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Now normally, with the Quiet Place being part of this universe. I would not at fucking all be driving at all. As the aliens from that particular invasion are just retardedly durable to the point that they could enter the world as meteors and survive entry through our atmosphere. 

And they were completely blind, with no sense of smell, or taste to track people. Instead, they had insane levels of hearing.

But, my Jeep was a hybrid so it was far quieter than most any car, so while I drove carefully and slowly through the dirt road leading from my slice of the boonies towards Las Vegas proper.

I turned on the radio to listen to the news... And to see if there were news at all to begin with.

And instantly as I turned on the radio at a low volume I heard a mechanical voice speaking.

[Attention, citizens. This is an urgent broadcast from the SCP Foundation. Please listen carefully and follow these instructions for your safety.

Several highly dangerous viruses have been released on the internet. These viruses pose a significant threat to your mental and physical well-being due to them causing strokes and rapid organ failure due to auditory and visual contact. For your own safety, we urge you to stay off the internet and avoid watching any television. Hostile forces are using these viruses to target and harm individuals through online platforms and TV broadcasts. Do not look at any screens.

Additionally, be aware of a secondary threat. There have been reports of individuals exhibiting symptoms consistent with a highly contagious form of hyper-rabies, akin to a fictional zombie virus. This infection is believed to have originated from an Eastern country's bio labs and is extremely dangerous.

If you see anyone who appears to have been bitten or is staggering around, avoid them at all costs. They are likely infected and pose a severe risk to your safety.]

Then the radio cut off with another slightly different mechanic voice speaking with a slightly more firm stoic voice. [For those who have watched the latest news on secured networks, you will notice from the meteor showers that landed on the world that monsters have irrefutably invaded the world.

However, although they are impervious to all forms of firearms and even military force, they have proved to be completely incapable of swimming and will actually drown within but moments of being underwater.

For your safety you must follow one cardinal rule, the monsters hunt completely off sound, so hide and remain silent as much as you can. Loud natural sounds such as rain or a waterfall will hide your noises to an extent but your goal should be to move supplies onto a boat and get onto a large lake or onto the ocean.]

'Fuck... The aliens from the Quiet Place are already here.' I thought with a grimace and I listened closely as the radio moved on to repeat the SCP warning and then the warning about the aliens from the Quiet Place.

Though I was curious as to how the Wizards of Harry Potter and the Shinigami of Bleach were handling this alien and SCP invasion to say nothing of whatever was going to crawl up out of the damned labs of the Umbrella Corporation.

'Worry about the other factions later. I gotta find my...' I thought before stilling and I brought the Jeep to a slow crawl l with a grimace crossing my face as I fucking realized something that was really bad.

It was late afternoon already and as I looked out towards Las Vegas I realized something very crucial. There were oh so few lights on in the city in the distance as I continued towards it.

'Las Vegas the city of sin is quiet... The end truly is here.' I mused before I took a breath as I pushed forward toward the city as I mentally prepared myself for the future.

And a few minutes later my thoughts and fears were proven right. I hit the traffic that had tried to flee Las Vegas when the various apocalypses began. 

Car's were cut in half jaggedly and I swallowed as I quietly stepped out of my Jeep and silently closed the door as the smell hit my nose...

The smell of meat and shit left to bake in the Nevade desert sun's gaze and as I silently walked towards the overturned and wrecked car's I was assaulted by the smell of death.

I came up to the cars and within the shredded open car was just... Dried gore as whatever went after the occupants just tore them to literal giblets that splattered everywhere.

I swallowed down my bile and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I remembered my days hunting... Killing a deer, taking out its organs, and other debris so it could be hung to bleed.

I used those memories of controlled deeds to keep my reaction from overwhelming me as I saw what looked like a toddler's hand that had been torn off and landed on the dashboard of the car.

Silently I moved on. I needed to collect supplies, I needed to loot some treasure to fill my treasury so I could actually have some magical power of my own.

For the next half an hour I made my way all but silently through the city as knowing of the universes involved I had tied some socks around my shoes so the soft socks would muffle the sounds of my steps.

But eventually, I hit a shopping center. And I thanked all the gods that I had a somewhat expanded bag that was in my alchemy room to help me cart stuff around the bunker apparently. But for now it was going to be my travel bag until I managed to get some actual enchanted gear.

The shopping center contained a number of stores. A golf store... Which I had no interest in breaking into as I doubted it even had that many snacks honestly. A small Lebanese pizza place of all things, a small comic book/board game and mini store, and a larger tool store.

