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I don't know why, but my first thought was that she tells Rhov a bedtime story, it would be precious :D

Tora Collita

One thing's for sure, Feaf cares for Rhov. And for now, I get the sibling-love vibe. Wonder if she tells about her cubhood?


If she does, I really want her to become a mom one day. Such a precious, loving character just can´t not have cubs x)


It's night tales time :D ir lullaby


I not only get sibling vibes, but even mommy vibes haha so sweet

Tahja Tomlinson

Why is everyone getting “sibling vibes” from these two?? That is not the way any sibling of mine would, or should look at me. Not saying her gesture is sexual, she tucked him in. There is nothing sexual about trying to make her friend comfortable. She’s just his friend. Why is it whenever a character; especially a female one does something to a male, she automatically wants him? Rhov’s made it plainly clear he’s not interested in her. How come he can’t have playful conversation with someone who isn’t made? Why can’t any male characters, or even female characters meet a member of the opposite or same sex and just have them be there for them, like show them basically empathy and understanding? Not every gesture is an ulterior motive for finding a mate.

Michelle Koenders

THANK YOU!!! There is nothing wrong with platonic relationships. But it seems almost everyone in every fandom is obsessed with shipping these days...


I think everyone needs to take a step back and calm down a bit. Let's just see where the story goes? If these two end up together eventually or not, this is Kiques story and he will do what he feels is best. We should all just enjoy this story and not become heated over something so trivial. Its a story for goodness sake. And to add, there's nothing wrong with people wanting these two to be together, and there's also nothing wrong with people wanting him to stay with Jahla - None of us are right or wrong, let's stop being so unnecessarily aggressive with our comments and be civil. I feel like people are acting a bit too offended by what other's wish to happen, or what they view as what they interpret in each page. Please let's calm down and enjoy this story as a fandom together, and stop being so petty. Sorry I felt the need to say it, as I'm seeing some getting a bit more uppity than need be. As for me, I'ma just sit back and enjoy this awesome and amazing comic for what it is - and trust Kique to do justice to these characters in his own way - as they are his characters, and this is his story and he's never stirred us wrong before. I get it though , this is some DANG good storytelling so it gets you worked up, but there's a huge difference in being immersed and just being overly nit picky and rude. Thanks Kique for this awesome comic - I for one, will be happy either way Rhov's story goes; whether he finds Jahla again and rekindles his relationship with her, and keeps it going - or if he decides to break it off and starts seeing Fear or anyone else for that matter, as falling out of love with people is something that happens; not too often, but it does - so its not unrealistic. But I do prefer the idea of him with Feaf, but again - I will be happy either way - I just want his character to be happy in the end. Sorry rant over - Mom mode is now back on standby carry on friends! But play nice!