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Hyper zealous nun titties... 

Was the fervor and religious zealotry the Sisters of Battle a spice to their ample titties? 

As in other categories, having a big titty goth GF was the goal, whereas a goth without the big titties would be demoted to a base emo-girl with mediocre taste in music.

So once again... Are Sister of Battle big titties superior to the common big titty nun? 

No... The question was wrong from the get-go. It was never about the Sister's of Battles big titties. I was all about their tight abs, their thighs that could crush a man's skull and their firm yet soft hands that could manhandle a man yet bring him the greatest of pleasure.

My mind was wandering in a field of all but nirvana was hot water pounded onto my form as Adelieth's breasts covered my face as she gently hummed while firming and washing my hair and scalp.

While on the other hand, I felt Katherine zealously licking parts of my body before carefully using a soft sponge to wash every inch of my body with an her breath tickling my body with how she was washing every inch with 150 percent motivation and level of obsession.

Despite the closeness of the two women, and their full-bodied contact with me. They weren't initiating any sexual contact, as for Adeleith. Keeping my head swaddled between her firm bountiful breasts was just the best way to keep me from moving as she thoroughly washed my hair, behind my ears and the back of my neck.

That was until Katherine reached down past my waist anyway... And as she kneeled to begin washing what was below my waist. She spoke a prayer.

"Oh holy Emperor that sits upon the Golden Throne. Blessed be your gaze, I ask thee for your deliverance and blessing as I do unto your holy son the communion of a woman."

And as I made a noise into Adelieth's warrior titties, I heard Katherine say firmly. "In your name... Amen." And then my knees buckled as a gurgle rang out as Katherine instantly throated my length with my manhood being buried into her throat.

"Lady Katherine, your training with the Terran relics that Jake has brought back in bananas have proven fruit!" Adelieth spoke with some jealously and I felt Katherine swallow before a glugging noise rang out as she pulled back and began firmly stroking my length with both hands in a milking fashion.

"You have not accepted his grace into your heart and soul fully Sister Adelieth, when his burning fury fills your heart. The pain of demons touching your mind or losing a limb won't make you even flinch!" Katherine spoke as she was clearly trying make me come as quickly as possible.

I felt Adeltieth shift and as I went to say something as my face was unburied from tits. I was instantly silenced by Adelieth sticking a puffy nipple into my mouth making her sigh with joy as I gave it a quick nibble as Katherine continued her lesson.

"With a heart filled with purpose, you can control your body to do anything. Suppressing a gag reflex is nothing, especially after all the battles and horrors we have seen Sister." 

And with that Katherine's sermon was over as she took my cock into her throat while she used a free hand to begin massaging my balls as her head repeatedly smacked my waist with how quick she was going up and down on my dick.

There were no sloppy 'Gluck Gluck Gluck' noises. Katherine had an iron will over her mind, body, and soul. There was only a soft glugging noise of air escaping as Katherine all but assaulted my senses with pleasure as Adelieth held me to her breasts.

Experimentally I brought a hand to Katherine's head that was bouncing agaisnt me and in an instant I felt her shoved her nose into my abs as she took my entire length in and after a moment gave a slight cough as she held herself there and I realized she was allowing me to take control.

So with my hand buried into her silver hair that was customary for Sister's of Battle I gave her... A literally less punishing pace of a facefuck then she was giving herself.

"Go ahead holy one. Release thy seed into Sister Katherine mouth so she may partake of your communion." Adelieth whispered softly as she brushed her hands hand through my hair.

And all this excitement was certainly so I groaned into the soft breast covering my face as Katherine moaned at tasting my essence filling her mouth and being shot into her throat directly.

My body shuddering was supported by both girls with Katherine holding my legs steady as she and Adelieth moved me to the small wall seat in my shower and as I sat down I heard the popping noise as Katherine finally got off my dick and I could see and breathe properly as Adelieth stepped away from me.

"Thank you for allowing us to check you for wounds and taint holy one. We must be going to check on the rest of the sisters though." Adelieth spoke while I blinked in a post-nut fugue as I watched Katherine nod and then both girls without a fucking word more left me in the shower all alone...

'Did I just get assaulted in the fucking shower? Not even a cuddle afterwards?' I mused incredulously as I felt... Just used honestly!


The Kriegan

Demand the Holy Sanctified Cuddles!!!


Dude has Lewd Nuns, Cuddle Bears, and a Pet Cat he really has almost every thing he needs in life