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After a while of dealing with the monsters I got a little tired and my mind as well slowed down after using my healing spell to heal up the cuts and deep bruises I got from my unarmed style of combat that got me to close to monsters. So I let Delta be the happy murder blender she was.

And as she tore monsters apart, I tried to analyze her style of unarmed slaughter and quickly came to the realization that I didn't have the simple ferocity that she did.

She would happily cut off a monster's head, grab the head while it's in midair, and then spike it like a volleyball into another monster's face to kill said monster... That was a sort of style of combat that I as a human didn't understand.

And Epsilon with her favored weapons of a scythe and razor-sharp strings also wasn't exactly the greatest of combat instructors as we both knew I wasn't a fighter who used perfect movements and control like she did.

But with Delta happily slaughtering monsters to fill our Familia's coffers that let Epsilon and I talk more casually for as much as we could while within the dungeon. Or at least until the dungeon got snippy at how casual we were being and tried to summon monsters behind us.

"Epsilon, you gotta realize the elves of this world... Are a lot more lewd and racist compared to your old world." I spoke somewhat seriously but there was no hiding the amusement creeping into my tone.

And to my words, Epsilon sniffed and said with some annoyance. "Oh, I already know quite well as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Eta. Already have picked up out some of their racist nonsense. Hmph thinking that even holding hands is utterly disgusting to be done with another race and yet they romanticise human and elf relationships despite being racist agaisnt the half-elf spawn."

Epsilon shook her head with her light blue hair swooshing around as she growled. "It's like the elves live in some smutty fantasy book where they idealize the coming together of a human and the perfect elf and then they vilify the result of their union! Its preposterous!"

She actually sounded a bit angry at that and then she chuckled as she giggled and said. "Ohhh Jake... You should have seen Beta's reaction when Alpha made that comparison with her obsession over books and fanfiction. It was quite amusing even if Alpha and Zeta had to stop Beta from going to burn down the elf romance sections in the local books stores." 

My lips twitched as I imagined the white-haired busty Beta smashing her fists on the table as she yelled about this topic being heresy. But just as we were coming around a corner I heard a huge number of shuffling noises as Delta called out excitedly. "Golden chicken!"

As we walked around the corner I saw the most valuable monster in the dungeon until we reached boss monsters and certain special minerals and items in the dungeon that were cockily standing in front of a horde of goblins and kobolds that filled the hallway in front of us.

The Jack Bird... The Jack Bird which when killed would drop a football-sized egg that could be used in making elixers which was worth at base a million Valis.

And was the leading cause of low-level adventurers getting killed as they greedily tried to kill the monster which would then just lead them into a trap.

 "Delta, hunt! Get that bird!" I ordered and the ground under Delta's feet cracked as she flared out her restricted mana which was bound up in the Falna and I saw her beastkin skill of beastial fury that all beastmen had regardless of their beastkin types' origin activate as her tail's fur thickened and I saw her ears get a bit longer on her head.

And with a snarl, she snapped forward as the Jack Bird like a glorious general waved its wing at Delta as though it was a sword pointing the way to victory with the monsters behind the Jack Bird roaring as they charged with their eyes gleaning with mad bloodlust.

The monsters never stood a fucking chance.

Delta was a whirling tornado of violence as her claws swept through flesh and bones like it wasn't even there. Her long tail was like a whip that shattered bones and threw monsters into the dungeon walls so hard that the walls cracked preventing more monsters from spawning.

The Jack Bird realizing that this ambush was a failure and being a clear-cut coward by the dungeon's own will. Tried to turn around and haul ass with its greater-than-level-one speed that was famous for being just too fast for low-level adventurers to catch up to unless it was leading them into a trap.

But even as Epsilon and I joined in to kill the chaff, Delta hearing my previous orders like the hunting wolf that she was, broke through the crowd of monsters just bulling past them as she charged through the thicket of slaughter in order to body slam onto the Jack Bird with a comically loud rooster like cry being abruptly cut off with a gargle as she landed upon it.

"How unlady-like." Epsilon groaned aloud and then she beautifully hopped into the middle of the melee and I felt thin strands that gently sliced through my slime outfit but only caressed my body like a lovers touch before all the monsters went silent as a dozen spinning wires that was attached to Epislons outfit retracted into her slime suit with all the monsters falling in piles of dismembered flesh.

And beyond how impressive it was that she could actually avoid harming me and even tease me in that attack... Was how her wires attack didn't destroy a single fucking monster stone as they carved through the monsters!

"Good job Epsilon. That was a beautiful technique." I complimented her honestly and then my lips twitched as I heard the thumping of Delta's tail as she with the corpse of the Jack Bird hanging in her hands as she crouched at my feet with her looking up at me in wonder.

"Delta got the birdy boss!" She announced proudly with all but stars in her eyes as she panted with joy making me burst into chuckles at how earnestly adorable she just was.

'Fucking dungeon knowing we were only level ones... It sure lost out today.' I thought as I gave Delta the eye-rolling head scratches that made her eyes roll up into her head as my fingers dug into the creases behind her wolf ears and made her growl and grunt in deep joy.

