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I fell down upon the mutated Quirk user and with my hand covered in the screaming lightning of a Chidori the teeth like scales covering his form coudnt block my attack with my Chidori slamming home through his head and frying his brain.

There was no grand battle, or a major struggle. I shoved my fist through his skull and the lightning covering my fist fried any unwrecked brain matter making the large mutating body flail around before going abruptly still as I fried the mutated quirk user's nerves too much.

Wrenching out my hand I jumped backwards with my form shooting back up into my apartment building as I hid away from the cell phone's that were aimed at the awakened quirk user I killed who was previously rampaging.

Once I got back into my apartment I mentally groaned as I knew this could bring me some trouble but what kind of prospective hero of UA hero school would I be if I literally was caught on camera looking at a rampaging Quirk user and then just hiding?

Especially when I was waiting for the UA admission letter. So knowing I needed to get ahead of things I first sent Yuriko a text saying what had happened and then I was going to call the police to tell them I was the one who dealt with the Quirk user.

"Alright, I am going to call the police. Give me a minute." I told Hina and Seako who nodded in understanding knowing to keep quiet as I dialed the emergency Quirk awakening hotline to report my actions.

"Awakened Quirk Hotline what is your emergency?" A female voice spoke clearly and calmly.

Taking a breath I explained what happened in a clear and concise manner. "My name is Jake Bariss, a prospective UA student. and I live in the apartments just off of Busan and I killed a mutated Quirk User whose quirk went out of control after it awakened."

There was a moment of silence before the female voice spoke again. "Ok Jake we already have heroes on the way to the site and I want to make it clear that reports of the incident is already being filed and with the awakened quirk user killing several people already before you dealt with him. You are not in trouble for dealing with him!" She finished while putting emphasis on her words as though reminding me not to do anything stupid.

I nodded in understanding and then said calmly. "I understand, I will be available for any questions the heroes have. Is there anything else?" I asked knowing this was very much an emergency line.

And in response, the woman said simply. "No, that will be all. If you need therapy you may call the non-emergency hotline for state-funded mental health care that will be provided should you be evaluated as needing it. But other than that, have a safe day then citizen."

With that... She hung up with a crackling noise as she put down the phone before the line was cut off making my lips twitch.

'Wow... I literally just killed a dude, not even a zombie and the police and emergency responders are just like. Meh good job, if you have mental issues due to this you can talk to our cheap government-sponsored shrinks.' I thought sarcastically before shaking my head as Hina spoke up.

"That... Was an underwhelming reaction." She summed up my thoughts as well with me giving the pink-haired woman a firm nod in agreement before I brushed a hand down my face.

I stretched and then looking at the girls I said. "Alright, let's get dinner started. Yuriko will be home in another hour or something." 

Seako gave a demure nod and then put on an apron while Hina pouted as she wasn't that good of a homebody but she went and helped Seako as I put some potatoes and corn in the oven to cook for the hour that we had before Yuriko got home.

And what would you know... Yuriko got home as we were cooking and for a while I felt like the Heroes were going to come check in with me. You know take a statement or something. But it was only three hours later after a tow truck came and carted off the monstrous corpse that as Yuriko and I were talking about her first day working at UA we got a knock on the door.

As I got up from the couch that was sharing with Yuriko I heard Seako opening up the door with a tired female voice speaking out. "Hello is Jake Bariss here, I am here to take his statement."

I looked around the corner and I blinked seeing Midnight the R-18 hero with her BDSM outfit clinging to her voluptuous frame but there was no hiding the exhaustion in her stance as she gave a weak smile at seeing me. "Ah there is the man of the hour. Can I come in and speak for a bit."

Seako and I shared a look before I smiled and said. "Of course, would you like some coffee? Its the least I can do for you for coming out so late." 

She looked to refuse as she walked in and then she blinked and stilled seeing Yuriko who was sipping at her own cup of coffee and seeing the new coworker from UA she gave a wry smile and said. "Actually yes that will be lovely darling. Please put some milk in it as well." She spoke with a hint of teasing in her voice but it was clear she was too damned tired to be flirting making me smile wryly as she went over and sat down beside Yuriko to speak with her.

Once I got a large cup of coffee for her I came back into the conversation with Yuriko and Midnight both with flushed faces as Yuriko had somehow got Midnight laid out on the couch with them both having broken out some whiskey to add to their coffee with Midnight just drinking straight whiskey until I brought the large cup of coffee over to her.

"So no wonder you said you had your home situation all settled in... Living with this young stud, is he treating you good?" Midnight teased as she looked me up and down making me roll my eyes before I looked at Yuriko and said blandly.

"I thought I needed to give a statement?" 

To which Midnight gave a lazy wave as she said plainly as she poured some whiskey into the coffee mug. "You are alive, the monster is dead... That is all the reports care about nowadays, especially seeing as you and your little girlfriends are shoe-ins for UA at this point." 



I'm no grammar nazi but... For several chapters now you have been writing Saeko's name as Seako (autocorrect maybe?) and it's a little jarring and counter-immersive.