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Noxians... Soldiers of the kingdom/empire of Noxus and the people lived with only one creed to follow from that rough land to live within. The strong ruled.

It wasn't a land of might makes right, no they still had some honor and respect for others based on their achievements. But in the end, the strongest of the Noxians ruled and were worshipped for their strength.

Their weapons were blunt, as was their armor thick, and their visages terrible. There was no beauty or craftsmanship in their weapons, only tools of war that were clearly mass-produced via casting metal and with the sharp angle of their armor plating, I had no doubt their armor was any different as well.

I looked upon the Noxian soldiers advancing on the town and I saw the same bloodlust the members of Evilus had back in Danmachi but where their bloodlust was driven by gods literally brainwashing them. These men and women wanted to slaughter this town in the name of glory and to show their strength.

"Violence... Well, it's good that I am one of the best in that." I muttered as I snapped my fingers and then in front of me came two of my summons. One of my oldest summons in the Wulfrim Drone and standing proudly atop the drone was my oldest and most faithful summon. Sir Fluffykins the First.

With the demented squirrel sentry mounted atop the drone and carrying his new favorite weapon in a Clockwork Assault Rifle that I got from killing the Wall of Flesh. "Deal with the raiders Sir Fluffykins." I spoke and the drone shot off with my squirrel companion cackling madly as it began shooting ricocheting everywhere meteor rounds.

For a moment I considered calling upon more of my summons and just drowning the Noxian forces in a tide of dimensionally shifted and thus invincible monsters and creatures to these mortal warriors. But before I could do so I saw a trio of flames walk past Sir Fluffykins hail of gunfire that was streaming on the soldiers who were screaming in the hail of gunfire.

And trying to escape the mad squirrel or trying and failing to shoot them down with a bow.

"A Yordle and a human warrior... You don't look Ionian." A voice spoke gruffly and I blinked as I saw a large man stalking out of the glare of the large torches and from there I saw a very familiar man with thick Noxian armor that had large spikes on his shoulder pauldrons. He had black backwards swept hair and his face was clean shaved with a scar over his eye.

And being held almost nonchalantly in one hand was a fucking massive axe... Not even an exaggeration, the axe was longer than the six-foot-tall man and seemingly made entirely out of metal that had seen countless battles.

Wordlessly I summoned the Breaker Blade into my hands with a flash as the massive eight foot long sword that a near copy of Cloud's Breaker Blade from Final Fantasy settled into my hands with it dipping down slightly before I got control of the massive blade.

"Heh, a mage who uses a warriors weapon, this should be interesting." The man muttered and I took a breath as I retorted frankly.

"Darius of Noxus... My name is Jake Bariss, and I will be taking your life today." I spoke and he raised an eyebrow but before he could reply I dashed forward with my wings flaring out in a flare of light as I came down on him with an explosion of mana going off from my sword slamming into the shaft of his axe that he brought up to block my sword.

And as our weapons met, I glanced at his elite guard or warriors following behind him and already my accessory based summons were dealing with them so I just focused on Darius as he shoved me back a dozen meters with a grunt of effort.

'No falna.. But he is physically stronger than me. What a world Runeterra is to make pure physical monsters like this.' I thought with a grin as my adventurer instincts that sought a challenge to push myself ever upwards roared for me to destroy this challenge in front of me to push myself ever higher in strength.

I came back down upon Darius with his massive axe making terrible storm-like sweeping motions that threw up stones and debris with every swing. The mere force of his blows was great enough that the winds coming from the blows knocked over the surrounding old Ionian sakura blossom tree's filling the air with light pink petals that reflected the countless lights of fires lit up in the surroundings.

Darius had two things over me, his pure strength, and at least a dozen years of wielding an axe to carve people apart with his strength.

I more than had speed on him, along with reaction times, and as he slammed down my sword into the ground and went to punch me in the face with an armored gauntlet I stomped forward and my form became after images moving too quickly for the eye to see.

With Darius being blasted backward more than a hundred feet away as I dashed forward using my Chuthulu Shield.

He got up all but instantly with a grunt of effort but there was no real harm upon his form and I blitzed towards him again but seeing a smile inch on his face I instinctively flew up into the air and for good reason as where I was standing two spinning axe blade like swords smashed into the grounds and somehow bounced off the gound and back into the treeline.

And from the tree line came another man who shared a bit of similarities with Darius but was a bit thinner and not a fuck off huge gym rat-like physique that Darius had. But his dark black hair was so pointy and sharp I realized who it was even without the spinning axes as that hair reminded me so much of Vegeta.

'The Noxian Brothers... This can be a bit much.' I thought but then a loud rumble came through the forest and Darius cursed and looked at Draven his 'brother' with a glower as he growled. "We weren't to release Sion until after the Ionian's responded with an army."

To which Draven replied almost flippantly but it was clear he was annoyed as well as he retorted. "You try to make the big monsters stay in it's cage. Unless you chop off its limbs you can't stop that undead freak of nature."

And Darius's face curdled before he snarled and said. "Where is the mages then? What were they doing?"

And even Draven was looking annoyed as he said flatly. "Playing at making new monsters with the corpses they collected of course." 

