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"And so with the Marvel and DC universe merging together... Germany with their army of super soldiers and massive threats in Super Nazi and Hitler who has the Longinus along with the Red Skull leading the super soldiers are a massive threat for this combined universe cluster that will inevitably spread out greatly." My patron spoke and my find out the blanks as soooo fucking much shit became so much worse when DC and Marvel were smashed together.

As the Longinus or Spear of Destiny had the ability to nullify all magic from affecting the user and was strong enough a weapon that it could easily cause lethal wounds to the Spectre!

And even worse, hero's couldn't directly fight Hitler or go after him as the spear would pull a Mind Stone spear trick and would enslave the minds of anyone going close to the weilder with negative intent with super powers.

I gave my sponsor a dull glare as I asked angrily. "And what the hell do you want me to do to stop super Wolfenstein Germany from taking over the world!?"

My sponsor actually coughed and looked a bit sheepish as he said. "Actually... The Germans have also recruited demons using Hitler's evil and the mass sacrifice of Jews and are using demons as shock troops as no powerful magicians can interfere with Hitler due to the Longinus." At my closed eyes he took a deep breath and then added on 'cheerfully'

"Oh, and Japan has the support of their gods as well who are helping the Japanese protect their country with no plane being capable of flying over it without being smashed out of the sky."

My head thumped against the desk before I glared at my sponsor and said flatly. "Fuck you no. I refuse this world."

He coughed and muttered under his breath. "Wow that was the first flat refusal I have gotten." But he cleared his throat and then spoke more sternly. "Jake12342124451. I don't believe you understand your place right now. You died and we expended a great deal of resources reviving you, making your cheat, and even collecting some back up for you."

My patron coughed and said bluntly. "You don't really have much of a choice dude. But hey... Its far better than being reincarnated in the same situation I was... I got reincarnated in Warhammer Fantasy with the Everchosen and his army a single mile away from me."

My lips twitched at the thought as I realized that. 'Yes my situation wasn't nearly as bad' But he wasn't done as he continued. "And we are well aware this is a difficult mission so after a Jake who bought a waifu from the Catalog after living in the universe of Lethal Company and got jipped heavily... I personally went and cleaned out one of their high-end clone banks and I shall give you these three!"

He waved grandly and from the ground came three massive tubes filled with shadowed forms and then with a hissing noise the tubes opened and my mind flatlined at seeing what was within.

In full power armor and with their weapons standing beside them within the massive tubes was three demi-goddesses. With imperial filigree covering their armor-clad forms and their very presence pressing down upon my mind at... Just how grand they were.

One with red skin and red hair that went down past her backside with horns and almost Egyptian-style art across her armor. The second was blond with pale skin and long blond hair done up in a pony-tail with a notable scar running down her face.

Finally the last one... She had almost glowing golden hair that caught in the light perfectly with her face being a art like combination of gentle and regality. And lastly she had a pair of beautiful snow white wings behind her back.

"Skadi Russ, Magna the Red, and Carmillia... Three literal Primarchs will be your backup in bringing this wacky universe back under control and make sure that something like Brainaic and Thanos teaming up to control the local multiverse cluster doesn't happen... As the Infinity Stones among other things in this universe obviously have a lot more reach." He finished.

The female versions of Leeman Rus, Magnus the Red, and Sanguinus. 'Did they have a different life then the canon version of male Primarchs?' I thought with some curiosity,

But I sighed looking at the Primarchs in front of me and for a long moment, I wondered if Skadi and Carmilla would kill Magna for being a traitor the moment they woke up... But regardless I said with reluctance. "Fine, I agree... Hit me with the cheat and let's get this show on the road!"

My patron smiled and before I could react his glowing fist was buried into my chest with him pulling his fist out and teleporting back instantly back into his seat with the bloody hole in my chest quickly closing with my bloodied black shirt losing its stains as well. I heard a small grunt from Lena and Magna with my patron muttering. "Huh... They are already reacting to the typical Company bindings to keep them from killing your ass."

He then looked at me and continued speaking as I calmed down from having a fist smashing into my chest. "Anyway, you got a powerful draw. You are the Wandenreich now... No, literally you have all of Yhwach and although you will be starting out with just the I, The Iron and you will need to absorb a fuck load of spiritual energy to form the rest of the Shrifts before you can truly take on the mantle of The Almighty." He explained briefly and already I could feel the Visionary within my core.

And I realized even with the Iron, I was still outgunned by the Longinus's reality manipulation which came from killing the son of the fucking Presence. So I nodded seriously and swore to myself to not fall into the arrogance even if I should get something like The Visionary that could bring the user's imagination to life.

"Alright! I will be dropping you guys off somewhere interesting so have fun!" My patron finished and before I could demand answers like I was being dropped or what I would do about our identities I along with the clearly awakening Primarchs were sucked away into a swirling portal and we were sent directly into the hell hole that was the Marvel and DC universe merged together.



First hollow now quincy so where is shinigami Jake? Are those 3 primarchs at full power? If he Upgrades them with a few Schrift they would wreck havoc in this world Marvel/DC abomination or not


NGL I would ditch Fem!Russ for Fem!Roboute any day of the week