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With the loyalties of Diva the Vaporeon, and Feebas who needed their own nickname mostly assured as we had common goals along with my general promise to you know... Make them stronger and keep them well fed.

I was sitting on the beach of the little pond with Rose on my shoulders as I was sitting in a small metal chair that was obviously for people to sit in the small pond with their Pokemon and not get their pants wet as the chair was raised up a good bit.

But either way, Ai was sitting next to me as she was wearing some shorts as well so she wouldn't get any of the remarkably clear pond water on her body as we watched Diva and the Feebas playing around in the water for a bit while.

Between watching the Pokemon playing however I was doing a bit of research as I realized that Feebas was going to be a bit harder to train. [Levitation in Water Types a study.] [It is unknown whether it is the mystical 'Aura' base energy all Pokemon supposedly have. Or even if it the Pokemon learning a small amount of psychic energy, but well-trained water Pokemon are able to hover in the air just above the ground.]

I mean just think about how useless water types would be otherwise if they were thrown into a gym battle and they were a Gyarados, Seaking, Horsesea, or any other strictly fish-type Pokemon and they didn't have a large pool of water to reside in and just flopped around on the ground.

So if I wanted Feebas to also grow into a stronger Pokemon and be able to truly fight, I needed to train her to get out of the floppy ground stage. 

And there was also the fact that I wanted enough money to get her a Prism Stone by the time I got to Cerulean City... However, as I looked at my systems store I could also buy it from there though I needed to do more of quests and mini missions it offered to get the shop tokens to get the tokens.

[Princess of Ruination- So when do you plan to fight Brock?] Rias seemingly asked out of curiosity... Or more likely out of sheer anxious desire to see me get stronger and get more access to my system I wasn't sure honestly.

To her question however I shrugged as I laid an arm slightly over Ai's shoulder making her give me a weird look but I winked and joked around to the stream. "I don't know... With Ai landing here, I might just need to take a break for a week to get her used to world and what not."

And Ai being the actress she was, pretended to swoon over my 'consideration' with Rias instantly responding.

[Princess of Ruination- Nope! No! Denied! At least do training if you are just going to be sitting around for Ai to supposedly get used to... Why the hell can't I come there? It's not like I am going to blow up a city or something dammit!?"]

[Maou/Mod- Arceus has already learned the hard way that porn logic makes his world terrible. Should you jump into the world, he could snap your perky tits out of existence with a clippity clop of his hoofs.]

[Virgin Mindcontroller- Jake, I would prefer you to also not be messing around. Here though, maybe this can help?]

I blinked as Lelouch of all people donated something and my face twitched violently reading it with Ai next to me coughing loudly as she was currently taking a deep breath of relaxation before the donation came through.

[User Virgin Mindcontroller- Has donated three ounces of refined high-grade Sakuradite and a Knightmare Frame... Due to the Sakuradite's highly radioactive nature and ability to be a high-temperature Semi-Conductor, the user has acquired 1-Fire Plate, 1 Eternally High-Grade Fire Stone, 1 True Mega Stone of Choice.]

I looked at the True Mega Stone with some curiosity and it expanded to show off more information. [True Mega Evolution Stone. Returns the chosen Pokemon to their Primeval Form by making the Pokemon evolve into that state permanently.]

And now I was stuck in a conundrum... Do I get the mega stone for Feebas for when she evolves into Milotic or Rose for when she evolves into a Gardevoir? Out of curiosity I went into my system store to find the True Evolution Stones and grimaced at the cost of each being a flat five hundred credits which meant that I needed to beat five gym leaders or a hundred trainers in order to get one of them.

The difference was the Feebas only needed to evolve in Milotic via wearing a heart scale and being in an emotional moment to evolve. Whereas Rose as a Ralts still had to do a lot of training to fully reach her potential and evolve into a Gardevoir.

And by that time I would probably have saved up enough credits to buy her own True Mega Stone so with a mental flex of will I had my system give me a Milotite that was deposited into my systems inventory.

[User Virgin Mindcontroller- Has received in return. One Invisibility Cloak, which will block all forms of physical methods of observation should you be properly covered.]

'Well, that can be scary for Lelouch to have.' I thought, as that would allow the mind controller to sneak onto bases and use his Geass to get in and kill leaders a lot easier.

