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I was violently awoken from my deep sleep being forced into complete wakefulness in almost an instant as unholy screech rang out and I franticly looked around the dark room as I stood up from where I was laid down on a filthy rug. The room was descripted and filled with moldy books that could barely be read as the pages would crumple as I searched the back of the room.

"Holy shit that's a body..." I thought fearfully but then I paused as I stopped panicking from the combination of my abrupt kidnapping and obviously see the corpse leaning against the wall.

"Wait that's supposed to be the maiden chick I need to take blood from, for that blood lord quests..." I muttered and then feeling a bit of bravery I quickly made my way over and began franticly pushing open the rusty metal door with a loud screech.

As I stood outside beside the railing to the massive drop off a cliff I stared outwards towards the blatant confirmation as to where in the world I am.

"Better than Dark Souls or Bloodborne..." I sniffled covering my face with my hands as even with how distressed I was I knew better than to trust the railing to possibly support my weight and I have heard no 'ding' noise in my mind or whatever for a system or golden finger.

I swallowed as I turned away from the massive golden glowing tree towards the massive courtyard with the statue to Marika and could only groan at the thought of having to fight a mini boss without any form of combat training or more importantly a resurrection mechanic.

'Let's see if there's any hope I might have missed back inside.' I thought going back inside and then after literally pushing over one of the bookshelves I found one of the most basic of glintstone sorcery staffs with what looked to be a glint stone mounted atop the staff that was literally the size of my thumb.

After that I went over and although it made me shudder in revulsion, I searched the corpse of the woman who was likely to be my maiden and could whisper a prayer to her in whatever afterlife she was in as she was wearing a  around her neck should she have not died as well as carrying a standard finger seal prophets would have started with, and just for good measure I ripped off some of the blood stained cloth of her dress in case I managed to meet Varre so I could possibly skip coming back here for his blood of a maiden nonsense.

"Why couldn't there be a massive tower shield or something I could use." I groaned as I fearfully made my way out of the building and over the rickety rope bridge and for a moment, I considered making the monster ahead chase me across said bridge but then I would be stuck on said bridge and left to starve to death or something.

But as I walked across the bridge I noticed something with the statues besides the gate into the boss area. "I could easily fit behind those..." I thought and then while seeing the spears and swords stabbed into the ground beside the graves I then strapped the glint stone staff over my back and then nabbed a couple of the spears besides the graves as mighty crashing noise shook the ground beneath me.

"Fuck you! Your master is too weak to fight any of the other demigods!" I screamed as I sprinted with my strength out of the open area and made a hard left turn as soon as I left the gate and then I managed to squeeze myself into a crevice with my spears pointed outwards.

The Grafted Scion having lost all but its instincts and incapable of higher thought ran for me but I was lodged between a solid five meter thick statue and a stone hillside that went over my head so the monster had to try to maneuver its body to an angle where arms at its side could attack me.

But I could only semi hysterically laugh as the American football shaped monsters with arms equipped with sides on its football shaped body simply couldn't hurt me at all as it couldn't fit its arm to attack me.

Meanwhile I was already ramming the rusting decrepit spears repeatedly into its grafted abomination of a form's side and even frontal chest if I got lucky for what seemed like hours but in reality, it literally took me less than a couple minutes of stabbing the rusty spears until one of them broke inside its main face and the Grafted Scion collapsed to the ground dead allowing me to slump against the statute that had cracks running down it from the Grafted Scions rage filled blows that fell upon it instead of me.

"Wait... I actually have to loot bodies now..." I muttered as I faithfully did my gamer duty and ripped the shield and the sword out of the abomination's arms or grasp.

On the plus side I did feel a sense of empowerment or just plain energy flooding my body when the Scion died so maybe not all hope is lost and I am just a standard Tarnished and will meet Melina later. I thought as I passed through the gate and went to the overlook and realized without me 'dying' I had no way for her to actually pick me up and deposit me in the tutorial area...

"So... I guess, I am to starve to death." I muttered but the heavens seemed to take offense to me not dying a painfully death as the cliff I was upon rumbled and a large tile above my head fell from its perch and beamed me in the head making me collapse in a dead feint.



Ha, that's hilarious