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I awoke groggily to the sight of a small glowing tree a few feet in front of me and I could only sigh at the mental acknowledgement that I was indeed stuck in the friendliest of From Software's hellscape worlds.

"Look on the bright side Jake... I won't be driven to insanity like in Bloodborne." I muttered as I looked around and frowned as I realized something.

"Melina stripped me and put me in new clothes..." I thought blankly as I was armored in the samurai preset and I was wearing a weird ring on my hand's that took up my both ring and middle finger on each hand.

As I focused on the ring my mind was seemingly taken within and I saw my old clothes and the pile of weapons I had smuggled out of the graveyard including the Uchigatana and a long bow. But most importantly the Ornamental Straight Sword I got from cheesing the Grafted Scion previously was within the ring.

Well, this explains the pocket space all the characters have in the games, and I would frankly hate to have to leave such cool weapons behind as I trek around this world.

"This awkward fitting ring also explains why you can't wear a half dozen rings on each hand." I muttered as I walked over and picked up the golden and blue Estus flasks next to the golden glowing tree.

I paused and stared down at the hole which led into the 'tutorial' area of the game and could only sigh as this was the best chance, I had at actually getting some easy runes as and snagging a crossbow as I knew I wouldn't be able to use the long bow worth a damn.

I then carefully climbed down the uneven walls and then dropped the last ten or so feet and surprisingly I didnt feel any pain at all from dropping that distance.

Spawning the Ornamental Straight Sword into my hands I grinned as a mirror copy formed within my hands and I was now duel wielding the same highly decorated swords.

The first few 'enemies' were barely even sentient as they mindlessly stared at the wall and the fires that they huddled up next too allowing me to fairly easily step over and take their heads off their shoulders.

"Good thing they look like zombie freaks." I muttered quietly as I dragged the flat side of my sword across the rags the 'zombies' were wearing to clean the black blood off it.

The sheer rot and decay all the beings down here had made it very easy for me to see them as just 'zombies' or animals to hunt and not people so I didnt feel any mental anguish in killing the things residing down here.

But nothing is ever all too easy as I finally managed to make my way through the 'tutorial area' and into the underground pond. "Die Intruder!" A voice yelled and from across the pond came a fully armored western style knight armed with a Great Sword sprinting at me somehow knowing I entered the radius of the pond.

The armored knight did a hail marry, powerful stab clearly trying to impale me as he ran through the water, but I had noticed all the moss around the water. Seeing the Soldier of Godrick, rushing me I pitched a rock with all my strength and clocked the poor knight straight in his unarmored rotting face, and I could see where the palm sized river rock crushed the man's mouth as he staggered back but then slipped on the slippery wet and probably algae covered rocks beneath him in the pond.

"Fucking idiot..." I cursed the obviously decayed and mindless enemy as I pulled out the long bow and an arrow from my ring as the knight groggily stood back up but then collapse onto his back as my arrow missed his face/head and lodged itself into the zombie's throat piercing the chainmail.

The arrow to the throat obviously wasn't lethal to the Soldier of Godrick but as the solider attempted to pull out the arrow I had already knocked another arrow and stepped a few meters closer and into the water.

"I have zero plans on getting into sword fights with you, immortal monster..." I spat and then launched the arrow from only five or so feet away straight into the eye socket of the Soldier of Godrick and I could literally hear the arrow go 'ding' as it smashed into the helmet covering the back of the zombie's head.

A wet thud rang out as the Soldier of Godrick collapsed into the water and I felt a stream of energy reach me that was obviously the soldier's runes.

"If I can't learn magic... I am legit going to cry." I sighed as I threw the great sword the soldier was wielding into my space ring while walking to the other end of the pond and up until I managed to get to the overhang which was above the glowing tree where I first got my Estus flask's which I hadn't even needed to use yet with how I was sneak attacking everything.

Finally, I managed to fall back down where I started beside the small glowing golden tree and after going up the staircase, I pushed open the door, gingerly stepped onto the elevator's pressure plate and only screamed a little as the pillar was sent up at a decent speed.


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