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Four days... Four days of stress of thoughts of failure in my plan but after four days, I was awash with more than a couple hundred points that I could get so much with or just spend it all on talents to make myself stronger and so much more.

Boa Hancock had stamped herself and her siblings, and once the stamp had gone through. I sold them without a thought as I knew that besides Boa being hot besides that forehead that was bigger than my own head, she was a ruthless pirate queen who made their dues killing and looting ships on the sea.

There was no love lost, or otherwise, regret within myself at selling her away as in reality if I wanted a waifu or even a bro/husbando I could literally buy one right now if I wanted too. Either way with the Kuja Pirates dealt with in terms of getting points off of them we were quickly making our get away through the Calm Belt via using Belfast's nature as a modern ship that actually had fucking engines.

So with our points secured I had Belfast, Kokomi, and Lotara come together for a team meeting. "Alright... So we need to discuss this. So for now we can either head west to and have to quite literally cross the entire damned world to get to the New World and Paradise by bypassing Louguetown. Or we head East and cross the Red Line being a large continent to reach the otherside to reach the New World where the majority of our targets are for this world."

I outlined the general map of what we were looking at in terms of travel and what we could do and then I continued. "If we head west we could also try to pick up some lesser targets that still are of intrest in someone like Princess Vivi who I would honestly not mind sticking with us. Or we just don't sell her and leave her alone." 

I then pointed to the otherside in going straight east to the Redline where we would have to pass through the continent holding the World Nobels and the cities like Mary-Geoise. "On the other end, we could skips weeks of travel time at bare minium where Belfast pushes herself to exhaustion to take us across this dangerous world. Now I am suggesting we cross through the Red Line well away from all the World Nobel inhabited territy and just avoid them so we can get to the other side in which we could head directly to the North Blue."

After the girls thought a bit, Kokomi spoke up frankly. "Although Princess Vivi and some others are a decent target of intrest, she herself is only worth five points being only tier three for some reason. And the rest of the targets for the catalog aren't worth much more seeing as the Blue's are weak basically." 

She then matched my own movements and I blinked as she poked the North Blue where a small island was on our interactive map and she said. "We have strong front line fighters in yourself Jake along with Belfast, I can also heal and do some magic to calm the sea's. But in your harem/retinune, you will need more science and engineering-inclined members and Vinsmoke Reiju and the Vegapunk sisters in York and Lilith."

I didn't miss on how Kokomi was trying to even out my would-be harem with members that would be able to expand my group's capabilities and honestly I didn't disagree with her choices especially as the ladies themselves were definitely worth it.

I nodded to her words and Belfast added to Kokomi's as she put a finger on her chin. "Also having a scion of both the Vegapunk and Germa lines would give you some great legitimacy for when you will be going to Whole Cake Island to try to stamp the Charlotte Family for the astounding amount of points you could get there."

Lotara threw in her own thoughts as I looked at her for her own opinion as she said bluntly. "Going for those three would be the best path in my eyes my lord. But it is up to you in the end."

Grunting I imagined the path in my head and besides the unknown issues of the Redline and what would lay on the continent itself. But in the end, it was truly the best path, especially as just past Whole Cake Island was my last island of choice here in the world of One Piece.

'Oh, there is also Dressrosa in the area so I can also cuck that Flamingo fucker of a couple of crew members as well.' I thought with some humor before becoming serious at the reminder of my end goal.

The Island of Wano. I wanted the strength and training by all that time to be able to look Kaido in the eye as I stamped his daughter and the other waifus of the land so that then I can defeat or at least hold my own against him.

"Alright, Belfast adjust course to the northeast, we are likely looking at a good couple weeks if not three of travel over the sea which gives us time to continue our training," I spoke seriously with Belfast smiling and nodding before she bowed her head and said.

"I will be ready whenever you are." She said with her dipping down slightly in a courtesy before she walked out of the room to make arrangments while I mused on whether if I should actually just buy a waifu who could teach me combat better than myself using Angron's memories of slaughter against things that couldn't match him except his brothers.

'So what waifu is good in hand-to-hand combat that can actually meet my own strength to a decent level... As most warrior ladies are masters of weapons, I just want to punch the shit out of anything that gets in my way.' I thought with some annoyance as I tried to find one.


Fight and DIE

you could buy some women from fighting games like street fighter or mortal kombat and the like

Goddess of Victory

Quite a few options, personally I'd recommend Yoruichi because she has experience with teaching, Tomoyo because she can juggle people with kicks, or Tifa because Tifa. Unless you're going the fate route in which case Martha (Ruler) 100%, she may not be the best servant but she beat a dragon into submission with her fists and her ruler (swimsuit) form is more fitting for one piece than her rider (original) or caster (christmas) self.