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And I was right. People did get past the line of police and such once night rolled around and I raised an eyebrow at the people wearing face masks and headwraps covering their faces as they all but ran into the shop.

"Welcome customers." I spoke out loud and with the door open, I heard police officers yelling out.

"Get out of the store! You shall be arrested if you do not get out of the store!" 

To which I raised an eyebrow and my voice deepened with it radiating past the store itself. "My customers will not be disturbed within the store... Nor will they be waylaid outside of the store."

My voice lightened up as I looked at the people shifting as the police stopped with fear outside my store. "I will be teleporting you all outside my store when you are done browsing or purchasing what you desire. Now go ahead and browse as you please." I finished with myself leaning back and relaxing in my chair to put them at ease.

The people gave each other looks before one person with a thick brookyln accent spoke. "He alreadly said he was going to teleport us out. So just get what ya want and don't cause no trouble." 

He was a smart one... He infered if I could teleport him at will to safety rather than allowing him to get cornered outside the store. He knew I could teleport him to somewhere very unsafe should he or others become an issue.

I raised an eyebrow as that man actually went straight to the portal side of the store and he began looking through the options and I raised an eyebrow as he picked the world Skyrim and then picked a misson I coudn't see.

"Excuse me..." I looked over in front of me and I saw a woman smiling wryly who placed down a couple Fire Breathing Cinnamon Bites onto the counter along with some Ice Taffy like the candies the kids used to freeze the top of a lake in their video to ice skate on.

After ringing up her purchase, I watched as the woman flickered before turning into a blur of light as she was teleported out of the shop, and literally back into her home making other customers blink at the sight.

A couple more people came to buy stuff with basic currency and not anything... To special, until that Brookyln accented man still wearing a hoodie and face covering came over to the table and spoke. "I want to go through the portal with the misson and world I have set... Does everything I have on me, come with me into the portal?" 

I gave him a look before smiling as I answered. "If you mean, if you have weapons, armor, or other stuff on you before you go. Then yes, yes you will keep everything you take into there. Though personally I would reccommend you take a backpack or something with you for the loot you collect."

The man shook his head before a smile filled his voice as he said. "I know what I want. And this is just a test run as I got some friends who can deal with some hot items." 

I raised an eyebrow before shrugging and waving him off and I followed behind him as I set the register to auto scan objects and do the selling as I wanted to see where and what he was doing.

"Embershard mine... You want to get some easy gems huh?" I spoke with him nodding with him adding on.

"Yeah... Plus I am curious after I run through the mine. I want to head over to the standing stones to get the blessing of a thief. Maybe even mage if I can get a spell book or something from the mine haha." He joked slightly.

I gave the mission details on the world a look and saw that it only gave him a timer of three hours which meant he certainly didn't have enough time to make it Whiterun or anything without any powers or a vehicle.

As the worlds were going to be far larger than they were in the game.

But just as he was about to go into the portal he paused and threw me a look as he asked. "Yo boss question, if I get any enchanted weapons, armor or anything like that. Can you identify it?" 

I gave the man a look before answering honestly. "I will see what I can do. Though if it's not too much trouble I would appreciate it if you could bring me a sword, mace, or something to that effect that I can play with."

He shrugged and without another word, he stepped into the portal while I went back to sell more stuff.


"Technology using cold fusion... Turning hydrogen isotopes into a heavier helium nuclei which in turn purifies tainted water by breaking the H2O bonds and using the tainted isotopes for pure energy." Director Fury muttered to himself as he and others were in a conference call with several others about this one GECK.

"The issue is the lack of total information we have. This... Jake Bariss, we don't know his powers, we don't know his plans, we don't even know if he has lied to us at any point. All we do know for a fact is that he is basically selling superpowers to the masses." The leader of the US Energy Department spoke.

Then the Secretary of Defence in Alexander Pierce spoke calmly. "However! The ability to reach into literally fictional science fiction worlds and... Aquire their technology, that potential cannot be understated."

To which the President of the United States Mathew Ellis gave a short nod before saying. "To say nothing of other countries getting ahead of us. We do not want Jake to simply... Move his shop as already citizens have pushed back the police blockade and entered his shop. We have to assume that at this very moment, more and more supers are going to be born." 

Alexander Peirce then added on. "More supers than usual anyway... What with the mutants, natural-born mages, and metahumans we are going to need to regulate these people with such powerful abilities soon."

Hearing that Fury knew it was his time so he spoke up. "I already have two teams worth of operatives ready on the ground. I will be sending the two teams into the world of Fallout New Vegas to get the GECK's as well as bringing back the local Plasma, and Laser weaponry the world is so fond of." 

There was a silence as the Secretary of Defense scowled before the President spoke again. "Do so. Also, the list of available worlds includes ones with far more powerful weapons being generally available. I suggest we send a team to go and acquire the heavier weapons from certain worlds that will be used to deal with Kaiju threats rather than relying on Stark weapons so much."

Finally with that. The Secretary of State in Thaddeus Ross spoke bluntly. "We need boots on the ground now. We can't control the boy with anyone who goes to pull a gun on him just gets teleported to the bottom of the Hudson River. So we just use his shop for its portal and get all the technology we can." 

The President visibly thought for a minute in the conference call with the other heads of the various departments remaining silent before he looked to Fury and then Thaddeus Ross. "Ross, Fury, have some people record the world options and missions, then send some loyal marines and navy seals into worlds in which they can gain their own magical abilities. America needs its own mages that can keep back the sorcerers and other monsters to say nothing of the magically aligned Kaiju."

