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A good... Couple of hours later of Ahri being my lap dog. Who was now just nursing on my life force as she dozed in a comfortable stupor.

Hinata had woken up and finally found me.

Her lavender pupiless eyes blinked seeing Ahri on my lap before she gave a small smile with her strolling into the room to stand next to me as I laid up against the headboard of the bed. "Hmm, she is another one like me isn't she?" Hinata asked quietly with Ahri's fox ears twitching at the sound.

I gave a nod before saying softly. "Yes. Her name is Ahri, and she was sent to me by my sponsor." 

Hinata gave Ahri a raised eyebrow before shrugging and saying slowly. "She isn't human or even a ninja. Will she have certain needs I need to know about?" 

I gave a wane smile and said. "Best not to touch her. She drains people of their lifeforce to feed herself kinda like our vampires but on a deep level." 

Seeing Hinata frown and give Ahri a dangerous look I said firmly. "It's fine for me Hinata. I have all but infinite life force to support her. Which is why Elsa and Annika are obsessed with me. "

The gentle kunoichi gave a knowing smile before shrugging and leaning in to give me a gentle kiss to my lips before whispering. "Ok, my love. Be good to her. I am going to get dinner started, the soup stock needs to simmer for a few hours."

I nodded and gave her a winning smile that made her demurely smile before she turned around with a sway to her hips as I settled back in to play with my phone that I got with my new identity.

There was a bit of silence for a long while until I shifted one of my legs to get more comfortable and Ahri spoke up quietly. "Am I... In the way of you and your lover?"

And without looking away from my phone I replied honestly. "No. Hinata and I are all but married. But I need to give some level of intimacy to yourself and a couple of vampires we picked up that went vegan and don't hunt humans for many years." 

"And Hinata... Doesn't begrudge you for that?" Ahri asked cautiously as I felt her needy life force hugging against mine as after the long rest and drinking of my lifeforce without it flagging much if it all.

It was clear that she was getting attached.

I gave a slight hum before I answered. "Hinata... Went through a very traumatic incident similar to your own Ahri. She is recovering but part of that recovery is her wanting to make me as happy as possible in order to repay some feeling of self-disgust at her own state."

I chewed on my words before I finished. "She is... Just incapable of feeling jealous to be frank. She sees another woman with me, and all she feels is happiness that I myself am happy." 

A silence remained in the room that was broken up by the sounds of Hinata singing to herself across the house we now owned in the kitchen while messing around with large pots and pans.

"I hate this you know." Ahri spoke as she rolled over slightly so instead of laying across my lap in a ball with her tails around herself. She was laid out on my side with her head still in my lap.

"Even if you have unlimited life force. I hate the feeling of being so dependent on you. I hate the feeling that I am hurting you and others with my endless need for life force to fill my own void." 

I remained silent while Ahri got her feelings out and after a moment I spoke more to myself than her. "Your situation is... Difficult for sure. But, in time you will get used to it. I will be here eternally if you need a sip, a meal, or just a friend to speak your mind to. In time, I am sure there are ways to fix your issues, or find an object that also has all but unlimited lifeforce you could carry on your person." 

If I could get a dragon's heart or something I bet that would give Ahri a fuck load of lifeforce for a long time. That or hell, I already landed into a so-called fictional universe. Who was to say I couldn't eventually go to a cultivator universe and get some kind of thingy there to help her.

Though... It would be funny if I stuck something like the Power Stone into a necklace for Ahri to passively drain.

'How could I get the power stone though? Its fucking on another planet... Nova Corps has it, or Thanos the big grape ballsack-looking fucker has it.' I mused with a frown.

"What are you thinking Jake?" Ahri asked slowly.

I gave a grunt before I said with a sigh. "I have an idea to fix the issue you have with needing lifeforce. But in order to get the treasure that will fix your issue. I will need to kill a genocidal maniac who regularly culls entire worlds." 

To which Ahri blinked at my words and then gave a rueful smile and said. "Sounds like the best option would be to take things one step at a time."


Guilherme Bezerra

It is a general problem with most self aware Isekai. He is thinking of an endgame solution using super powerful unique artifacts to handle an issue that might have much easier solutions closer to home. Just get some contacts with the local magical community or try to explore something on earth before going on a cosmic adventure across the cosmos dude.


Honest him getting his hands on a philosopher's stone would work any number of versions are basically crystallised lifeforce and it would be simpler to get the shards of reality hell he could even look into Alchemy and with his already long life would be able to get to the point he could just make one