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After the woman escorted us to another room and we four were sitting down I decided to burst the two younger fuck wits little fantasy of this just being a game.

"This isn't a game, a VRMMO or anything like that... We literally got isekaied as I died before landing here." I spoke seriously before looking to Naofumi and the others as I decided to make up some bullshit. "My original world actually had magic so I have a bit more of an idea of parallel worlds and summoning but from the way you two talk, you came from Earths with more scientific focuses right?"

All three looked at me with disbelief but I shook my head and smiled as I said simply. "You three name the prime ministers of Japan on three." I said and did a quick countdown and all three named three very different names making them all look at one another in shock. "See... You three are from Japan, but clearly different Japan's on a different parallel Earth." I explained before folding my arm over my chest as I spoke seriously.

"This summoning is weird... I was taught in magical school that no matter what. There needed to be safeguards for the summoned being to have some kind of leash over them, otherwise you never know when they will turn on you." I then hefted my Legendary Spear in my hands as I said bluntly. "Their leash is the Waves themselves... They don't have a way to send us back until they are probably over with due to the dimensional disturbance caused by the fractures between the world and where the monsters are coming from. So all they have to do, to keep us working to protect them from the Waves is simply leave us alone..."

Naofumi grimaced as he caught on as he muttered. "When we get teleported to the Wave right?"

I nodded while the other two teenagers finally seemed to catch onto how serious this was with the sword hero Ren Amaki speaking quietly. "So we have no choice but to get strong and survive these Waves huh?" The almost stereotypical Japanese looking youth then asked me bluntly. "Show us some magic then, you have to have some proof of your prior claims."

My lips twitched but thankfully I had an excuse as I hefted the spear and said in an utter deadpan. "Our new Legendary Weapons don't play nice with other tools... And even the simplest magic I try gets me electrocuted for my damned efforts. Naofumi... Try to pick up that butter knife and stab me." I said openly and he gaped at me.

But I encouraged him with a wry smile. "You literally cannot do it Naofumi. So just try." I said and he unsurely picked up the cheese-cutting knife we were given to go with our snacks and as he tried to swipe it at me he screamed as blue lightning sparked over his form while clearly orignating from the shield on his arm.

"See. Our Divine Tier weapons are a bit... Yandere to put bluntly, if you pick up another object with the intent to use it as a weapon..." I lead off with Naofumi giving me a small glare as he cradled his arm.

I took a breath as I then spoke with utter seriousness. "Now. I am not going to try to lead you guys around, or otherwise patronize you. But please." I spoke looking more toward Ren and Itsuki. "The King will likely try to separate us and fill our parties with his own people as he already said he was going to loan us soldiers and adventurers. But remember, he is likely to try to put a split between us with some event to have more control over us." I finished.

Itsuki then said with some sarcasm. "Oh and any other grand advice oh great leader? Why should we believe all you are saying way?"

For a long moment, I just stared at Itsuki wondering if I should try to convince him before remembering how much a little shit he was in canon with his obsession with 'justice' and having a massive inferiority complex that spiraled in mind break when he got scolded for failing and not getting the praise he was addicted to.

I smiled and then leaned a bit closer to Itsuki as I said bluntly. "Because you little shit. I said so, and if you continue being a little shit when I am trying to make sure you don't get enslaved after literally being isekaied then I will not bother helping you when you ruin your life."

Naofumi actually whistled as I leaned back from the flushed form of Itsuki and  my smile died as I saw the little shit's hands tighten on his bow and I thought. 'Was he thinking about attacking me?'

But thankfully Naofumi cut in. "So with your prior magical knowledge, do you have any ideas how we can more easily level up? Or even make our weapons stronger?"

I nodded as I hefted my spear up with a more natural smile coming to my face as I already had ALL of the strengthening methods for all the weapons in my memory which meant I had them unlocked though I wasn't going to share them all right now. "Yes. Although my magical senses are... Restricted to say the least, but I was able to sus out that you can feed items to your legendary weapon and you will unlock new variations of the weapon with special effects." I spoke and then to prove it I snapped off one of the candles and with the wick still lit I fed it into my spear with a mental push.

[Candle Spear Unlocked LVL 1] [A spear with a flame on the end as the blade. May use Mana to stoke the flame. Fire Affinity+1]

My spear had transformed into a long candle and on top of the of the pole were fist-sized flames and with a mental flex I fed some mana to the flames making it grow from fist-sized to the size of a watermelon.

"As you can see, the item you feed to your legendary weapon will form the core of a new item... And with the game logic running this world with world with our Legendary weapons, I suggest the first thing you guys do is get a map to feed to your weapon to see if it gives you a minimap." I finished and with another mental flex I transformed the candle spear back into its base form with my SP or stamina points going down slightly.

Even though Itsuki was clearly pissed off at me for treating him like the turd that he was being currently. That didn't change the fact that he was listening closely but either way Naofumi had another question as he wryly smiled.

"I mean that's great and all... But you got any idea's of what I could get to be able to fight on my own?" He asked and I thought for a minute of mundane things he could get if he got screwed over and then I told him to put toxic things along with thorn bushes in his shield so he could rely on his already four times our defense to bully monsters to death.

After a bit more conversation in which Itsuki asked me although with some clear reluctance if I had any suggestions. To which I told him to get a telescope or something to snipe from afar which made his eyes light up. But that was all the conversation for the night and we went to separate rooms to get some sleep.

As we had our whole adventure starting tomorrow!



Would the shield zap Naofumi if he tries to rape someone? Since he isn't using a shield to attack someone


At least has Nafumi and Ren listening so 2 out of 3 is great Probably mention to Nafumi to pick up Martial arts an to push his physical stats since he won't have the best direct attack abilities, though those redirection or absorptions and reflections will be godly


Yup hence telling him to get Thorns to do DMG to monsters that attack him is a good start.