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I stomped my foot down and with a flex of will I pulled on Baldur's blessing as field of golden spear constructs shot out of the ground creating a wide baracade of sharp pointy holy spears that the undead ogre golems slammed into with roars of agony.

As Baldur's holy light spears were especially suited for destroying works of necromancers as the golems that rammed straight into the holy quickly broke down within our view... And with how the fleshcrafted golems didn't have any real intelligence?

My field of conjured spears had wiped out an entire squad of the ogres and seeing that the Deadra likely expecting the undead constructs to create a vanguard I yelled out. "Break through the portal!"

Victoria and I dashed forward and as we came closer to the portal there thankfully wasn't any more Deadra that came out, but as we hit the portal I felt that wonderful feeling of disconcerting vertigo as we were grabbed by the portal and then dragged into literal hell.

I kept my eyes wide open as I felt Victoria holding me along with the yells of the soldiers and mercenaries a few moments later as they followed behind us and finally the swirling orange and black energy died down as Victoria and I first exited the portal.

'Fuck.' I thought as I held up a hand as dozens of bolts of lightning and fireballs exploded against my hastily conjured magical denial shield Hecate had taught me. 'They have emplaced mages and-' Using Hecate's blessing of transmutation I force a large column of rock upwards to block huge ballista bolt that fucking exploded at hitting the stone pillar but thankfully my ward stopped any shrapnel from hitting us.

"Fuck it!" I snapped out and my eyes glowed as twin lotus flowers bloomed in my eyes and then as I tapped into Buddha's blessing of enlightenment and total understanding. I formed a powerful beam of destruction that formed between my hands that formed a triangle.

The triangle-shaped beam obliterated the emplacements and fortifications with the beam only stopping as it collided and exploded violently with magical wards on the inside of the castle in front of us.

My face turned up into a grimace as I exited out of the forced calm state of Buddha's enlightenment with twin tears of blood leaking of my eyes and nostrils as the strain of total enlightenment was so harsh on my mortal body. "Mages, block off the portal from more Deadra, warriors with me as we slay the evils attempting to invade the homeland!" I roared and the brave men of Skyrim roared in agreement as they held up their weapons to prove their valor.

Know we were very much on a timeclock, Victoria and I continued towards the evil Deadric castle that obviously held the Sigil Stone that was being protected by whatever lesser Deadric Lord that named this island of rock that was surrounded by a sea of lava his little kingdom.

The castle itself was two large towers with one of them clearly being the entrance as there was a large crosswalk between the two towers a good hundred or so meters up in the air that connected the two evil looking towers.

As we rushed towards the towers, the front door opened up with several armored and armed dremora rushing towards us with their weapons drawn. But Victoria not wanting to be outdone by others all but teleported forward and she enlarged her slime sword to great size so that she could slice through and crush a dozen of the dremora with a single swing and then with a couple spins with that oversized massive sword she bisected the rest of them.

"What a woman..." I heard one of the men behind me say in wonder making me inwardly chuckle as we entered the first tower with it being lit up by fel glowing lanterns that held dark red flames, and glowing inscriptions also provided a lot of the light inside the tower.

'Huh, this honestly reminds me of when I broke into the vampire's red tower back in the Lawless city.' I thought wryly but my thoughts were cut off as a stronger presence entered the room.

"Filthy mortals. You dare to invade the immortal realm of the Deadra?" A stronger Dremora roared out and I knew he wasn't even a Dremora Lord, but as he held up a forming fireball my eyes tightened as a great deal of mana was forming inside that fireball.

I was brutally reminded that with the merging of realms, the Deadra especially would be getting stronger so before he could react I formed a cage of holy spears to form from the ground that pierced through his body in a dozen places making him collapse with his growing fireball exploding like a huge bomb that made my chest thrum with its power even at a damned good distance.

Taking a breath I was happy to see the Nords and others were still on their feet and raring to go so we kept pushing into the large tower with us facing all shapes of Deadra and Dremora... Thankfully Elder Scrolls Deadra/demons were almost all about violence when it came down to it.

So there were no offers of power being given for slavery or otherwise offers of immortality. No, the Deadra hated us for being lowly mortals and we hated for being literally fucking demons so the warriors behind me didn't hesitate in the slightest in crushing the skulls of some bastard imp with their mace, axe, or sledgehammer.

And those sledgehammer-wielding Orcs and Nords were put to good use as Victoria and I would leave previously wounded armored Deadra behind as we led the charge and those sledgehammer-wielding lads happily used their war hammers to smash the armored heads of the Dremora in.

We had a good system honestly. Victoria and I did our murder blender act, and then the warriors behind us made sure to double tap the Dremora via unga bunga smashing their heads in and stabbing the Dremora a good couple of times along with looting their Deadric weapons.



Then what is chapter ten of releases today?

Goddess of Victory

TFTC, when all else fails you can always rely on Unga Bunga.