"Yes, Delta got the birdy... And due to that, Delta gets to have whatever she wants for dinner tonight. Now let's get this to the guild to sell it." I spoke as I morphed my hands into claws so I could pluck out the small monster stone from the Jack Bird's corpse and then as the corpse exploded into smoke it left behind a football sized golden egg that we needed to take back up.

'Actually... How much Valis did Zeta and the others gather from the criminals they robbed?' I wondered with my lips twitching at the thought as for all I knew that crazy catgirl slaughtered dozens and made off with whole evil families's worth of foundations.

But my thoughts were cut off as Epsilon coughed and said. "Jake, darling may I take the egg, I can hide it on my person so no one can find it as our bags are already filled with monster stones."

I nodded as her words were correct as our bags weren't that big to begin with and gods be damned I wanted some kind of spatial storage dammit. But I handed her the egg and I watched as her slime suit opened up with the egg falling between the large swells of her breasts and then the slime suit closed back up with the tight-fitting slime suit showing no indent from the huge egg?

'Titty pocket dimension strikes again! Its not fair!' I mentally cursed before I stilled as I realized something.

Those tits... Weren't slime? Epsilon's honking honkers weren't fake? 

"Come on! Delta wants to cook steak, chicken, and fish! Fish all for Delta and none for Zeta haha!" Delta cheered as she excitedly pulled at my arm making me smile.

"Alright alright. Epsilon let's go." I spoke with Epsilon taking my free hand as she giggled and helped keep Delta from running off ahead.


We quickly made our way up out of the fourth floor of the dungeon and being smarter I kept Delta out of the Guild while Epsilon discreetly talking with the guild staff about turning in our monster drops in monster stones, the odd goblin fang and Kobold claw... And of course the Jack Bird.

And after a few minutes, Epsilon came out with a swagger in her step and a small pouch of coins that was her carrying a million and some change Valis... Due to the fact that a Millon Valis actually had its own coin it wasn't like she was going to be carrying a literaly cart load of coins.

But then Epsilon handed the purse of coins to Delta and told her. "Delta, take the earnings to Alpha and tell her what you hunted and that this is our earnings. Me and Jake are just going to walk slower back home." 

Delta gave Epsilon a look before she said flatly. "Delta is slow, not stupid. Delta knows you just want to have alone time with the boss... But fine! Delta can just sleep with the boss tonight hehe!" She cheered with Epsilon's face twisting at the blunt reminder about how Zeta and Delta for the next few nights have made it their fucking mission to snuggle up and sleep with me through the night.

And to Delta's very pointed fact Epsilon with zero shame said with a haughty laugh after she got over that sleeping reminder. "Then run along Delta, go tell Alpha and our goddesses we will be home in a while." 

Delta gave Epsilon a queer look before shrugging and taking the money before she ran off giggling with joy at going to pick up a bunch of meat to eat with dinner.

"So Jake would you care to take a little walk with me?" Epsilon asked softly as she transitioned from holding my hand to holding my arm agaisnt her chest slightly.

I gave a small smile and replied. "Alright, theres supposed to be a small park we can sit down and relax in if you want rather than just walking slowly home?" 

Epsilon's eyes at hearing my words widened slightly before she giggled as she spoke with some excitement. "Oh to just lay down up some soft grass and watch the sun's travel across the sky. How romantic is that?" 

I didn't have an answer for that but she didn't seem to need one as she happily hummed as we walked towards the park walking through the busy early afternoon rush of Orario. 

And once we got to the park I found a nice tree that had some thick grass just below its trunk so I used both our bags as cushions. "Come on and lay down," I spoke with a smile with Epsilon smiling as she sat down with her legs extending past mine as she relaxed with her back going into my chest and my arms held by her own were wrapped around her chest just below her breasts.

I gave a soft humming noise as I cuddled with Epsilon her soft blue hair tickling my chin as she gave herself over to my embrace as we lazily looked at the people playing around in the park. Kids playing a game of what looked like tossing a frisbee. Older teens and adults were relaxing in the thick soft grass while reading their books.

Things were nice and relaxing though I did notice some looks being thrown my way as people looked at our little interracial couple with some looks as I saw a trio of younger elven maidens flushing and pointing at us while whispering.

"You wondering what they are whispering about?" Epsilon spoke softly as she softly trailed a finger across the length of my arm.

I gave a slight hum as I spoke quietly but bluntly. "Don't particularly care to be honest." 

Epsilon chuckled and then her voice turned teasing as she spoke with a conspiratory tone in her voice. "Should we give them something to really gossip about darling?" 

Epsilon gave a small squeak of a moan as I gave her titty a small pinch as I said dryly. "We are in public." 

But as her arm slowly caressed my hand that was near her breast she whispered quietly. "We can make our slime outfits cover everything?"

I took a deep breath as Epsilon started rocking back and forth in my lap and I said bluntly. "I was wrong... All elves are just horny. You girls are just more open about it."


The Kriegan

Writing a kink? My man it only gets better. That’s fuckin hilarious


Imagine the proud elves reactions to Beta releasing high quality interacial smut stories that are totally wholesome with impregnation and child raising.