And the motherload, a Dollar General.

The entrances to the other stores were normal, closed and otherwise unassuming. But the door to the dollar store had been ripped off its hinges and the entire front concrete pad was painted in dried gore with bone dried bone fragments gleaming under the setting sun's light.

'Some dumbasses must have tried to loot the store and were too loud.' I thought as I silently creapt towards the store making sure I didn't step on anything to make an excess of noise.

But as I got into the store, I froze as in the distance I heard a heavy crackle of what sounded like machine guns in the distance.

And after the series of gunfire... There was a tense silence and then followed by a harsh shattering noise as a blur shot out from atop the shopping strip above me and I watched frozen as the four legged monster slammed onto the concrete shattering it and then zipped off towards the gunfire running like at speeds of fifty or sixety miles an hour.

'I can't outrun that even with my jump unless I am on an open road and have a good headstart.' I thought as I held a hand to my chest to breathe softly.

But... With the monster taken from the area, I pushed forward into the large dollar store and headed directly for the back where the canned goods were.

Other then seeing some splatters of where some people had obviously gotten... Mulched quite literally, I just filled up my expanded bag with some canned goods, powdered instant meals, and canned milk so I could do some comfort food back at my bunker.

"Bah! They are hard little cretins but all it takes it prying open their little heads and popping their ear brains to make them into squirming piles of meat!" A loud voice roared powerfully and I staggered as the voice was all but in my ear but then the voice continued.

"My name is Balbaroth Barbatos! Holding the title Earl of Hell's circles. and ruling thirty legions of demons! The City of Sin, Las Vegas is now under my aegis and ownership. All Wizards are to report and swear fealty to me and all Shinigami and other soul collectors are to leave as all the souls within this land are mine to collect!"

And finally, the demon lord finished off his announcement with a bored drawl. "And for the common wretches of this city. Rejoice, for I have come to take you under my ownership, you shall be protected by my legions and you will be worked for my designs. You will live long happy lives filled with measured amounts of suffering so that I may collect your souls at their most mature and flavored time."

'Well, this is fucked.' I thought before staggering as the ground shuddered with the lights inside the store flickering at the earthquake making me wonder what the actual fuck had happened.

But that seemed to be it... Besides what sounded like a constant stream of gunfire in the distance and I realized what the demon was doing.

He was using the gunfire to draw all the Quiet Place aliens to him... And dealing with them somehow. And more power to the demon, I certainly coudn't handle them and I needed Vegas cleaned out if I was going to be able to keep collecting resources.

In the meantime, however. 

I understood why a demon would want to claim Las Vegas I really did. But having a higher level being taking territory right next to where I lived felt like shit.

So I needed to even the playing field to say the least until I could secure the magical power to deal with such an entity as I knew for a fact that this demon/devil was nothing like a DXD devil or whatever.

'Now where is a good place to get some 'treasure' and what actually constitutes as treasure?' I wondered as I had a couple of different options. 

First was just going to a jewelry store and stealing all the things on display even if it would be a pain in the ass to get past the reinforced glass.

The second option was to go to something like a high-end Pawn Store as such things were common here in Vegas where people sold or pawned high-end things in hopes of getting the money to make their break at the casinos.

Idly I had the amusing thought of trying to see if the pawn store from Pawn Stars was still here in this universe before I shook my head and continued my way quietly through the streets of Vegas while wondering when I would see another person.

And of course... How I would deal with seeing said person, as it wasn't like I was going to instantly become their best friend or whatever if I found the person.

As I kept walking I left the shopping center and I walked past an apartment complex, and as I l looked at the apartment complex, I couldn't help but wonder how many people were still alive inside those apartments. 

Hiding, not making any noise in fear of monsters and now of the damned demon lord that had claimed the city and their very souls apparently.

And dear god it was scary as fuck to realize something... Each demonic legion had 6666 members so with the guy having thirty legions of demons. That was a metric fuck load of demons to kill.

No wonder my sponsor said this invasion was going to be like 'Doom' there were just so damned many of the fuckers.

My thoughts were broken as I passed by the apartment complex, I saw just past the last apartment building on the block was a small strip mall down the next road and within the sets of buildings was a larger pawn shop.

'Well, no jewelry store in sight. And I honestly want to get back to my bunker sooner rather then later. As I need to engrave my guns with holy runes and pentagrams to kill demons properly.' I thought as I quickly made my way over to the pawn store down the road.

