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♦ Topic: What the Fuck Happened?
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 (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted on June 22nd, 2011:

Sooooo for the people not in the know, Jake Bariss- AKA Menagerie- AKA NightmareFuel has the ability to be THE Changer. And he in the last week had killed or driven away all but one of the gangs here in the lovely shithole that is Brockton Bay.
Whelp he decided to wipe the board clean and now Lung no longer owns a Casino, his new bomb tinker got splattered into a meat pancake, Oni-Lee is a pile of burnt ashes that is truly dead... And Brockton Bay is on fire due to Jake tearing Lung apart worse than Leviathan did.

User: Galaxy_Gazer

Yeah shit is fucked Yo! That bastard killed all the good plugs in the city and now the whole damned city is rumbling as that asshole beats Lung around like a kid on Adderall trying to smack a tennis ball through a wall or something!

User: Watcher 

Here’s a closer look at the fight. [ATTACHED PHOTO]
You can see Juggernaut’s scales glowing but not melting. And Lung going full dragon mode. The ground is literally melting into fucking lava! Thoughts on how this might change things in the cape community as two Endbringer level capes are duking it out?

User: DragonRidesMe

Yeah, Jake went on a rampage and killed all the major villains in Brockton Bay. This transformation must have amplified his already brutal tendencies. Hell do we even know if his transformations affect his mind and mental state? For all we know Jake has no idea what he is even doing as the monster more aggressive grey matter pushes him to take territory or something.

User: Sphinx 

If Jake is targeting villains, who do you think could be next? He’s already cleaned out Brockton Bay. What about the Nine? Heartbreaker? I wouldn't mind if he went away to Africa or South America for an enthusiastic walk honestly.

User: Chariot

The Nine are definitely a possibility, but they’re hard to track. If Jake is hunting for villains, he might go after more accessible targets first, like some of the bigger names in other cities. Accord and his gang in Boston or if he wants an actual slaughter, maybe Nilbog out west?

User: TinMan

Good point. Nilbog would be a massive target, but Jake’s current form could probably shred through his creatures. Accord might be more tricky with all his planning and resources though to say nothing of how he could run away. What about the Butcher though?

User: OvipositorWanted

Screw all this nonsense about killing villains or whether Jake and Lung could have some BL love and then take down Leviathan if they worked together... I just want to know if Jake can transform mid fucking with a girl? Like imagine if he goes from shoving a huge knot into a helpless little maiden and then it gets turned into a mass of tentacles or something!? [Removed for breaking community guide lines- Please go take an ice bath... You need to cool off- Tin_Mother]

XxVoid CowboyxX

Ok someone's absolutely deranged fetishs aside... I have a real question for you guys that's unfortunately in the same vein. A number of Changers were found to still be fertile in their changer states... Who is to say that Jake in any of his forms couldn't be fertile?


Can we for the love of god get back to Jake tearing Lung apart and not monster-breeding habits again!?


Agreed, this chat is now locked "Like most of Jake's chat boards due to human degeneracy, unfortunately..." Also, efforts to close Jake's live streams are still underway but I cannot disclose any details on the subject.


I was just too fast for Lung honestly.

His fire was hot, his strength undeniably potent, his scales were harder than titanium at this point.

But I was the fucking Juggernaut, my form was made to cut through divine forged armor, my form was made to kill fantasy not Demi-gods blessed en-mass by the very gods who could reach sound-breaking levels of speed at the midpoint of their power level at level four.

His only saving grace was his potent regeneration that kept him alive even as I tore him apart and even that had its limits.

He had his limits in fact, and as he kept growing, as he got larger, stronger, and his flames became hotter... I just moved faster as I got more used to this body and its natural fighting habits.

And eventually, his regeneration couldn't keep up.

My bladed tail cut his head in half, my claws ripped his chest into four distinct chunks separated by more than a meter of air as I threw his fifteen-meter tall form away in pieces and his very own flames were reflected back to him in a magical manner.

And Lung wasn't immune to magic flames, which meant that magical flames burning his flesh meant that he couldn't properly regenerate. 

But even then. He struggled, I could see with cold eyes even with his head split in half like an axe would go through a watermelon, I could see the conscious thoughts and most importantly fear within his draconic eyes as he realized I was going to kill him here and now.

He had challenged a monster and the dragon of Brockton Bay had been found wanting with the only major damage I had taken being the Glass Making Bomb that had taken a bit of my exoskeleton and one of my claws.

"An unsightly thing you are Lung." I hissed as out my glowing hot exoskeleton-covered leg landed in a large pool of water that came from one of our forms hitting a water line that had broken and sent water everywhere.

With steam from my glowing hot body shrouding my form as I strode over to Lung who was twitching as he tried to put himself back together ever so slowly as his Escalation power just had too much damage spread across his body to heal quickly enough.

"Fuack yu." Lung snarled with his broken jaw slurring out the words greatly making me snort and then I raised up my hand and replied calmly.

"No... Fuck you Lung, go to hell." And then a blur of swipes followed with the sound of metal being violently torn apart as I ripped Lung's body to shreds and literally threw his body parts dozens of meters apart.

And as I slayed Lung. I could feel a burning feeling in my soul as I seemingly stepped over some form of threshold as a monster.

I had become a true monster in how I had slain literally hundreds of people and in an ascension of my essence... I held up my gore-covered claws and I felt the fog of the Juggernaut's mental weight ease off my mind and all my actions came to my mind with all the clarity of a normal human would have.

And all I could think was a single thought.

'I fucking ate people... What the hell is wrong with me?'



This Jake sooo needs to get laid


Just a taught , i hope he doesn't , yet, have access to the Leviathan form that can go everywhere ( different realities )