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Unbidden I remembered how there was a stark lack of men in this hell hole of a universe due to how the Waifu Catalog was more likely to gender-bend any clones they had of them to have a better chance of selling or otherwise using them. 

"You two are vampires huh." I spoke out with a wry smile as I prayed to every single god in existence for help as the more cheery-looking vampire maiden in the blue-haired girl named Chess happily nodded.

But she didn't respond as she looked over to her compatriot with the blond hair drills and said excitedly. "Horn! We can't kill him, he has some magic in his blood and it will be so nice to have some stronger male blood to drink!"

I shivered hearing that as I knew... Physically wise I was nowhere near able to deal with a Owari No Seraph Vampire, as I knew that the humans of that world literally had to make contracts with demons of all things to get the strength remotely match even their weaker kin.

'Do I take the hit to my pride and let them just drink my blood?' I wondered as so long as I survived, I could take the hit to my pride as I could always get stronger.

But then with a hum the blond-haired woman sniffed and said. "Hmm, I suppose so, alright I will drink this one, and you get the other. Then with our appetites sated, we can top it off with some of his blood to make sure he survives." 

The blond-haired woman pointed at Ada Wong for herself to drink and even now the Asian mercenary had managed to sit upright even if her dull eyes meant that she was still dealing with the effects of being strangled for god knows how long.

"Wait, no!" I called out as I hefted up my gun making Chess the blue-haired vampire give me a giddy smile as she giggled at how I stepped in front of Mizuhara.

"Look, you can drink my blood but don't kill my friend alright." I spoke out but even as I was speaking I was going through my bracelet on it's hidden setting. And with two thousand points after killing all those zombies I did have some points to work around with

Horn the blond-haired vampire spoke up frankly with amusement as she hefted up Ada Wong uncaringly with a single hand that held her up by her sweater while her other hand was holding Ada's head by the hair to expose her neck. "Young man, you are being offered the delightful position of being our pet, we will protect you and our bites aren't unpleasant I assure you. Just move out of the way and there needs not to be any bad blood between us as your owner." 

Her voice was richly cultured and her every move was gracefully... But that didn't change the fact that she saw me as naught but cattle to be fed upon at will. And even should I surrender... Letting Mizuhara be killed was the last fucking thing I could do as a man. 

So I smiled and as Chess all but teleported in front of me with her extreme vampiric speed that my eyes couldn't track I had spent a thousand points on a single consumable, the moment the item entered my hands she blitzed backward with a brief look of fear entering her eyes.

As laying in my hand was an egg-shaped object encrusted with jewels and with a cross embossed upon the top of it. The Holy fucking Hand Grenade of Antioch was in my hand.

"Well!? Come on, you want a bite of pure holy light rated to kill all undead in a mile radius?" I taunted even as Horn's red eyes snapped the cross atop the hand grenade with her eyes's whites going red as the holy aura of the grenade burned her eyes for even attempting to look upon its glory.

Chess pouted and yelled out. "That's not fair! You aren't some blessed saint, so why do you have that!?" 

Taking a breath I ignored her complaints as I spoke frankly. "Horn Skuld, let her go, and walk away. I don't want to use this. But if I have to use this on you two I will happily do so." 

It was less of being afraid of using it and wasting it. As the grenade did have a full five second fuse and these vampires were stupidly fast. Plus I wanted to make sure Horn didn't just snap Ada Wong's neck to get at me.

Saying Horn's full name made her glare at me slightly before she visibly thought about something and responded in kind in an even if sort of flat manner. Even as Ada tried and failed to remove the blond's steel-like hand around the back of her throat. "You defend yourself and your lover, I respect that. But she is an outcast who did not meet the item quota for our group."

I looked at Ada Wong's wrist to look for a bracelet and seeing none I shrugged and said evenly. "So she is dead to you guys. Thats fine, kicking her out is one thing but-"

Before I could continue Chess cut me off with amusement. "Human, we are part of the Bloodriver Clan... We are a group of human-eating monster waifus and she joined the clan of her own volition." 

I gave Ada a look of 'what the fuck were you thinking?' But regardless I said firmly. "As I said previously... Let her go, I do not want to see a human die in front of me."

Both vampires gave me looks of pity with Chess reaching behind her back to a small backpack they had to obviously carry any Primordial Energy Items they found. And from the pack she took out a baseball that made my bracelet buzz letting me know it was an item of value. "Here catch." She said and then she tossed it up gently with that ball going just above my head.

My eyes naturally slipped up to the ball going over my head and then my brain screamed as I snapped down to look to see...

A loud crack rang out and I felt a blinding pain in my hand as my fingers were hurt but not broken only due to my aura as Chess kicked the holy hand grenade out of my hands and into the distance. But before I could react and pull up my shotgun up with my other hand as Chess looked at me in amusement. I heard a choked gurgle from behind me.

I slowly looked behind me and I froze that Horn had sped behind me and Mizuhara's Vector was broken in half as Horn punched through it and into Mizuhara's chest leaving a gaping small fist-sized hole through her chest.

I barely felt Chess pick me up by my jacket and sweep me off my feet so I would hang in her arms as her mouth instantly fell onto my throat greedily to drink my blood with her expansive breasts pushing into my chest and side as she began drinking my blood as her fangs could somehow pierce my aura.

