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Seriously... Who the actual fucking fuck decided that throwing a literal mecha kaiju at students without real combat training was a good idea?

"Are we running and screaming as well?" Hina bluntly asked and I snorted at her question before shaking my head as I realized something important about the large monster robot.

After a moment of thought I spoke out. "No. Hina, Seako, work with me. Seako you use Alchemy, Hina you use the Swamp of the Underworld Jutsu along with me." I said as we began jogging towards the massive robot.

"Ah. so you plan to just sink the robot into the ground." Seako spoke quietly and I nodded in affirmation as the massive robot was moving methodically in one direction. And even as we approached the ten-story tall kaiju a couple of streets away, I noticed students were attacking the kaiju...

But even as condensed explosions hit it, as laser's hit it, as cars smashed into it, as boiling acid struck it... All the attacks did nothing to the kaiju due to the glowing force field surrounding the monster which made my eye twitch at how utterly unfair this was.

As the Kaiju could and were attacking the students through the forcefield with literally dozens of machine guns mounted on its frame that was shooting rubber bullets into the screaming forms of the students who were trying to outrun the monster's massive steps.

"Alright! Hina go, Seako loosen the ground under it!" I ordered as Hina and I began the arduous process of molding the large amount of Chakra to use Jiraiya's favored Earth Jutsu. Seako clapped her hands together and laid them onto the ground and the ground rumbled with the massive machine tilting to the side and staggering as Seako transfigured all the asphalt and stone into loose sand.

"Swamp of the underworld." Hina and I both muttered under our breaths as we matched Seako as we slapped our hands on the ground but now a loud groan rang out as the sand pit turned a thick cloying black mud. 'Deeper... Gotta push the swamp deep into the ground.' I thought with a grimace as my spiritual and physical energy strained at the cost of this powerful jutsu as we converted the surrounding fifty meters of ground into a swamp that the kaiju sunk into.

The Kaiju whirled around and if anything its movements helped it sink into the ground but I could tell things were going to be fucky as students were attacking the still forcefield-covered robot and were making it more difficult to deal with.

A loud thumping noise rang out and my eyes widened as from the kaiju's back came a whole new volley of missiles and I mentally cursed the UA staff as they were obviously targeting us as more than seventy percent of the rockets curled up through the air and headed directly towards my trio.

Seako knowing Hina and I were busy sinking the robot clapped her hands again and in front of us a large wedge-shaped stone barrier formed in front of us which was fine as we didn't need to see the robot with how we were connected to the jutsu sinking.

Loud thumping noises rang out and over the back of the wedge we saw thick foam cover our impromptu bunker's opening that Seako left open while even louder was the sounds of the actual missiles slamming into our bunker and shaking it with the force of the metal missiles slamming into it.

But it was enough, with the bunker, and the thick, quick-hardening foam covering the bunker, we were certainly immune to the rubber bullet-shooting machine guns that tried to focus on us, and after a minute I almost keeled over as my hollow-feeling body screamed in exhaustion as the robot sunk up to its head into the swamp.

A loud alarm rang out and Present Mic's voice yelled out through the intercoms laid on the side of buildings. [And that's it kiddos! Pack it in and come towards the starting zone!]

"Ugh! That was entirely too much effort." I groaned as Hina and I staggered up to our feet with Seako's help who hadn't used nearly as much effort to use her alchemy.

While we slowly made our way towards the end zone Seako quietly spoke. "It was indeed a good deal of effort. But going and actually dealing with it, will make our applications look better. Especially with how we showed that we are willing to work with others to go beyond our normal needs."

'Though its clear the teachers are going to be asking why and how our 'Quirks' are so similar... Damn, I am going to need to make up some kind of excuse about what my Quirk is. Quirk creation?' I thought with my lips twitching at the thought of how people would react if I could 'create' and give away Quirks at will.

Especially with how the government was rightfully fearing the Quirk Singularity that could spell the end of life on Earth.

Without much fanfare we stumbled our way past other prospective students and I saw a good number of the students that would make up the classes of 1-A and 1-B. Though I was more focused on the form of 'Big Titty' Midoriya Izuku who was talking with Ochako Uraraka and as we came closer, we realized that those two had formed a partnership to do the exam.

"So you guys worked together?" I asked with some interest and Midoriya blinked and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Yes! I used my super strength quirk and she used her gravity nullification Quirk to turn cars and parts of buildings weightless so I would throw and smash them into robots just before she gave the objects gravity again!" She happily explained and my lips twitched at that cheat.

I mean think about it... A 'weightless' car being thrown like a baseball at a hundred plus miles an hour and then halfway through the flight it suddenly gains all it mass back... Thats a lot of force to smash into a robot.

Then a thought struck me. 'Wait with Midoriya being a girl, does that mean that All-Might actually managed to properly taught her control over her Quirk? Or is that just Midoriya being a chick and having the common sense in not wanting to destroy her arm with a single punch.'

"That's a good plan." I said in congratulations and then Midoriya spoke excitedly.

"No, no, no, it was super simple! But you three sinking the kaiju robot into the ground was so cool! What quirks do you guys have to do all that together!?"

Ochako Uraraka was the typical definition of the hot girl next door, simple brown hair, and eyes with a pretty nice curves. And she gently cut into Midoriya's questions about our Quirks. "Midoriya, wait a moment."

And then another buzz rang out as Present Mic our proctor for the exam spoke out with amusement clearly coloring his voice. "Alright kiddo's the practical exam is over! You guys are free to head over to the changing rooms to get changed and head on home. And to the three who sunk the tier six robot into a swamp... Goodwork!"

I blinked as people began looking around for the three who sunk the kaiju as we were actually a good ways away out of sight for the most part. But thankfully Uraraka poked a finger to Midoriya's lips to keep her quiet as everyone began moving on so they could get home to relax after the stressful day.

"Well, you girls have fun." I said with a wide smile as Seako and Hina gave me dirty looks while Midoriya and Uraraka took them off towards the girls changing rooms.


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