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For the last week and a half after I finished making my new work facility after the Dwarves and Hobgoblins finally made a new bunker that had Treyni's roots surrounding it so no one could do any more sneaky shit to get into my stores of potions and elixers.

So with the bunker done I obviously began working on the potion that would propel my Red Priest Pathway from a Tier 8 Provoker, to a Tier 7 Pyromaniac who could further inflame people's emotions while also having a great deal of fire manipulation abilities.

Which as a whole was kinda meh, but in reality I knew that the fire manipulation abilities would make my Yatagarsu's flames even stronger. So using a Magma spirit's core along with a fire-breathing gecko's lungs as the base of the potion I began adding the other miscellaneous ingredients to make the potion.

All the while, even as I made my potion. Rimuru who was freshly awoken from her naming coma was keeping watch while also doing paperwork upstairs outside of my bunker. "Now... Bottoms up." I muttered as I took the potion and I felt the gem of the eye of Yatagarasu heating up and making me shiver as the eldritch truth whispered into my ears and mind the secrets of fire.

While the large eye-shaped gem on my chest glowed in response to the information being downloaded into my brain via conceptual effects being swirled together and mixed into one another until being forced to congeal a special effect.

Honestly, my potion and elixir making was a lot like old Norse-style forging of lore... Taking the sound of a cat's footstep, taking the flash of light that was born as a match was lit. Or even something like collecting the ripple from a drop of water falling into a puddle.

But all that culminated in my body adjusting as my core being was elevated to a higher form a living being. Along with to say nothing of my physical body strengthening... But I could also clearly and most happily feel how my mana stores had more than tripled what they previously were!

So with a grin, I flexed my hands as I felt the power settling down within myself as the potion settled into my body almost too easily as my Flames of the Yatagarsu made me just perfect for reaching this tier honestly.

"Let's go check on the others," I muttered to myself as I grabbed my bag and then after locking up the bunker securely as the next set of regeneration skill elixirs were going to cook for the next few days along with a new elixir skill I came up with... An elixir that gave the drinker far greater durability!

Which was just perfect to go along with the elixer of regeneration as it wasn't too complicated or resource intensive... It's only issue was the fact that it took a solid week to make the potion itself so to make up for its longer preparation times. I had to make a great quantity of it basically.

Coming upstairs onto the ground level of my house my lips twitched as I heard shouting. "No! Get away from the kitchen! I want to make a meal that we can all eat!" I heard Shuna yelling.

And in response as I came into the messy kitchen I saw Shion push her large breasts up with her arms as she folded them against her chest while she snorted and replied. "Our lord needs a good hearty meal that will fill his body with strength with my cooking! Not your-"

I coughed out and said blandly. "Ahem... Rimuru is here as well, so Shuna, I would appreciate dinner from you. Shion you come with me." I finished firmly as Shion pouted at being denied. And at being ordered to follow I saw that she perked up.

But I didn't just leave Shuna behind as we briefly talked about what she was going to make for a late lunch in a hearty serving of eggs and some choice cuts of the fire breathing Geko thing, I used actually in the potion I made. "So your potion went well Jake?" Shuna asked excitedly and I nodded as I walked over and gave Shuna a quick side hug with my hand naturally falling around her waist as she worked to scramble the monster eggs she was going to cook.

"Yes, everything went perfectly well, thank you for asking... Anyway, I will let you cook in peace Shuna, I will however be back in a few minutes as I am a hungry man haha." I teased giving her a little squeeze around her waist that made her beautiful pale skin flush across her neck and face.

The beautiful kijin priestess lowered her head to continue her work while I wore a proud smile at making the beauty blush while Shion pouted while looking at me with a scary look in her eyes so I tilted my head to the door before I let go of Shuna and began to walk out.

Leaving the kitchen with Shion following behind me I hummed slightly as I asked. "So I been working in my labs for the last few days. How has the orcs been settling in? Any issues at all that you have noticed?"

Shion at being directly addressed straightened up with her losing that lessening pout as she responded strictly. "No sir! The Orcs have taken up manual labor jobs across our growing town with the Dwarves remarking that although they don't have the natural aptitude for engineering or more precise smithing work. They are hardy laborers who naturally can work long hard days without any physical issues besides mental and emotional strain."

'Monsters that lived for a long while in the dessert that was so inhospitable that they literally needed to eat one another's flesh and drink their own fluids to survive... This lush forest is has plenty of food for them as I have even seen them eating the damned grass without issue.' I thought before shaking my head and saying frankly.

"Well good on them for working so hard. But we can't push them to mental break or anything like that... Even if they feel guilty and want to push themselves to atone for any past sins they need to be able to keep their strength." I spoke with Shion nodding in agreement but by that time we had reached my bedroom where Rimuru was staying within.



I wonder if Jake can be like the human torch and fly with his newly strengthened flames


Will his advances in sequences match rimurus growth speed or will his be slower?


Probably around the same but kinda different as he technically has more stages of growth to go through