I watched Mizuhara staggered backwards with her collapsing onto her knees as she covered up the chest wound while Horn licked her hand of the blood that covered it. "Hmm not bad for a simple human. Needs some magic and more vitality but beggars can't be choosers I suppose." Horn muttered to herself as she reached for Mizuhara's head and that woke me up.

Disregarding the cost of it. Even as I realized that Chess was holding both my hands beside one another with her smaller hand at my chest I growled making her tense as I bought another Holy Hand Grenade and without an instant of hesitation, I snapped off the cross atop the hand grenade making it's fuse go off.

Chess dropped me to the ground as she dashed towards Horn and seeing that they both dashed off but a double set of loud cracking noises rang out with both of them tripping as their legs were shredded as Ada Wong had collected my shotgun.

"Wait! She doesn't need to die, I can change-!" Horn yelled seeing my bloody grin as I held up the grenade towards them and then I threw it at them and with a blinding flash as the grenade flew at them I was completely blinded by a burning golden light that made the ground itself rumble even as the blinding light didn't harm me in the slightest.

And then abruptly all the light faded and I felt all the more hollow from it as I felt for a split moment the wrath of god for the worlds evils and his protection covering me. But as I opened my eyes to see the charred remains of the two vampire women whose clothes were all but untouched... I felt no victory in this.

I stumbled over to Mizuhara with my eyes blurring as I collapsed and grabbed hold of her kneeling form as she faded away. "No no no... Not now." I whispered as I flared my aura trying to unlock her aura. To heal her or just do anything!

But there was nothing, my aura found no purchase in her fading soul, my aura wasn't a healing semblance of any kind that I knew of. My points from buying those two hand grenades are utterly spent so nothing like a Sensu Bean could be bought to have the recovery power needed to fix her.

And like a whisper on the wind, I heard her whisper while choking weakly. "Love you." And then Mizuhara's form went limp against my body with my own body going stiff as I felt her body lose the last bit of rigidity it had and go completely limp.


I remained there for a long minute as my mind raced to find any way to fix this, magical spells that could heal. Their energy source was beyond the points I had, consumable healing potions, or anything like that... Also costing at least five thousand points at a bare minimum.

There was nothing I could do. Literally, nothing I could do. 

I slowly let Mizuhara lay down on the soft grass field in the middle of track field and after a moment I felt something metal hit me in the shoulder. And Ada Wong's blunt voice rang out. "Your PEI items, give them to me."

My vision dulled as I turned slightly and saw her holding my own shotgun at me... And that.

Before she could even react I lashed out with my hand slapping the gun away from me that went off with a loud series of banging noises making the gun obviously shoot up over my head and then I speared my shoulder into Ada slamming her into the ground and as I felt her let go of my shotgun and her hands went to my face to gouge out my eyes I thickened my aura around my face and closed my eyes.

But even with my eyes closed I was on top of her... And without hesitation, I lifted up my hands and then brought both my fists down directly onto her face making her groan as my double hammer blow concussed her and made her stabbing fingers fall as her brain stilled.

"I fucking saved your life! My lover fucking died for you!" I snarled as I punched her across the face twice quickly with her crossing her arms over her face to protect it and seeing her trying to cover her face made me feel like she was trying to justify and protect herself from her own actions.

"And after that... You just try to rob me!" I snarled and with one hand I pushed aside her arms with aura-enhanced strength and then with my other hand, I grabbed the knife I had at my waist and in a moment of clarity as I brought it down. I had a thought. 'Is this right?'

But that thought didn't have nearly enough time to be considered as I slammed the thick hunting knife through Ada Wong's throat with it cracking through her spinal cord and sending a spitting spray of blood over my hands and arms.

Ada Wong's dark black eyes stared into mine judgingly for a long moment as I froze at what I had done. And then her eyes went dull as her crippled body was quickly bleeding out due to her throat being torn open along with her spine being severed.

I sat there atop Ada Wong staring silently at my gore-covered hands, unsure what splatter of blood was Mizuhara's or even Ada's... And I was just exhausted, I was done.

Covering my face with my bloody hands I screamed as I rolled away from the corpse and I threw a fucking tantrum. I screamed into my hands as even in the throes of my mental agony I knew I shouldn't gather more attention. I kicked the soft grass below my feet, I cried and I begged for help.

But there were no gods in this corrupted hellhole of a multiverse that was multiple horror and cryptid universes that devoured the other.

Even as I laid there with my tears and screams dried up into exhaustion as I stared up at the dark black sun above me, I got a ding from my system.

[Jake... Saw you lost your girl. That fucking sucks but get your ass up and get back to things. You can get the Rinnegan, you can get the Dragon Balls, and you can do so many things to bring her back without her even remembering dying. So don't bitch out on us dude. Also, we saved her soul with her being a waifu clone so just get powerful enough to call it or make a new body for it - Sponsor.]

For a moment I wanted to rage, I wanted to scream at him for saying how I needed to just fucking get back into the hell that was this life. But with a repressed sob, I sat up, with my breath stuttering as I took deep breaths I got up and I grabbed my shotgun as a man needed to do what he had to do.

I was going to bring her back, I was going to give Mizuhara a good life, as I knew down to my very soul that she loved me and what kind of man would I be if I just shut down.



Now I need Doom music, and him kicking ass

Haggeo Gomez

How do I ask for more of this? I’ve got the cash and the need to read more of this.


Sorry didn't see this but yeah you can have a higher commission tier or go to my Kofi and directly commission however much.