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Destanie Butler

YES! This is the best! The two have become great friends. I am just so happy with this page ❤️❤️

Tora Collita

This page is so sweet. <3 Laying in same bed that's this big? Why not. Done it myself with a friend. Done it with sis. Wide enough so both can have their own space, and still not feel alone. I love that <3 Just like slept in same room with few other friends, just to not be alone. On that matter, I'm with Rhov. And like how Feaf said in second panel about her mother. XD


SLEEPOVER! :D And ouch indeed. I was already wondering what happened between Nubia, Thakore and Keodon when I saw the family tree. Will we get to hear the full story one day?


Such a beautiful page! I love seeing them to be such good friends :D And the last panel is so sweet and warm *-* I love how Feaf placed her back paws one on another :)


Aw, the sleepover was pretty sweet. Feaf seems like the type to do this with anyone she knows if they asked. Now I'm sitting here imagining her and Axi having a sleepover like this and just ranting/gossiping about stuff they see in tribes. I also wanna hear that story about her mother, "ouch" indeed. Sounds hilarious.


I’ll admit that this is cute but Rhov is acting like a lil pup that’s scared of sleeping alone. Ik he’s lonely but still...

Hannah P

Is the family tree on the wiki or is it a higher tier award for patreons? I missed it if it's public. o:


This is just so incredibly sweet, just two friends keeping each other company. Rhov’s loneliness and being the only cainine in a village of felines must still be really hard for him. It’s really kind of Feaf to take his offer, she could have declined him if she wanted, but just... my heaaaart!


That's not that kind a bedtime story I thought about, haha! I hope that one day we will hear all story of Feaf's family, how it happend that her mother chose both brothers, sounds little unfair, especially that now she didn't want to stay in Shiverfall. And last panel melted my heart, it looks so sweet when they rest and look in each other eyes. It's fine to me if it's only friendship beetwen them, but I don't mind for something more in the future if Rhov's relationship with Jahla will end. It looks like Rhov for now lost hope of finding his family, and there's possibilty that he may feel something more to someone who gave him some closeness and sense of security. I'm not saying that is good thing, but it's just possible. I really don't understand all the commotion under previous page, it's only comic and I think Kique know what he's doing, we're only readers and we have different opinions, one of us like idea of Feaf and Rhov together, and one of us doesn't, it's normal, nor good or bad. We don't have to agree with everything what's happening in here. And I think if all choises of characters would be good and everyone was pure and always do the right things it would be boring.


aww, they're buddies


Completely agree to disagree, they are not even touching and in a nice big bed. Rhov has been having bad dreams and has been really scared lately and lonely. I've snuggled up beside friends many times in the same bed but we for sure didn't have the hots for each other. Just because they are the opposite gender does not mean they have to be in love or lustful to be beside each other in times of fear or distress.


*quietly scoots them closer together* XD <3 <3


I think, in this moment, their intentions are of friendship. I think the context helps- Rhov feels all alone, insecure, and probably lonely. Feaf has shown herself to be motherly and kind to her friends/family/other members of the group, and Rhov could use a bit of comforting right now. I think there's also an added dimension of comfort here due to her being a feline like his brother. I think there are differences of interpretation due to each of us projecting our own personal boundaries onto the characters. For example, if I tucked a guy friend of mine in bed, it'd be because I was into him and wanted him to get the hint. I did something nearly identical to this to originally get my boyfriends attention years ago. Is that Feaf's intention? I don't think so. I think she's more open and relaxed with giving affection, and with her it might not mean "im into you". I think their relationship (as lovers) has potential and a foundation has been laid, but I'm not sensing that happening at the moment. Maybe it never will? I don't get a feeling that Rhov sees her that way, as he's taken. I'm along for the ride though, whatever happens!


so sweet :)