All this bullshit was just ignoring me... And I was fine with that as it let me cycle through my options in hearing that Sion the mad undead giant was here and I had no illusions that should Darius be more than my physical match, then Sion would be far... Far more physically strong and durable so I needed to be ready switch to magic and attrition tactics to wear him down.

I took a deep breath and then with my sword popping back into my inventory I switched to an Adamantine Rifle I made with base Danmachi materials after I entered hard mode. And with a loud clanging noise, Darius by pure instinct after seeing me summon the rifle into my hands raised the blade of his axe in front of his head with the loud clinging noise ringing out as my bullet collided with the blade of his axe.

"It's rather rude to ignore me... And seeing as you think so little of me, how about you play with my friends then." I spoke and then snapped my fingers and I could feel my soul pulse as I activated the Eater of World's enchantment and my summoned massive worm exploded out of the ground in front of me with it arcing up into the air and was clearly about to slam home onto the two under my orders.

Darius and Draven both split apart as they dodged it with Draven quickly yelling out as one of his axes went through the head of my summon without harming it in the slightest. "The monster is an illusion or a ghost of some kind, my axes go through it so kill the brat." 

'Huh well in the absence of dimensional magic that can affect my summons... Killing me is certainly the right choice.' I thought blandly but as they charged towards me I flared out my mana to activate my Brain of Chuthulu summon's ability and both of them dashed past me as I projected an illusion of myself flying backwards and shooting magical bolts at them.

With both of them running past me I turned around slowly and I summoned my Magna Canon one of my favorite magic weapons due to it being in the shape of a gun and thus very easy to aim. I pulled the trigger sending a blue and red bolt of swirling magic towards Draven.

Only when the magical bolt was manifested was my invisibility broken with the illusion fading but at that point, my magical bolt had reached Draven and with a loud burning and crunching noise, his side was burnt and flash-frozen under the temperature of the sun and an insanely low temperature violently met with his flesh being the canvas for the meeting to take place.

Darius seeing Draven carefully collapse while holding his charred side didn't yell out or anything he just gave me an odd look and then as a series of loud thumping rang out from behind me I mentally cursed as I flew up into the air as a roar rang out as Sion exploded onto the scene with trees, boulders and nothing standing up for a minute under his undead mana filled might as he charged towards me.

"Wow... Darius, Draven, and Sion. I think this calls for a bit of a tactical retreat." I muttered to myself as while I flew up into the air. I could see a mile-wide column of seemingly endless torches moving this way and I realized that, this wasn't just a simple raiding party. This was a literal invasion of Ionia.

And for all my power, unless I decided to summon a bunch of bosses in which I had no control over. I didn't have an answer to wiping out an entire fucking army. Not yet at least as I hadn't been able to get true Hard Mode weapons.

I looked down at the town that was engulfed in fire as my summons did their best to slaughter the raiding Noxians but there was just simply not enough of them despite my summons being for the most part far more dangerous then any individual Noxian. And seeing the people flee I bit my lip as I realized that if I was going to put my life on the line to fight these three...

Which I really shouldn't honestly. I needed to be more smart about it.

So I took a breath and then exhaled as I naturally took back out my Breaker Blade knowing that Draven wasn't going to be an issue for now. "Sion!" I called out making the five-meter-tall zombie monster who made Solomon Grundy look tiny as Sion had this massive glowing fire in his chest that kept his body animated. And just below his chin and seemingly welded or wired into his jaw was a large pointed crown.

The undead monster looked at me with glowing red eyes filled with hatred for all life and without a shred of hesitation I shot at him in the face with my Magna Canon.

He his large dark grey hand snapped up and blocked the exploding magical bolt and my face twitched seeing his unharmed flesh that resulted from that affirming my decision as I called out. "Come and face me, monster of Noxus!"

Sion chuckled loudly with his terribly deep gravelly voice rumbling in my chest like a fire work going off entirely too close despite the distance between us. "I do not bleed little mage... What challenges do you pose me?" 

To which I responded by squeezing something I really didn't want to. I activated the multi boss summon for the Eater of Worlds. And in an instant, I felt the world go silent before multiple howls of madness rang out as ten Eater of Worlds bosses that made my full-size Summon of its form pale in comparison to their true size bloomed from the surface with the ground rumbling and both Sion and Darius both shuddering in place.

As I was reminded that the reason Orario got into a good bit of trouble was the fact that I had no control of my massive boss summons. "Good, then if I am no challenge... Then you fuckers can have fun with these haha!" I laughed as I took out a star-shaped bottle from my inventory.

And under Darius and Sion's hate-filled eyes I drank the random teleportation potion and I was automatically teleported fifty miles away with a loud crackle of energy being left behind from my teleportation.



He's going to need an eater of galaxies to bring back to deal with the eater of worlds infestation he just released. THEN an eater of universes to deal with that one!


Ehh he has reached hard mode gear. He can kill them fairly easily and truthfully so can the Noxians with three champions and their mages/elite units


Would be funny if Noxus started to worship Jake as the 'Envoy of Strength'. We overcame this trial (Eater of Worlds) and were rewarded(goodie bags)!