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With one fallen taken care of, we obviously got to the next one then. For the male fallen, we went for, one of the kitsune would act as bait as the clearly mentally insane but weak fallen would attempt to 'hypnotize' the beautiful women into following them outside the bar or anywhere else we found them.

It was honestly... Disturbing how mentally deranged the Fallen were as they were only at the two-winged level and they never saw past the kitsune's illusions. They tried to prey upon my kitsune like they went after the mundane humans they so normally preyed upon.

Of course, the moment they took said kitsune to a spot of privacy they died without knowing what the hell was happening after a hardened kitsune tail pierced their chest leaving a basketball-sized hole in their chest.

And of course, I playing at the rich tourist looking around Brazil with gold jewelry hanging off me was also a prominent target to the female fallen who wanted to do some black widow nonsense on me.

By the end of the day. We had killed ten fallen altogether, with myself killing three, another two killed by Shinano and Amagi with a honey trap... And Kaga somehow using her stronger talent with illusions changed her appearance to a little girl and killed five fallen but three of those kills were at once when they tried to abduct her for 'human' trafficking.

"Let's go to the beach!" Kaga said excitedly as she swung my arm back and forth with clear excitement having gotten the most kills out of everyone.

I smiled and nodded with my form surrounded by the excited forms of Akagi, and Yukikaze with Amagi following more sedately while Shinano and Senko were checking the Brazilian Continental's library for interesting local lore.

Amagi then added on relaxedly as we walked down towards the beach. "The ocean is truly a sight to see... Back in the Gumiho realm, there were only a few lakes and mostly underground rivers that we got our water from."

It was a surreal thing as Amagi and Yukikaze then got into a discussion about wondering how humanity was able to prosper so much while living on the coastline where all the water wasn't drinkable... Which is a fair point in their view.

As we entered the beach I clapped my hands as Kaga let go of my arm so I could toss out a couple of rune plates to reduce mortal attraction so my girls could let out their tails and ears.

And with a flicker of magic, the girls changed into their swimsuits as they entered the water while I did the same. "Ick!" Akagi spat and I couldn't help but chuckle seeing her making a weird face as she got the salt water in her mouth.

"Haa... This is nice." I said relaxedly as I floated on the water while keeping an eye on my minimap and there weren't any registered enemies around us.

Then I grunted as I felt a wave of water pick me up and threw me into deeper water. And as I came up out of the water I threw Yukikaze a gimlet stare as she waved her glowing hands that had propelled the wave of water to throw me.

"Mutiny then?" I challenged and then we all had a water fight with us abusing our magic or lifeforce to send waves of water at the others until we exhausted ourselves and I collapsed face first into Amagi's lap who was sunbathing under the bright sun.

Amagi indulgently ran her fingers across my scalp as the other tired girls came over with Kaga setting up an umbrella so we wouldn't get cooked by the sun. So we could just enjoy watching the waves of water come by.

"You know... Besides killing the fallen, do we wanna do anything else?" Akagi asked after a minute of relaxation.

I raised an eyebrow as honestly... I didn't have any plans to do anything here in Brazil besides killing some Fallen way away from where I typically lived so I wouldn't get any Fallen attention to NYC. "Is there something you wanna do Akagi?" I asked frankly.

The dark-haired beauty chuckled as she spoke evenly. "Hmm not particularly, I was just curious if this was just going to be a work trip."

In the end I just shrugged. "If you girls wanna do something. Thats fine, I just want to get the fallen wings so I can become stronger. If you girls want to do something, odds are I would be willing to do it if it isn't something too weird." I finished with a small chuckle aimed at Akagi who had weird ideas of fun to drag me into.

Like having me enter a lingerie store and grading how she looked in certain sets... Yeah, it was nice and all, but it was awkward as hell.

After a bit more of relaxing Yukikaze then spoke up from where she had her own head lying on my side. "To be honest, being a part of the supernatural world makes going around Brazil... Unsafe, with the many fugitive entities." The blond then looked at me with a hopeful pout as she asked adorably. "Jakeeee can we go over to Japan and go to the supernatural side of Kyoto to check out how the Kitsune live here on Earth?"

And at that question, I easily nodded and answered with a gentle smile as I knew where she was coming from. "Yeah. That's fine Yukikaze, I imagine the rest of you want to go as well?" I asked and they all nodded while I also wanted to go to Japan as well.

I also wanted to pick Yuki up as her clan duties were going to end in the next couple days max and I didn't want to leave her sitting around Japan wondering where I was.

Either way, the girls had come to a pretty united opinion that Brazil although nice for sunbathing... Had too many psycho supernaturals running around. But as we packed up all our stuff into my inventory, I paused.

