terrible waifu that needed redeemed via mind-breaking dicking.

Next was a orange haired girl with lazy blue eyes who was wearing a short skirt that went with some kind dress shirt that had its shoulders exposed along with showing some side boob. And she introduced herself calmly and without nervousness. "My name is Elena Haven. I am the daughter of a prominent merchant mother, and my father is a general in the military... I mostly fight with a sword and magic though I don't have too much real combat experience besides the training my father gave me."

I nodded and said. "I appreciate the honesty... Training and learning how to fight as we level up can happen, but learning you have zero combat skills or abilities as we meet monsters would be terrible." I looked over at Lesty and said. "Even if you don't want to fight directly, you still need to pickup healing or buffing spells that can be used to help the party out." I said firmly and she swallowed but nodded at my first words.

And even better with this girl, she actually didn't give a damn if I had a harem if she was still the same as she treated the original Spear Hero, as she was well used to noblemen wanting concubines.

Next was another blond-haired beauty this one with much longer blond hair that went down past her waist and she was clad in a tight-fitting dress with a short skirt but she was clearly some kind of adventurer as she wore wrist guards made out of metal and at her side was a well cared for long sword. "My name is Rino, I am an adventurer and I have been one for the last several years. I am level twenty-three and I specialize in close to medium-distance combat with my sword and magic." She finished and I realized she had likely recited the information in her head with how smoothly she spoke.

Finally was a girl I didn't recognize as she was obviously one of the party members that Malty and Lesty would have bullied out of the party if not just sell them into slavery like they did to Rino originally. She had dark hair and red eyes, along with a more gentle face that went with her more curvaceous figure that was clad in a long sweater with her cleavage bared along with a short skirt and at her side was a staff with a gem mounted atop it. "Uhm... My name is Alice, and I am a mage!" She finished clearly nervous as she refused to make eye contact with me.

I took a breath as I realized my party wasn't that great. But I couldn't kick them out without letting them fuck up first. Thankfully the monsters just outside the city weren't going to be that much of an issue so I exhaled naturally and clapped my hands as I spoke out with a more natural smile. "Good! Now we all know one another, so lets shopping to collection potions, maps, and other materials to get me started for this adventure."


Iori Daemona Angel

Shield hero is dumb as a concept but you can change stuff in it


Such a great day, earlier before work my mom saw that my license plate was stolen...