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Da Green Lads... Fucking the Green Boyz. I was losing fucking brain cells as I punched Orks through walls, and cutting Orks in little giblets as cutting Orks into four or five people typically didn't even kill them.

Fun fucking fact of the day. Did you know that decapitating an Ork was literally only a minor inconvenience to them when an ork 'Painboyz' just stuck the decapitated head onto another Ork's shoulders.

Yeah, I had to properly pulp their brains and destroy their four fucking hearts and then kick their remains hard enough into a wall to perforate the rest of their organs with the rest of their bones.

Honestly... It was far easier to just burn all the bastards with my yang flames.

"Where the fuck is the da biggest of you!?" I snarled as I jumped down a rickety balcony onto a rushing group of Orks heading somewhere.

And my only response was a larger ork crying out. "Its a squiggy umie with a flaming sword! Krump em and get his sword!"

"Krump my ass!" I yelled out with exasperation as I waved a hand sending a wave of flames that washed over them and burning them horribly with their makeshift metal armor not protecting them from the flames.

The larger ork however due to the passive Waagh energy was able to withstand my flames for a couple seconds so I let him free while I burnt the rest of his group to death.

"Where is the boss?" I demanded as I walked over and kicked one of the Ork's tusk like teeth out of its exposed jaw with it groaning and saying with a wide grin.

"Alright alright Umie. Da boss has already left da ship to go get da loot and pew pew dakka from da fishy boys."

I slammed my boot into the Ork's head mulching its brain with my Yang flames exploding furiously around me as I burned the surroundings to ashes with even the thick metal walls surrounding me turning red hot.

"Mountain piercer." I whispered as I spun my saber around and then with a step I stabbed forward with a powerful beam of Sword Intent shooting out from my blade and carving through the wall I was facing.

I could feel my sword intent flying with power unimpeded of the mortal... Trash metal of stone. And as it finally broke through the ship with my sword intent on hitting the ground outside the ship I quickly flew into the hole I made out of the ship as the boss couldn't have gotten far yet.

And as I came out of the ship I felt Matias sending me a request for a call in our jade sticks so I picked up with our qi connecting us. "Yes, disciple?" I spoke calmly as I flew into the air to try to pick out the Warboss in the ruins of the countryside forest the damned ship had landed on as it missed the nearby city.

"Master, apparently the Warboss used a parachute made of skinned Squiggs to land inside the city. He isn't on the Attack Meteor."

I froze before I smiled and said. "I see... Well, I am going to help you guys deal with the Attack Meteor. We don't want the Orks who left the remains to curse the world to be filled with their reproductive spores."

"I will be in the city looking for the Warboss in five minutes at most." 

With that I hung up the call with my eye twitching at being 'outplayed' via the damned Ork Warboss being too damned excited to get into the scrap. And just sky diving out of its damned Attack Meteor.

"Let the world become its primeval core of beginning," I whispered as I brought my arms together in a hug and then I glowed incandescently white in power as I slowly leaned back.

And even as I began leaning back the ground melted beneath my feet and by the time my back collided with the ground, it was a soft syrup in texture as I activated a fire/earth cultivation spell the earth rumbling around me as I reached deep into the world to bring up a powerful volcanic vent.

'I wonder how my disciples are doing? Hmm wait, I think my human and eldar elder disciples were assigned to that city as well. Hmm, well Arya and Darrus will do fine in holding back the Warboss after fighting Carnifexs.' I mused as the thick molten lava exploded past and around my form as I continuously widened the radius of the volcanic vent.

The Ork Attack Meteor began sinking into the ground as the surroundings became the site of a sudden volcano going off with all its fury sending thick molten ash into the surroundings with lightning born of the sudden storm slamming home into anyone wearing metal in the forest that was going to be made into a modern Pompeii.

And what do you know... Dumbass Orks tend to wear and hold a bunch of metal on them.

My goal was to literally sink the entire Ork Attack Meteor into a volcanic vent and be surrounded by flowing lava for the next thousand-odd years... If any Orks somehow manage to come out of there in a couple of thousand years.

Fuck it they deserve the world at that point.



What would he do if the Orks become immune to lava? Like they have enough that believe that only the coolest or strongest Orks can swim in lava to get go krumping with the MC