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With my trial over with. And Akisame giving me a 'clean' bill of health. I basically had to go meet with the Grandmaster now.

'Wonder where the girls are?' I muttered as I hadn't seen Miu or the other three girls when I went into the big house but in the end I just thought they were in their own rooms or something.

As I came to the door leading into the Grandmaster's dojo where he was for the most part I didn't even manage to knock as a gruff voice called out. "Come in."

I walked in, and sitting on the tatami mats of the dojo floor was Hayato Fūrinji whose eyes opened up at my entrance and I saw his eyes fill with the light of Ki that never not surprised me to see.

"Jake Barriss... You are feeling better?" He asked with some concern and I nodded slowly with the grandfatherly blond giant visibly taking a deep breath. "Good. Good... So I need to tell you something very important." He said slowly and I wondered what was so terrible that he was clearly hesitating.

"Young man... No, Jake you are uhm... My grandson." He finished lamely making me blink and just stare at the man for a long moment as my memory of my body adjustment prior to entry into this world made it abundantly clear that I was related to Hayato Fūrinji and Yujiro Hanma at some level.

I didn't remain silent for long as I took a breath but then I responded with a wry smile as I ran my hand through my hair with some nervousness. "I knew I was an orphan... But uhh, I hope you don't expect me to leap to calling you grandfather or anything."

If anything my own awkwardness put Hayato to rest as he chuckled loud and deep as he stood up from his sitting position and took a step closer so he could pat my shoulder with one of his large hands. "That is fine Jake. Just know that I accept you as my grandson and that you are my family..." He seemingly drew off and I tilted my head to the side slightly as he obviously was fighting with something as he sighed and then continued.

"Miu as well accepts you. But Jake I must warn you." He began seriously as his hand squeezed my shoulder. "Being my grandson will lead to you being targeted. By martial artists that seek to challenge themselves or to suppress you... And of course by female martial artists who will desire to take your seed to build a stronger future generation."

At my completely flat face he nodded and even burst into laughter as he heartily said without shame. "I already got several calls from the assassin clans of Japan like the Kure family and even from abroad who wanted to know the rates to put you out to stud Haha!"

My eye twitched and Hayato snorted at the clear mental distress I was feeling before he took a deep breath and he squeezed my shoulder one final time before he let go and took a step back. "Well... In better news, I won't be asking you for tuition and rent for staying here." He added making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever gramps," I said trying it out and I could tell my words hit the old man right in the doki doki as his hand went straight to his heart and he made this cringe noise that made me sigh at how weird my life has become. "I still plan to contribute to the dojo if I am going to be staying here... Plus I can probably win some good bets with my relative anonymity if I get back into Kengan matches."

Hayato at my words became utterly serious and his hand went to his beard and began stroking it as he hummed in thought. "Hmm, that is a good idea, Jake... And to be frank you do after all need to get your name out there."

He was visibly pondering something important and then he finally spoke with some hesitation. "Jake, in the next month is Japan's Maximum Tournament which is right now in a weird spot due to many of the Kengan Fighters of the world being in Dubai and America for a series of large business fights there... I think this tournament would be perfect for you to get your name out into the world."

'Oh... The Maximum Tournament, that's the major tournament in which Baki won and has most of the Japanese Baki characters taking part in.' I thought before I nodded resolutely.

I was reincarnated and given these martial arts talents and skills for a reason... It's not like I could refuse to take part in such a major event!

"Well. Seems like I need to get back to training with Shigure and probably Kensei Ma as well for hand-to-hand combat." I said confidently but my confidence was blown like smoke in the wind as Hayato shook his head.

The giant of a man clenched his fists and then left them open as flat palms as he spoke seriously. "No Jake, you are my grandson... You shall be learning the Seikūken which is my signature technique and will fit in perfectly with your redirection style."

And as his eyes glowed with ki and he advanced towards me, I had one single thought running through my head. 'I am going to fucking die now.'

"Now Jake, the Seikūken is the star of the Fūrinji style." He began to explain as he showed the movements of the technique that allowed his hands to rotate around his body at high speeds and would have the effect of blocking all blows that came at him except for directly behind him... But even that was iffy as he could just turn his waist a bit and hit any attacks coming from his back.

Hayato then showed me the power of the technique as he had me attack him at full strength and without any effort he would slap aside my blows... Until I decided to be cheeky.

As it turned out Bang's martial art in the Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist had a special technique. Which utterly baffled Hayto as I used the Water Stream Encampment technique which was a more offensive version of the Seikūken.

Sure I didn't manage to hit him once... And in fact, I got my ass kicked for being cheeky and using a derivative technique of his masterpiece. But seeing his dumbfounded face was worth it.



Thx for chapter. Looking forward to what other martial arts he will learn and if he will learn all his new grandpa’s techniques. I’m curious if he will recreate whirlwind iron cutting fist or if he knows it already. Also I can’t remember is Jake going to have a harem?


He is going to punch people... And somehow yes that will help him get girls lol

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the chapter looking forward to more.