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Deamon of Nurgle had two things that set them apart from the other deamons of Chaos. They insane vitality and inability to feel any form of pain. That along with their slow marches onto enemies made them a daunting enemy...

Most of the time anyway. When an Ogryn with a Gravity Hammer goes unga bunga smash on the demon and the wave of violent gravity splatters the demon into many small chunks. The Nurgleite demons weren't so much of a threat with how slow they were.

Slow compared to other demons anyway.

But although base Las-fire weapons didn't do much to the demons. The holy plasma and las-firing weapons on the other hand did a good deal more damage as seven groups of seven Tallymen sallied out towards our forms.

The demons didn't shriek in pain as we killed them or anything... They didn't even seemingly pay us any attention as they attempted to stab our forms with the filthy rusty weapons they wielded. 

No, the Tallymen of Nurgle were too busy mired within their minds. Counting the endless poxes that were spewing into the material world via Nurgle's domain.

But that didn't discount the danger of the demons as the Ogryns armed with Vibranium shields grunted as the demons swords pushed them back slightly. Their deamonic strength not something that could be overlooked.

'This plague was left undefended... It means that the plague here was so strong that the traitor Guardsmen left it to fester with the Tallymen taking control over it. Or worse, there are more plague sites.' I thought with a scowl as I cut down a Tallyman with my holy Greatsword.

"E̶m̵b̴r̷a̵c̸e̷ ̷t̸h̸e̵ ̵g̸r̸a̵n̴d̶f̴a̴t̵h̸e̸r̵s̴ ̷g̴i̶f̶t̸s̶" One of the Tallymen droned and I looked towards him as he was getting carved apart by the Custodian.

And said Custodian was utterly silent as he took out his new Colt and with a loud banging noise that was lost in the other gunfire I saw him shoot the Tallymen directly into its single eye.

But the runes, glyphs, and rituals empowering the oversized Colt along with the runes and rituals powering the bullet itself flared their power to my senses as the bullet slammed home into the Tallymen.

And I saw the Tallyman's single eye socket glow molten bright before an actual groan of pain rang out before it violently exploded in a haze of fire that coated several of the marching tallymen and the fucking endless poxwalkers that followed.

'That demon died... Dead, dead, no reforming in the Warp for that bastard.' I mused before my lips twitched seeing a couple of the sisters of battle share a look before they grabbed their own colts and did the same.

"Save the Colts for bigger filth!" I reminded them with some annoyance as it was a bitch to make more ammo to say the least. "Heavy Flamers, use the holy oils to burn away the unclean!" I ordered.

Loud thumping noises followed by the sounds of the endless insects exploding in the air rang out as the air was filled with burning holy flames that burned white hot.

The Tallymen walking through the flames staggered but even as their corrupted flesh fell off them in sloughs of melted gore. They fell upon the Ogryn's shields without hesitation.

But my Ogryns enhanced with my holy light and their own super soldier serum-enhanced bodies weathered the loud crashing of the Tallymen hitting their shields.

All the while Ecris and the guardsmen made as many lethal wounds upon the Tallymen as they could by getting into better positions. To shoot over the Ogryns.

Soon enough though. More... And more Poxwalkers answered the Tallymen's calls for their lives and I was inwardly so damn happy for the flamers as the Poxwalkers died by the literal thousands in the tight long corridor we were fightning in.

'Fucking hell... This has been going on for twenty minutes now. How fucking many Tallymen and Poxwalkers are there!?' I thought as I squashed down any fear and replaced it with righteous fury as I lobbed a sun of compressed Solar light that exploded into a minature sun that blocked off many of the tunnels leading into the various sections of the Hab Block we were trying to take.

"Take a drink! Eat an anti-viral tablet and wash it down with holy water!" I ordered loudly as I used my own Colt to pick off the slowly walking Tallymen.

But as I shot one of them I staggered as I was thrown upwards with a pain in my feet ringing out to my senses. 

A loud banging noise rang out then in quick unison and I scowled as I saw the tendrils of a chaos spawn wrenching its way up through the grates in the floor and after a moment I ordered. "Plasma Grenades into the floor grates!" 

As not only was there a huge Chaos Spawn climbing up into the Hab Block's main floor, I could see a seemingly endless tide of Poxwalkers that were climbing upon one another to get up to our level.

So as the Guardsmen armed with said munitions started chucking grenades into the floor below us. We all moved backward to get away from the plasma explosives on the way. And B, get some space so we could employ our heavy flamers better while giving our sharpshooters more room to work with.