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After healing a half dozen more people with the same iterations of the Th'Um, the doctors came to realize something interesting. When I used the words for 'Flesh Restore' their bodies would be totally restored to an unharmed state and that went beyond just the loss of limbs and similar afflections.

They regrew brand new undamaged teeth instantly. Their hair was restored to a shine, pus, and filth would be pushed out of their skin as their pores healed and removed any debris. And a doctor who had a spiritual technique that scans people got even more in-depth with my healing.

Sure I wasn't de-aging people totally but the people I did heal probably got a good couple dozen years probably added to their lifespan. As my healing smoothed out genetic issues and healed any damage to their internal organs while even re-invigorating the half-lives of cells within the body so they could split and reproduce more without breaking down.

But my healing for all that it was powerful was also a strain on me as after healing seven people in total I was basically wiped out mentally even if I could use the Thu-Um to deal with any physical damage to my body by its use.

"Hmm, your healing is honestly above even what powerful Sorcerers who have Reversed Curse Technique can do to themselves. But you have a clear mental limit to your healing... Here, you are definitely a S class doctor." The head doctor spoke making me blink as he handed me a new laminated identification card that had a large blue S stamped on it.

After looking at the identification I asked with some confusion. "I assume that being S class is very important?" 

The head doctor looked at me with something in his eyes that... Disturbed me before he said frankly. "Yes Jake Bariss. You are one of four Special Grade Healers in the world with your addition. With the techniques aimed at you during the tests, we are sure that so long as you can speak your words and the recipient hasn't been dead longer than fifteen minutes you can all but resurrect them. Maybe even longer if their brain has oxygen being pumped into it." 

My lips twitched hearing that as I knew what the term S class or Special Grade meant for Jujutsu Sorcerers, Curses, Devils and other entities. Special Grade meant that the recipient had the potential to change the world around them.

"I mean it can't be that-" I meant to speak to hopefully get this pushed down as I wasn't ready for this kind of heat but the head doctor said frankly.

"Your words of power heal wounds infected by the Cancer Devil, Jake that just doesn't happen. That burn victim you restored? That was the sorcerer who survived a battle with a greater dragon. Their flames are spiritual in nature and even Reverse Cursed Technique can't heal burns via their flames you have to remove all the burnt area's and allow the person to slowly regrow their flesh." The doctor listed off examples of my healing that made my face still.

He then pointed at the card and said honestly. "The fact that you healed people who should have died within the next couple of days means that your healing is beyond even Tsuki Karins as she couldn't heal them at all." 

I sighed and took the identity card with a frown as I knew I would need to double down in training lest some parties try to make off with my form as I knew that I was going to be a major target now. "Alright, then send my day's wages to my account. I am going home now." 

The old head doctor smiled and said with his hands up in surrender. "Young man, I don't mean to put so much stress on you. But look at the bright side, you will make just as much money as a Special Grade Sorcerer doing a mission just being on our retainer doing five healing sessions every other day unless it's a true emergency." 

There was a moment of silence before I matched his smile. 

As that... Was a fuck load of money and even in this apocalyptic world, the various forms of currency still had value to some extent.

I left the head doctor's office and I realized that I didn't even get the old man's name as everyone referred to him as just 'Doctor' the whole time I was there. But as I wondered if I should go back to get his name My phone went off in a ding meaning I got a message.

Looking at my phone as I made my way down a thankfully empty elevator I hummed as I read the message I got. [Anya and Alyx Usu, 'Maids/Housekeepers' Have been delivered to your domicile Jake Bariss. ]

'Well it seems like I need to make my way home now.' I thought as I felt a bit nervous at the thought of Anya and Alyx coming to live with me.

Thoughts of 'did I pick the right one?' or things like. 'Would we mesh well and get along?' Rang out in my thoughts as I made my way home and thankfully nothing got in the way of me getting home as I walked across the Kyoto Jujutsu Tech's campus to the residential district to my nice private villa house.

Once I got to my house I took a breath and as I unlocked my door and opened it. I called out. "I am home?!" 