Coming up to the pawn store, I inspected it... I saw that although it had a metal bar outer door, the main door itself was made out of that aluminum side and wood interior doors. So I did the wise then and went up to the large frontal windows and after inspecting it and making sure there weren't any alarms that I could see.

I created a large square that I could comfortably crawl through out of tape around the glass and then with that all done I took out the window breaker I had in my bag that had my weapons and tools in case I needed anything to get into the real goodies.

A soft cracking noise rang out as the glass cracked violently but the tape did its job and the glass didn't break past the layers of tap that I made around the hole. 

With that done I began pulling the broken glass out of the way so I could climb into the unopened pawn store and its contents were unveiled to me.

'Hmm, some rifles could be good for holding the bunker againts zombies not to mention being used for trade.' I mused as I collected the hunter rifles and ammo they had on the wall and then I began collecting the real goodies that I could feel had 'value' to them.

A certain metaphysical weight of treasure that went beyond their value as mere metal, gems, and other sculptures.

But as I was collecting stuff from the pawn store I stilled as I felt something... Calling to my senses.

I looked up and saw that a white ceramic mask that bore a twisted smile was looking down at me.

"That mask..." I could feel its gaze upon me. And I knew it... Was a malevolent gaze as I could feel even in my gut that its seemingly empty gaze was trying to allure me into picking it up.

'Wait. That's an SCP mask! Uhhhh the Possesive Mask!' I thought as although I couldn't remember its SCP number... I knew the damned thing was dangerous as hell with how it would force people to put on the mask so the spirit within could take over their bodies.

"Dumbass... I have mental protection from shit like you haha." I chuckled quietly as I hid a shudder at how the mask's twisted grin turned into a dark frown at how I walked over to the mask and then took down its case and shoved it into my expanded bag.

But that left a good question that had some possible answers. How did the mask get here to this Pawn Store? How many other SCP items and entities could be wandering the world? 

Although I remembered there was an SCP containment center not far from Las Vegas, I had no idea where it actually was as SCP lore that wasn't about particular SCP's was sparse to say the least.

On the bright side, however... With me grabbing an SCP treasure that was fucking huge to start my treasury so I could start doing some alchemy and hopefully enchant some weapons.

Maybe even contract a demon or some outer entity to be within my service.

But now with my expanded bag filled with a good bit of weight that was making it difficult to carry even with whatever meager enchantments it held. I decided now was a good time to get the hell out of dodge to head back home.

I got out of the pawn store and then I began making my way back to my jeep but as I was making my way as I was passing by the apartment building's car lot, I froze and blinked as I saw my first human in this world.

She looked to be in her early to mid-thirties, with her voluptuous form covered up in a thick robe of all things as while she was carrying a sports bag at her side and her eyes widened at seeing me.

I held up my hands in surrender as I saw her take out a knife from her robes pocket and hold it towards me in a clear threat.

Shaking my head, I turned and crossed the street to get away from her and she faltered seeing me going out of way to get away from her I saw her bite her lip before she franticly waved at me.

I stopped and I watched her slowly and carefully put down the sports bag and while she still held the knife she didn't hold it up to me as she approached. But as she approached, I shook my head and pulled out a small axe I had for dealing with zombies from my jacket making her freeze.

'I don't know her... And I can't exactly trust her can I.' I thought wryly.

But after a moment the woman took a deep breath and took a couple of steps closer to be a good five or six feet away from me before she whispered while looking around furtively for any monsters that could come. 

"I am looking for baby formula and nebulizer fluids ... Do you know where I can find any? All the stores are closed and locked up. And I have triplets that need formula and their breathing treatments while their sister is looking after them."

My gut fell at hearing that... 

Triplet babies who need their formula to survive and having breathing issues that need breathing treatments. Hell back in my old life, I had a cousin that I was around a lot that needed breathing treatments every six or so hours as his lungs weren't strong enough yet to process the oxygen he needed.

So I was stuck at a crossroads here as a person. Do I heartlessly abandon this woman who supposedly has such a need? When I could help her loot a larger CVS/Pharmcutacial store, or do I leave her behind?


Austin Levy

I say help the lady but she gonna do some work

Goddess of Victory

Weren't "the quiet place" aliens really easy to deal with since you just put out a high frequency sound humans can't even hear and the aliens basically explode or something. Idk, I haven't ever watched it so could be wrong.