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Kasumi and I quickly made our way over to the park in which the trap was supposed to have been triggered and the moment we arrived my eye twitched at the sight.

Bodies laid out across the park as it was clear that Ragnarök first used their delinquent dregs to tire out Marie, Miu, and Honoka, and then they sent the more skilled fighters in slowly and methodically all in order to precisely drain the fighters of their stamina.

And despite how great of a martial artist the three girls were. They couldn't literally beat a hundred plus people up some of them being martial artists of some skill themselves without getting exhausted.

We quickly ran past the groaning piles of wanna be gang members following the sounds of yelling and screaming with Kasumi and I both running at high speeds. And once we arrived at the current battle I shouted out. "Hey eggplant head, you cannot beat up your crush to get her love!"

The fighting slowed down as people looked over at me with utterly bewilderment and I saw one of the Eight Fists in Berserker burst into laughter as he looked to his leader Odin who actually had dark purple hair and was the obvious target of my joke.

While Kasumi dove directly into the fight to kick and beat the female martial artist group Ragnarök had in the Valkyries I focused on the leader of Ragnarök as I spoke bluntly. "What the hell is the meaning of this? Does using literally a hundred plus people to wear down a martial artist mean anything if you beat them?" I asked.

Odin pushed up his glassed with his gloved hands and I could see him roll his eyes as he likewise walked towards me and spoke blandly. "Ah... The newest member of Ryouzonpaku, you are not seasoned enough for me to crush yet."

In reply I just took a deep breath and strengthen my body with Awakening Breath and Odin's eyes laser focused on me as I walked towards him with my hands in flat as a knife. "You don't have a-" I was about to say how he didn't have a damned choice in the matter but I had to dip my head as a knife hand swung with high speed at my throat that I dodged.

And in the corner of my vision I saw the Hermit the blond martial artist who was the disciple of Kensei Ma's brother was clearly challenging me.

"You don't get to challenge the boss at the get go you know... It makes the rest of us look bad, plus you and I have karma with our masters." Hermit said as he settled into a lethal stance with his palms aimed directly for my neck and heart.

I gave the hood wearing blond a dark look as I said flatly. "I am not Kensei's disciple... I am Shigure's." But he snorted and retorted quickly.

"Yeah, pull the other leg, I can recognize the bastardized dragon style from a mile away and my own Master is angry seeing my uncle Master is teaching you such an unorthodox style."

'Are other martial artists going to be pissed seeing my different techniques from China?' I thought with a sigh escaping me but regardless I accepted Hermit's challenge as Kasumi and the rest of the girls continued beating the remaining Ragnarök members while the upper members of the Eight Fists looked ready to finally join the fight against the girls.

Meaning I didn't have much time to continue messing around as even Miu and Honoka were breathing with some effort. To say nothing of Marie's much more apparent exhaustion.

Hermit started things off with both of his hands coming down in a knife hand in an X pattern that would have slammed into the edges of my neck and probably killed my nerves and collapsed parts of my neck. But instead, I using the Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist, stepped into his blow while punching the side of his right elbow to slam into his other arm.

As his hands came down I allowed his now clenched fist to strike the side of my shoulder and as I saw a small smile enter his eyes at landing the first blow I fully absorbed the impact of his punch with my feet shifting and finally with a blur of motion I used the momentum of his own punch to slam my own punch straight into his solar plexus in the center of his chest.

As Hermit backpedaled he tried to swing his knife hand to block my follow up punch but I redirected the knife hand again and kicked the side of his knee with a loud popping noise ringing out as I kicked the joint out of place and even as he came down I dashed forward and slammed a knee into his solar plexus again.

A loud "Keh!" Rang out as Hermit gagged at me smashing those two bundles of nerves to together and before he could react, I mercilessly switched to the Kyotōryū and with Bang's breathing technique augmenting my strength I used my all strength to stomp foward to bring both palms into his chest knocking him five meters into the air with a double Poppy technique.

"Wild Strawberry!" I hissed as my body twisted as I grabbed his arm in midair as I leapt into the air meet him and as I held his arm I had to use that arm to keep him from being knocked away.

As I in less than a second and a half, I had slammed both of my feet into his chest four times in a blur of motion before finishing the technique by spinning Hermit through the air and slamming him face down onto the ground with his arm as the lever from being five meters up in the air.

A series of clapping hands rang out as Odin finally seemed to acknowledge me as he himself began to walk towards me but I only looked down at Hermit whose anger filled eyes blankly stared up at me after he somehow managed to roll over onto his back. "You lost because you were utterly sure I would use a certain style and even when I didn't. You reacted like I was going to switch to it..." I shook my head seeing my words had sunk in and he fainted there.

"You know... Maybe you are actually worthy of my time crushing." Odin said and honestly for all I knew he had a sort of Sekuken technique. It was funny that I literally didn't remember a single name of these people except for Kisara who was currently fighting Marie Rose.

So I knew I hit a sore spot as I said blandly. "Yeah well, if you were too much of a coward to face a Martial Artist at their peak, then I obviously don't need to be worried about you then."


Patryk Sikorski

Since this has the baki universe then odin could get the ali jnr treatment of constant jumping for the shit they pull.

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the chapter looking forward to the next one.