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I flexed my hands clad in the thin metallic scales that formed the gauntlets that Kriosa made me and as I did so the Pagoda Spirit sneered. "Those are mine... My spirit destroyed itself making those so you at least owe me that." She spoke while being clearly upset that Kriosa had gone out like a madlad.

But in response I just sighed as idly noted just how damned good these gauntlets fit my hands. 'Doesn't weigh my hands down at all and won't affect my swordsmanship... Damn, he was a good smith." I was... Very sad and disappointed I couldn't bring him back to my Sect honestly.

I finally deigned to speak to the Spirit of the Pagoda softly as I closed my hands into a fist. "Do you have a name?" I asked simply.

The spirit tilted its head before snorting and said bluntly. "No. Why would I care for a title from beings I typically eat? Now hand over those gauntlets and our bet may continue."

I shook my head with a smile coming across my face as I spoke patiently as I noted the beautiful waves in the metal of my gauntlets. "You see... All things have names, whether they were given a name at birth. Or they came to be known as a name over time... All things in existence have a name." I then finally looked at the Spirit of the Pagoda as my eyes glowed with spiritual energy.

"If you deny the name of your existence, I henceforth bind your existence and give you the name Utumno." I spoke with my voice deepening as runic lines and chains formed over her form and she screamed as the runic tattoo's and chains burned onto her skin while across the five-story Pagoda hundreds... Thousands of shrunked seals expanded and covered the tower binding her essence and very soul.

"You see... Every single... Step I took inside this tower, I left a seal. Every single breath I exhaled, I released my spiritual energy you greedily swallowed into your very essence to devour it. You are my bitch now." I slowly explained as I walked over to Utumno whose brands and chains seemingly sunk into her form. "Thousands of seals, my very own essence, you literally did this to yourself in all reality, now..." I mentally called upon Utumno using the seals I branded upon her and I gained an awareness of the internal structure of her Pagoda's body.

"You bastard... How dare you cheat!" She growled while the floor beside me cracked and then with a sobbing noise the slime-covered form of Atraxia was dropped beside my feet.

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the Pagoda Spirit and said frankly. "It's not like either of us was going to keep the deal? You knew I wasn't going to submit, and I knew you wouldn't honor your deal. Just behave and I can help make you more powerful and feed you demons as you already want." I said bluntly as the ground in front of me cracked open as a platform rose up and up to waist level with the things that the Pagoda Spirit had sealed away on the top floor while I tossed the dozen-odd demons or whatever that were in its bowels and other rooms out of the Pagoda.

'Special herbs, mystical metals, bones from the incarnations of greater demons and other spiritual entities... Jackpot!' I thought with a widening smile as I waved my hand and all the items were deposited into my spatial bag hanging from my waist as Atraxia gently rose to her knees while shuddering at the treatment she faced in the pits that were little different from the Daemonculaba that would devoure the essence of spiritual entities like demons.

Lastly on the center of the table was the main attraction. The female clone of Fulgrim, that was obviously a 'failure' due to a lack of a Primarch soul and aura. But I didn't care, I could give her methods to cultivate her soul, I could give her weapons of power...

I wanted to see an uncorrupted Primarch with my lessons kill the shit-heel demon Primarch Fulgrim. I could think of no greater irony than that.

So I tossed clone that was in some kind of sealed tank inside my spatial bag as well while I then looked at Atraxia with a smile as I winked. "Atraxia Sarath Xegmon Gozgannaach... I call upon your name." And with that, I grasped the spiritual entity's essence and drew her closer to me as I filled her form with some spiritual power while I used a minor spell to clean off the filth covering her form.

I leaned down and grabbed Atraxia by the shoulder and with a blur of motion I used my control over the Pagoda to teleport us outside and as the purple light of Slaanesh's sky filled our vision Atraxia inhaled in utter relief that couldn't be described at being able to finally leave the Pagoda.

While she was re-gathering herself I made a hand sign and I heard the spirit of the pagoda in Utumno growling as she tried... And failed to stop me from shrinking her Pagoda until it was no smaller than a can of Pringles which I then just put into my spatial bag to further seal her away.

"Alright!" I said taking a breath. "Thats enough time in the Warp." I said before looking over at my... 'What even is she to me?' I wondered with my lips twitching as Atraxia looked towards me with her blind eyes.

I just put the thought aside as I could worry about it later as I picked up Atraxia in a princess carry and with a few steps my form blurred as I delved into the eddies of Warp until I resurfaced back into base reality.


James French

An actual wholesome demon waifu, can’t wait to see how Elesmere reacts 😂😂

Rauko the varment

Oh dear, the space waifu will need to be slightly mind broken(sexxed up a few hours) to fully accept them