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Laying down on my bed I looked upon the 'letter of challenge' towards myself that Kuyo gave me and read its contents again. And I honestly felt some respect for the man for handwriting the letter made out of parchment with a brush and ink that he obviously ground himself in accordance with old Japanese style.

[ I pen this letter not out of necessity, but rather out of a chilling resolve that demands acknowledgment. You stand as a figure of contention in the landscape of my existence, and thus I extend to you a challenge—one that transcends the realm of mere words and delves into the domain of visceral truth: mortal combat to the death.

Make no mistake; this is not a gesture of civility or honor, but rather an acknowledgment of the irreconcilable differences that define our discord in sharing space. In the cold embrace of death, the truth shall be laid bare, and only the strongest shall endure this bout.

I harbor no illusions about the gravity of this proposition, nor do I extend it with any semblance of empathy. It is a testament to the primal instincts that govern our existence as yokai—a stark reminder that in the face of adversity, only the ruthless and strongest shall prevail.

Know that I await your response with a dispassionate curiosity, eager to see whether you possess the fortitude to meet me upon the field of battle. There shall be no quarter given, no mercy shown, for in the crucible of combat, weakness is a luxury we cannot afford.

With sincere regards,]

[Kuyo Kasaka]

I gently placed the letter back in its envelope which was lined with thick gold leaves that had a silver clasp with a ruby lock in the form of a nine-tailed kitsune. And then with the letter put away, I tucked the envelope into my hoard as I laid atop the small kiddie pool-sized pile of coins, gems, and other things.

"The date is set for tomorrow afternoon at sundown and set to happen outside the school in the woods so we don't cause too much damage..." I muttered to myself before smiling wryly as I knew things were likely going to be more complicated than just that.

As already Kuyo's security council was acting antsy and cracking down on students who were comparing me to Kuyo. And in turn, Tamao's mermaids sticking up for said students which was putting the school in some rather deep tension.

As I huffed and tried to calm down to get ready to sleep I heard a soft ticking noise that made my ears twitch slightly and I lifted my head from the pile of wealth I was sleeping on in the middle of the room and I looked over and I saw that at my window was Kurumu who was frantically waving at me as she was flying in front of my dorm rooms window.

For a split moment, I considered being an ass and just putting my head down and pretending I didn't see her, but I just matched her smile at seeing me notice her and I walked over with her holding onto my window frame for stability. "Wait a sec, Moka, and Mai are below." She said and the succubus dropped down to the first level of the dorm room where I looked down from my open window to see that Mai and Moka were both actually indeed down there with bags in their hands.

'Huh, they must be wanting to spend another sleepover.' I thought with some humor as Kurumu helped the two flightless women up through my window while I helped them out on my side.

And once we were in the privacy of my room... The girls obviously burst into questions and wondered if I was still ok as I had kept quiet for the school day after Kuyo handed over the letter of challenge. 

"Yeah, I am fine. I already knew this was basically going to happen. Kuyo has lived his entire life being looked at like he was a miniature god in Japan, and now another monster of the same rank if not more feared than his own race's reputation has come and staked out a claim in taking in the mermaids... It is to be expected honestly." I said shrugging in a what can you do manner.

Truthfully I always kinda wondered why Kuyo didn't go after Moka for being another S class monster but then again Moka's father was almost at the Demon Lord/God strength class so it was likely that Kuyo didn't want to be strangled by her father via his own intestines.

While I went over and laid down on my bed to relax while I watched the girls carefully step around my small hoard, Mai came over placed a hand on my shoulder, and asked with obvious concern. "But... Like are you ready for it? Do you even want to fight him, Jake?" 

I slowly nodded and then taking a breath I spoke seriously as I explained why I accepted it so readily. "Kuyo is a man of pride. This confrontation was going to happen at some point anyway as it was inevitable for his goons to go after Tamao's swimming club and I would have refused to pay the tithe he demands." 

After a moment I continued. "To say nothing of my refusal to pay his tithe to live and participate in the school he all but considered his own. My own nature as a dragon and Moka being another S-class monster in a small area and obviously sharing a bond means that he would feel threatened." 

Mai nodded slowly in understanding before sighing and saying tiredly. "It's just... Kinda dumb honestly. Like neither of you two gets anything from killing one another anyway!"

I couldn't help a chuckle and then from memory I recited the challenge letter and Mai's face went flat at hearing the crime of my existence in sharing space with Kuyo was the biggest reason that Kuyo had demanded mortal combat.

"Mai my darling, men are willing to do great and terrible things to keep what they consider their space as their own... It's like getting a roommate for us and then them putting their stuff all over our sink space burying our own mess of makeup, brushes, lost hair ties, and all that other things ladies need to be in our own organized mess." Kurumu wisely preached.

'Is it actually that serious? I mostly wanted to kill him for his eyebrows and knowing he would want to kill me as well?' I thought blankly as all three ladies nodded in solemn agreement to Kurumu's words with Moka saying seriously.

"When my sister tried bullying me and taking over my bathroom, my Rosario popped off with that Moka kicking them through my family's castle... I think that's also partly why I got sent to the human world as well." Moka spoke and then she looked at me and with a flush entering her cheeks she kinda swayed back and forth as she spoke quietly.

"So... We also wanted to come over and share some blood with you so you can be at your strongest tomorrow. Can I lay down beside you?"

I obviously had no issues with that and with Moka taking my right side, Mai on my left and Kurumu carefully laying her head above my waist, I began partaking in the blood of the two on my sides with them taking off their shirts.