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You wanna know something sad? A bunch of Halo Spartan's being thrown at Gurellia militia rebels who didn't want to pay taxes or whatever... Wanna know something even sadder?

A bunch of zombies and mutated guardsmen against several squads of Captain America's and Winter Soldier's who were armored in power armor. Their weapons were strong enough to destroy tanks at the higher settings, and their skill and reflexes were great enough that they could dodge sniper fire due to the blessing my Golden Order Sword.

And as for shrapnel? Of random bullets, laser fire, or even explosives? Yeah, every single one of my soldiers had active energy shields around them so unless a Plague Ogryn was trying to smash into them. Then nothing else was going to get through their energy shields.

So like a scythe cutting through fields of wheat, we tore through the heretics, traitors and misbegotten as we left thousands dead behind us. While we didn't lose a single soldier beside someone that fell a thousand feet and sprained their ankles... And thus needed to hoof it back when an explosive blew up the bridge they were on.

As we were carefully dealing with a hallway of stragglers a dull thumping noise rang out in the distance and I quickly looked over with my Crysis Suit's adaptive visors swirling as they used various methods of detection like radar, X-ray, infrared and others to pierce through a veil of dark green smoke that made me snarl at the sight of it.

"Plague Grenades! Make sure your rebreathers are active and your seals are active!" I called out as I pulled the Order Greatersword off my back and the green plague essence burned with a crackling noise as it came close to my holy golden form.

And a scraggly nasty female voice spoke out through the mist. "Aye, what a sight that be. A saint of some kind leading a special detachment of Sisters of Battle. But you know when the Plague Grandfather see's the Anathema playing his cards that he has to double down you know?"

Even with my suits purity seals, the scripture of the Emperor adorned my armor, even with the blessed holy rosaria around my neck... And with the Order Greatsword in hand.

I shivered at her words as my vision barely made out her form standing next to her brother in the dark corruptive mist of countless doubtlessly deadly plagues.

As I understood what she meant. Seeing as the Emperor had cast his gaze upon this planet and blessed myself, and the Sister's of Battle with his gaze. That meant in turn the Plague Grandfather, the Chaos God Nurgle was also going to be drawn into looking here as well.

A howling laughter rang out from the female of the Karnak Twins and as the male went to grab another Plague Grenade to chuck it at us I pointed directly at him and said ordered coldly. "Fire!" 

And bright red lances of light shot at high speed towards them and I scowled as green-tinged energy shields surrounded their forms and blocked off the Spartan Lance fire that had been aiming primarily for him as I ordered.

"Heh, we aren't some run-of-the-mill grunts who have only tasted the Grandfather's love... We have felt his touch directly and his blessings run deep within our forms. Now pray to your corpse god an-"

A roar rang out as Adelith charged through the plague-filled air and I instantly followed behind as the Sister's of Battle dashed into battle through and over the corrupted guardsmen and poxwalkers that dared get into our way.

They had felt the Emperor's gaze upon their forms, my Holy Order Greatsword protected their forms with a golden glow that resisted the green glowing plague-filled air. And their fervor and conviction would not be insulted by a base traitor who had turned their worship from the God Emperor of Mankind.

And although I didn't exactly share their fervor, I was standing right beside those mad Sisters of Battle as their enhanced chain swords roared their fury and chewed through metal, bone, and flesh all the same as we tore through the unclean to get toward the twin.

Even as the twins turned to retreat into a large tunnel which was pouring out pox walkers towards us I roared out. "Stand there you craven coward! Or is your god's blessings so weak that outnumbering a hundred to one you would flee!"

And that caught both of them short... As it was one thing to call them a coward, hell I very much doubted they gave shit about being called such. But the way I worded it. Should they flee, that would mean they thought ever so little of Nurgle's blessings.

That his blessings wasn't enough for the two of them to win a battle so technically slanted into their favor.

The male Karnak twin's arm had a glow on the end of it and I sped off to the side as a billowing wave of power shot past me and I idly noted the fucker had a plasma pistol in his hand... And I really didn't want to test my power armor, and energy shield against a weapon that could shoot through Dreadnoughts with regularity.

But I smiled as my distraction had worked as the Custodian's Storm Bolter opened up with a powerful volley of blessed rounds that slammed home into the two twins energy shields and then with a harsh cracking noise they exploded with the energy shields exploding with the Karnak twins staggering as the blessed shields broke.

And then the male Karnak screamed as his hand holding his plasma pistol was blasted off as Ecris who had climbed up into the pipe works above our heads took her shot with how the energy shields were down and seeing the heretical plasma pistol removed from play I dashed forward once again towards the brother.

As Katherine, the cannoness had already started running forward and her enhanced body wielding a power sword which met the female Karnak twin's power sword with a crackle of power, of energy fields colliding across their blades in the action.

"Your god will abandon you as he always does!" The male twin snarled as he swung an oversized combat knife at me that looked like it belonged in the hands of an Ogryn. 

But as my Order Greatsword met his combat knife... Blessed divine touched steel cut through filthy rusty steel like it was barely there and I wondered what expression was beneath his helmeted head as my sword carved him in half with his body catching flames as my holy sword treated his entire form as an unholy relic to destroy!

Nurgles blessing though ran strong inside him. As even cut in at the upper chest, he tried to push a button that looked to be linked up to all the shrunken head plague grenades strapped to his chest.

But I pulled at my inner Light and the man screamed for but a moment as bright golden flames exploded violently onto him like a jet engine at work.

By the time I looked up, I heard a wet crunching noise and I looked over to see that Katherine had stabbed her sword through the female Karnak Twins chest into the ground and was now stomping the Nurgle-blessed traitor Guardwoman's head into a flattened soda can basically.

'Nurgle can keep you alive through a lot... But complete brain destruction isn't one of those things.' I thought before I took a breath and waved my hand to the side with a grunt of effort to send a powerful jet of my flames into the tide of Poxwalkers that advanced towards us with seemingly no end.

"Men! Bring out the flamers to clear out the Poxwalkers! The Heavy Flamers!" I ordered as I kicked the charred head of the male Karnak off his body before I strode back to meet back up with the squad to condense our forces before we pulled back to rendezvous with the sabotage team.



Going for the Sword that Buffs everyone was the best choice that Jake could have made that shit is paying off all the sacrifice in personal power in Dividends


That plasma pistol dropped by his enemy is looking like a mighty fine future refurbished 'Thorn'.