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Sigil Stone in hand I allowed my eyes of enlightenment to fade as Victoria came closer and I could still feel the world breaking down around me as the surviving Nord warriors came closer as well. 

"Everyone relax! With us taking the Sigil Stone, the twisting hell that is Oblivion will reject us!" I called out as it looked like a couple of the dozen surviving Nords looked ready to do something stupid like breaking the Sigil Stone in my hands.

The Nords visibly calmed down slightly but I could tell Victoria was giving them a cold judging look as she was debating on silencing them to make sure they couldn't spread word of what they had seen in our abilities.

So with my free hand, I gave Victoria a squeeze around her waist as our vision became engulfed in bright light as we were sent spinning through the realms of Oblivion and then onto the mortal lands of Mundus.

The trip like before only lasted a couple of seconds and I shuddered at feeling the wonderful sensation of possibly dipping my toes into a dozen different realms and then being rubber band snapped away from the realm only to slam into the main realm of Mundus as this was the end destination of the Sigil Stone.

As my vision cleared and I managed to steady my footing, I heard loud shouts reaching our form and I took in how the Oblivion Gate that had opened up in front of Solitude had already become a bit of a kill zone with how dozens of archers, an even half dozen large ballista.

And most importantly I could feel the crackle of mana as several mages prepared spells for us only to falter at seeing just humans.

But even as I took in the view of the soldier's of the Empire, Solitude's guards, and the mages of both forces I imagine. I heard the large stone Oblivion we were ejected out of beginning to crumble loudly with rocks falling down around us.

"Move away from the gate!" I called out as I gave Victoria a look and then picked up some wounded members of the mercenaries that followed us. And getting my look, Victoria helped move along some of the less wounded members of our group as from the assembled forces outside the Oblivion Gate came a well-decorated guard wearing Solitude's guard armor but of a much finer quality.

"Hail adventurers, who defeated the Dremora Lord and took the Sigil Stone?" The guard asked and I knew it was a male from the deeper voice from under the helmet.

But regardless of the guard's gender, I answered frankly. "I closed the Oblivion Gate." 

As more soldiers and adventurers closed in, the wounded were taken off our shoulders, and then a higher-ranked guard ordered. "You have done Solitude a great favor young man, but Queen Elisif and the court mage need to debrief you on what happened within the gate."

I frowned as I was rather tired but I nodded with a sigh saying. "I don't suppose this could wait till the morning? I am rather exhausted, and meeting with royalty while covered in blood is a bad look." 

The higher-ranked guard just stared at me for a minute before stating flatly. "The Queen has ordered whoever brings out the Sigil Stone. To be brought to her immediately barring them having life-threatening injuries."

The guard looked at me and with actual amusement in their tone, they said with some jest. "You two are very skilled warriors, as besides just being tired you aren't limping at all from any wounds!"

I gave a small smile as I said simply. "Skill and having some talent in healing magic helps in that." 

The guard chuckled and then wordlessly led us back into Solitude with his form allowing us to bypass Solitude's locked-down gates and cross into the city and soon we reached the Blue Palace which was the Keep in which Queen Elisif ruled from.

And with an outsider, Victoria and I didn't speak knowing the value of silence as the guard quickly brought us into the Blue Palace but as we got into the Blue Palace there was a bit of a kerfuffle as the guards had no weapons they could take off our forms.

"How in the divines did you even get through the blasted Deadra when you don't even have good steel?" One of the female guards groaned as she checked over Victoria for hidden weapons and in response Victoria quipped flatly.

"With sheer strength of will, magic, and my lord's divine blessings." The guards looked at me with something akin to doubt as though waiting for me to burst into holy light as I unveiled my divine nature.

In response to that expectant look from the three guards, I pulled at my divine blessings within myself and I then rubbed my thumb, pointer and middle fingers together as I drew a rainbow arc in the air with divine sparkles of light cascading downwards as I droned out. "Yes great blessings indeed. Now let's move on, I am ready to rest with my partner and I am surprised that the great warriors of Skyrim need to seize any weapons from us before we meet with your queen." 

The head guard grunted and waved us on while saying somewhat apologetically. "Times are strange now... We must protect Solitude's spiritual heart even if removing the teeth from visiting warriors of note rankles at tradition." 

The heard guard brought me and Victoria up a staircase and in a large meeting room where two people. One being Queen Elisif, and the other being a hooded form that had golden glowing eyes peering out from under the hood and I remembered that the Solitude Court Mage was a vampire.

Not remembering the Court Mage's name honestly I refocused on Queen Elisif and honestly... I was so happy that Skyrim game appearances barely translated over to reality as Queen Elisif was actually beautiful with a regal appearance and soft brown eyes that matched her golden brown hair that were in elaborate curls.

"You stand before Queen Elisif, keeper of Solitude and the rightful High-Queen of Skyrim!" The head guard announced making me wonder where Ulfric Stormcloak was in all this nonsense.

But my thoughts were put down as I bowed my head in Queen Elisif's direction in respect but I did not kneel or anything. 

And that was enough as Skyrim's nobility didn't need their ego stroked by what they considered their lesser getting on their hands and knees to bow to them. Queen Elisif looked upon my form and seeing my Deadric blood-covered form she spoke softly. "You have fought well son of Skyrim, taking the Sigil Stone and bringing your lover back also unharmed. Please tell me your adventure, tell us how you closed the Oblivion Gate and I will do my best to reward you fairly for leading the expedition."



"Son of Skyrim", oh boi here we got politics again... he already smacked a king and a couple o princess with truths so may as well complete the set with a queen. ...though how well will the "Well we are in kind-of-but-not Mortal Kombat for the fate of our realms" will go over is another deal.


Yeahhh he is going to avoid that whole bit. The goal is to get the portal set up in Potema's tomb and get Shadow Garden over in Nirn and begin properly infiltrating the Continent