"Huh... A fire stone? How many Pokemon are there that even evolve with a fire stone?" Ai asked as she took out her own phone to look it up and low and behold such information wasn't so freely available but I knew a few.

Obviously, Eevee into Flareon, but there was also Vulpix into Ninetails, and Growlithe into Arcanine... There was also a monkey Pokemon but I forgot its name honestly and that was it honestly? The latter regions in Pokemon seemed to mostly skip over Pokemon evolution stones for some unknown damned reason. Maybe they had some other use though?

I gave a wry smile and said. "I guess Ninetails or an Arcanine would be nice. Though to be honest I am more interested in this Flame Stone." 

[Flame Stone- Enhances Fire Type moves significantly. Also provides protection from fire type moves.] Yeahhh lets just hope that Arceus doesn't hear about me having one of his elemental tablets.

Either way, I said. "Thank you, Lelouch, these things are definitely going to be useful in the future. And may even make this coming battle even easier for Rose as her Mystic Fire isn't going to be that great against an Onyx."

[Virgin Mindcontroller- I have my own reasons for donating such things. I want you to beat Brock as soon as possible."]

I shrugged not knowing what those reasons were so I got back onto my phone while Ai giggled loudly with Rose as they watched Feebas and Diva swimming fast through the pond as Feebas had splashed Diva across the face and earned her ire.

After a bit of typing I spoke aloud. "Alright ladies and gentlemen, two days from now at noon I am scheduled to battle Brock as my first Gym Leader. That will give me enough to get used to Diva's water-type moves and have Rose practice her Confusion and Telekenisis moves more."

Brock's first three gym badge teams were promptly shown and not hidden at all. I wasn't scared of two Geodudes even now with Rose but the Onyx with its sheer bulk and durability to say nothing of its power could overwhelm Rose as she was now. So she needed more training and I needed an ace in my sleeve in Diva.

I looked over at Feebas and smiled with my psychic energy picking the fish out of the water and its dully eyes looked around in surprise as I allowed it to 'swim' through the air making Diva cry out in indignation at how it escaped its claws.

"Feebas, I need to give you a name at some point but I haven't thought of one. But for now I need you to swim back and forth as fast as you can while throwing a Dragon's Breath each time you pass that buoy out there and then swim back to me and repeat." I spoke giving the Feebas some training in doing suicides basically while I looked at Diva with my Pokedex.

[Vaporeon- Moves known- Aqua Tail, Charm, Water Gun, Yawn, Fake Tears, Baby Doll Eyes, Life Dew, Protect.]

It was a pretty decent moveset and she was already a decent battler so I just needed to get her used to actually following my orders in battles.

Whereas Feebas only had three moves in Flail, Dragons Breath, and Splash. With splash being just as useless as in the games unless the Splash gets shot directly into a Pokemon's eyes or something.

[Worst Teacher- Mixed physical training and using its technique for the Feebas is a good idea but you should also try to teach it a new 'move' or whatever if you can to even out its skill set.]

I blew out some air as I said with some annoyance. "And how am I supposed to do that?" 

But in response, I got a ding as another donation came through. [User, Worst Teacher- Has donated five books stolen from the Inumaki Clans library on their clan cursed technique.] [Streamer's Sing move knowledge has been increased as though he has been practicing it for up to five years. User's Sing move can be evolved into Hyper-Voice should more practice or materials be granted.]

And then I burst into laughter seeing what Gojo got in turn. [User Worst Teacher has received 1 Banshee's Veil which can block a single cursed technique or supernatural ability regardless of power once per day.]

As Gojo obviously raged at that bullshit. [Worst Teacher- What the hell is this shit!? I have my Six Eye's and Limitless, I literally don't need any damned protection?]

So while Gojo was being bullied by the system for obviously needing 'protection' I saw Rias and Yor were talking about some stuff in between the system striking Gojo with lightning again while I went back to training my Pokemon with Ai watching with a soft smile as I trained along side Rose in making a large piece of bark float on the water so we could surf over the water.



No kitkat gojo?

Goddess of Victory

TFTC Is it a "flame stone" or a "fire plate"? You called it both. How is an "Eternally High-Grade Fire Stone" different from a regular fire stone.