A red blip had formed on my minimap and I naturally looked over towards the direction of the red blip. Past the throngs of people naturally swimming and sunbathing on the white sandy beach was a man.

[Ishmeal- The Researcher, Fallen Angel. Lvl 52]

'Does he know who we are? Or knew the fallen we killed over the day?' I thought as I sat up and without a care about the muggles around us due to the runes I had placed around earlier I summoned my combat outfit that was fitted with a number of runes with my hands being filled with a couple Celestial Bronze axes.

"Ooh?" The man actually froze for a second and then said. "So you aren't some simple human with magical potential... Pity, but move aside young man those ladies are mine now." He said bluntly.

For a split moment I thought he meant like he was going to cuck me or something but his title as the 'researcher' made me realize he wanted them for another purpose.

I only tilted my head to the side and asked bluntly. "Are you stupid? Why would I agree at all? To say nothing of you being weaker than me, but-"

Before I could continue he cut me off while visibly rolling his eyes as he created a light spear in his hand while four raven black wings sprouted from his back. "Human arrogance at its finest... I have lived for millennia and your kind only recently stopped walking through streets covered in your own excrement. In either case... You can die then, I will use your cadaver in my own experiments in case you are a demigod or legacy." He said without care as he approached with the light spear.

While the girls had gotten up and reinforced the spells to keep the typical humans from noticing what was going to happen I decided that this Fallen needed a bit of a wake up call... Though a part of me wondered how he had found us to begin with.

With a powerful stomp that sent sand skidding behind me I used my lifeforce and mana to augment a flash step that brought me close and as my axes came down upon the Fallen I grimaced as his suit glowed with runes that repelled the blades of my axes.

"Hmph, just because I have four wings doesn't mean I am weak." He spat as he tried to punch a hole through my chest with his light spear but before he could react I took advantage of his arrogance.

A heavy wind pinned him in place as I tossed my axe at his face which was obviously diverted by his runes. But as his eyes went wide I stepped forward with my own projection wings coming form my back to keep up with his own form that tried to get off the ground.

The wind that pinned him in place was obviously from Kusanagi which now filled my hands which were emptied after throwing my axes at him. And those runes fared no better than my own previous runic jacket did as Kusanagi's divine nature tore and overloaded the runes as her blade carved through the shield effortlessly allowing the blade to make a gentle cutting noise as it stabbed through his chest and with a turn of my feet I carved open his chest as I ripped the blade out of his chest by cutting through to the side.

"You... You had a divine blade?!" He spat as he covered his chest with a hand while blood poured out from his chest that was shredded from the violent wind blades that emanated from Kusanagi's blade.

He fell to his knee's obviously feeling the weakness that came with a shredded... Everything basically, but he still had the strength to point to at me with his unharmed side's arm and scold me. "You cheat! You would insult a divine sword with using... Another blade to open the fight!?" He demanded and then he pitched forward with his face slamming into the sand as he couldn't keep upwards anymore.

Then I just stabbed Kusanagi into the back of his head and twisted the blade killing him for sure as I dryly retorted. "Yeah... It's a powerful trick for dumbass supernaturals who don't expect a human hero equivalent."

I quickly tossed the corpse into my inventory as my girls threw on clothes besides their swimsuits as we quickly made it out of there as the humans although numb to the supernatural sight after the girls did a quick mass memory wipe of the last five minutes, that didn't mean there wasn't a supernatural somewhere on the beach who wouldn't be immune to the memory wipe.

But as we exited the beach I got a mental ding. [Quest Item Received!] I looked at the notification and I realized within my inventory was outside of the corpse of the fallen was a notebook that was glowing my inventory with my system continuing. [The Third Reich's Treasure! The Nazis and their supporting factions tore through Europe's lands stealing both mundane and supernatural treasures of all kinds, many of which were lost!] [Using the journal follow the map to the location of the lost Nazi treasures that were lost when the ten-winged fallen angel who led their kind to South America died under Gabriel's light spear.] [Warning! Treasure is within the cursed portions of the Amazon Rain Forest.]

My lips twisted at the kooky quest that reminded me of the mission to revive Tamamo and I realized that both were beyond troublesome to say the least. The cursed portions of the Amazon were the exact definition of a death trap with how it was the beyond cursed remains of where the Abrahamic faith butchered the South American deities and Pantheon's gods when they came over with the conquistadors and other colonizers.

'So wait... This was one of the nazi fallen angels?' I thought before shrugging as we quickly got back to the Continental. And rightfully so as the Continental app pinged us.

[General Supernatural Warning. Cadre Fallen Angel Kokabiel is within the area.]

Without a damned moment of hesitation, I grabbed my girls and using my system directly teleported back into the NYC underground I had claimed.



Yup I would nope the fuck out of there too.


Of course the maniac warmonger has his fingers here...