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Vigr is pissed because Roamer who's been here for a short amount of time gets the role of Baron with no effort, experience or knowledge of the tribe dogs?


Hmmmm does Vigr have a problem with Roamer? I honestly wouldn't be surprised/am expecting that


....Vigr must have spotted them. He WAS the one to tell Ronja about what Ranach and Rogio were doing. I am guessing he does not approve of same gender relationships - considering he voiced negatively against it already.


Vigr casting some thick shade

Tora Collita

Oh... Vigr... Did he see Rogio with Roamer, or just confront Roamer as another outsider for being Baron? Both of them look mad and irritated.


Vigr is jealous of Roamer, I'm guessing? This might be the sole reason why Rogio is seen talking to him in that preview


I don't know that him telling Ronja about it was voicing disapproval for same sex relationships. I think he thought Ronja was a fool who would let Ranach in and wanted to giver her ample reason not to. To me, it's too early to tell how he feels about it specifically. Ranach was clearly not well liked by anyone there, and I think Vigr was eager to see him not allowed back


I can't blame him for being irritated about that for sure


...and in the end it's just a scene cut and we see Vigr being angry because Fjall accidentally broke something x)


I'm looking at the Wiki and... Who's Fjall? There's no female named Fjall in Meteor Tribe. there's a Fjallviva in Whispervale, but I can't find anyone just named Fjall.