Coming into the three-bedroom, two-full-bath apartment I heard movement in the living room and then in unison they stepped into the hallway from the corner with the twins with slightly different shades of hair holding hands.

Both of them had slightly different shades of red hair with Alyx having more orange-red hair while Anya had darker maroon-red hair. But both shared matching blue eyes that were rather similar to my own blue eyes when I wasn't using the Thu-Um.

"Anya, Alyx. My name is Jake Bariss." I spoke trying to give a good first impression as I put down my folders and other stuff on a side table while maintaining eye contact with them.

Alyx the more energetic and social with the orange hair gave a wide smile at my greet however and said excitedly. "Hello Jake! I wanted to thank you for picking us! As no one else wanted us as a package deal and we were going to be thrown out of Jujutsu Tech in the next week if you hadn't picked us!"

I held in a reaction as I saw Alyx's face twist into a grimace as her sibling seemingly squeezed her sibling's hand hard in warning at saying that.

And clearly trying to salvage a better greeting from her remaining surviving triplets verbal barrage. Anya gently bowed her head to me and said more formally. "Jake, my sister and I will be in your care from now on. Are there any ground rules you would like to set for the three of us?"

Smiling I walked forward and both girls moved out of the hallway into the living room where the two of them went to sit on the couch while I took my beloved large love seat. And once we were all seated I began speaking. "Well... Seeing as I have rent covered obviously, I only have a few major rules, I have my own bathroom, don't make a lot of noise in the early morning hours as I plan to sleep in, and this love seat is mine!" I said fiercely.

I was a man... I had the beloved love seat that I refused to share, and I refused to have my bathroom utterly destroyed by these two beautiful ladies undoubtedly endless beauty products. Hair care tools, make-up, towels for different parts of their body, and all the other stuff that belonged in their own hell!

The girls shared a look before smiling and nodding with Alyx tilting her head to the side and asking with a small flush entering her cheeks. "Uhm, what about sleeping arrangements?"

I blinked at hearing the question and said frankly. "Ah. Well there are two extra bedrooms so you two can split them however you want. But I thought you both already moved in?"  

Anya coughed and with a deeper flush entering her cheeks she spoke quietly. "Ah... My sister was asking where you wanted us to. You know." She led on making me cover my face with a hand at how I missed that.

 I took a deep breath and tried to be relaxed as I said kindly. "Whatever happens, happens. I am well aware that the school wants more Sorcerers born. But I won't force you guys into anything."

At my firm statement once again the girls shared a look I couldn't decipher and then Anya stood up from the couch and said with a small smile. "Very well. With how accommodating you have been, is there anything in particular you would like for dinner before we turn in?" 

I was honestly rather exhausted after the whole being reincarnated and running around all day. So I said easily. "Just something easy, I want to get to bed and rest soon Anya. Thank you." 

As Anya went into the kitchen to begin cooking I walked her walking into said kitchen with a nice sway to her hips that drew my eye but as she entered the kitchen Alyx got my attention with a slight cough and looking at her I saw her grinning as she held out her cell phone and as I tried to read the article on there I stilled as her voice hit my ears.

"Jake is it true that you got named as a Special Grade support Sorcerer?!" She asked excitedly.

And low and behold was the damned news article with a fucking video depicting Toji fucking Fushiguro speaking at a podium with under the video being the title. [The Fourth Special Grade Supporter Sorcerer in the world has been employed at Kyoto Jujutsu Tech!]

'Oh I am just fucked.' I thought reading that.



Now Jake just has to use the shout 'Slen Tiid Vo' at the burial site of the deceased triplet. May as well make said target painted on his back continent sized when he starts bringing back the dead like Alduin did.

SW fan

Nah that wouldn’t work as Skyrim dragons have their souls attached to their bones while human souls move on, the most it would do is repair any physical damage

Goddess of Victory

TFTC forgot about this one so I re-read it, no regrets except that now I want more


wait till they find out he can revive the dead with Vokrii lol