With that, the president left the call as although Jake Bariss's shop had potential... He had more important things to deal with. Like that blasted lava-spewing turtle Kaiju that decided to crawl out of Yellowstone Park and had the world terrified the supervolcano was going to explode.


I closed the shop after only selling a few candies as most people didn't have the cash to buy literally anything from my shop a good way through the night.

And then in the morning when I was opening the shop back up I blinked as a loud thrumming noise rang out from the portal.

Low and behold a rather tanned man staggered out of the portal with a large bag seemingly made out of hide draped over his shoulders as he staggered out of the portal.

And I could actually see his appearance as his thick hoodie and face covering was thrown aside... No, the bandanna was tied around his arm that was dyed red from where it used to be white with some black designs on it and I gave a wry smile as the man groaned and said. "Yeah and wounds you have when you come back through the portal are healed... So arrow wounds I am guessing?" 

The man dropped off his bag to the ground with a heavy clamor and dragged a dirty hand across his face as he said tiredly. "Yeah... Plus there were more bandits then I thought. So I got close to running out of ammo in there." 

My lips twitched at the way he so carelessly admitted to killing probably dozens of people. But... They were bandits! And I could feel with my connection to the shop that I had gotten five souls from him via the tax.

"Well, you are free to keep everything you got from your mission, though I would be open to buying a weapon from you. But also the souls of the people you slain are already registered as in store credit and likewise the gold Septims you got can be used as gold to be used in the shop." 

The man tiredly nodded and I wondered if it was me closing the shop that made it so he didn't come out of this side of the portal for so many more hours then he was gone.

But either way the man shrugged and leaned down to open the tied-together bag and I wolf-whistled as he unveiled a pile of silver ingots, a handful of thumb nail-sized gems, a literal couple dozen melee weapons of various styles."

"You wanted a melee weapon... Go ahead and pick one boss. I am going to look through the permanent power candies while you do so." He said gruffly leaving me to inspect his catch and I gave a hum as I inspected the weapons.

'All shit tier bandit weapons... Not even a steel weapon, just pig iron probably.' I mused as I sighed and took an axe. 

An axe didn't have a learning curve, it was far less likely to break should I smash it into someone's head. And most importantly, I needed something I could use to get myself some gear to begin with.

As I refused to leave the safety of my shop lest some sniper make my head explode. A mutant punches me through a building. A reality warper makes me turn inside out...

Yeah just fuck wandering around the world of Marvel without some form of magical protection or my body being enhanced in some way.

After a couple of minutes the man came up to the register with an iron body pastry and I raised an eyebrow as he asked with a wry smile. "So I hope I can still be teleported out boss. I imagine the cops are still outside and I don't wanna get snatched up."

I nodded and after deducting a dozen souls from the man and giving him back some gold as a change made his face twitch for some reason. I pushed the mental button for the shop to teleport the man to where he considered home and safe.

Now with my shop truly empty now I took a breath and decided to go over towards the mission portal myself to look through the worlds and missions.

'I would like a gun for myself... Having a gun makes everything, so much damned easier it's not even funny.' I thought with a frown before I had an idea.

As sure having a Falna or some souls added to my body via a Fire Keeper from Dark Souls would be great to enhance my body to say nothing of picking up other forms of magic.

But a good gun? A gun could kill most smaller threats, and if the gun couldn't kill it, then whatever magic I a complete normie can get my hands on wouldn't be able to kill it either.

I swirled through the world's options and I landed on Fallout 4 and its primary mission that I could easily complete. 

[Harsh Arrival- Awaken in the pod next to the main character Nora's with her vaguely remembering you from her neighborhood. Progress the storyline to the point of dealing with the death claw by any means and then escort the Minutemen back to Sanctuary without anyone dying from that faction. 
Then escort Nora safely to Diamond City to complete the mission.
Warning! The main Character 'Nora' doesn't have full fate protection, she can and will die via a bullet to the skull or a Super Mutant bashing her face in with a fence post. 
Rewards- Cryosleep pod blueprints. Cyrocell blueprint, Full suit of Winterized Power Armor fitted for the user.
Timer- 7 days. Time for mission can be waived if Nora however goes full 'loot goblin mode' and brings the user to a side objective with such missions being made available to the user as well.]

"The fuck does it mean the main character going 'loot goblin mode' I thought with the portal interface helpfully bring up an info plaque that read.

[Sometimes essential characters will force the mission objective to be paused for their own reasons. Injuries or far more commonly... A settlement is attacked and they 'MUST' save them in a side quest. Or they find a shiny object they 'MUST' add to their horde of collected things back at their home base.]

[Hence the allowance for in-universe allies interfering with mission timelines if its their own choice.]

I took a deep breath as I trolled through my mind of the threats on the way.

First of all, obviously the raiders in Concord but I had some experience in shooting from my past life so I knew I could pick off some people if needed. Next, I would be able to get guns and other supplies from Sanctuary as well as the vault itself before I went to Concord.

"Alright... I need my own gear and weapons before I work with anyone else. So let's go Jake." I told myself while mentally bitching about how I couldn't use my own shop items without buying them myself so its not like I could take some permanent power desserts.

And with a heavy exhale I punched the button with the portal spinning to life with a loud hum before I strode into the portal that swallowed me up.


Ryan Sheffield

Thanks for the chapter. Question though, can he bring people back through the portal? Maybe if they are considered “property” or something? I wouldn’t mind having a milf cashier in a skintight blue jumpsuit to mind the register…


Would be hilarious if the rewards for completing a mission were given to the store owner instead of the person running the mission. Thanks for getting me a GECK guys! Real team players.